Activate to gain a Shield equal to 30% of Deathwing's missing Health for 8 seconds. While the Shield holds, Deathwing regenerates 2% of his maximum Health per second.
When the Shield expires or is destroyed, Deathwing regains Armor Plates appropriate for his new Health.
The Shield and effect end immediately if Deathwing uses Dragonflight.
Elementium Plating (Talent)Cooldown: 60 seconds |
Activate to gain a Shield equal to 35% of Deathwing's missing Health for 8 seconds. While the Shield holds, Deathwing regenerates 2% of his maximum Health per second. When the Shield expires or is destroyed, Deathwing regains Armor Plates appropriate for his new Health. The Shield and effect end immediately if Deathwing uses Dragonflight. |
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