We have found that once Runic Blast starts to stack high, it snowballs out of control. So we prioritize that in the build and added more burst with Twisting Nether. Cho's ability to reduce the CD of Runic Blast has also proved more helpful than the heroic CD but that is personal choice.
Feel Free to ask any questions ^^ We're always changing stuff to see what works.
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Cho - Consuming Fire, Seared Flesh, Firestarter, Hammer, Runic Feedback, Molten Block, Gift
Gall - Eye/Taskmaster, Bomb's Away, Double Trouble, Twisting Nether, Searing Shadows, Deafening Blast, Shifting Nether
We have found that once Runic Blast starts to stack high, it snowballs out of control. So we prioritize that in the build and added more burst with Twisting Nether. Cho's ability to reduce the CD of Runic Blast has also proved more helpful than the heroic CD but that is personal choice.
Feel Free to ask any questions ^^ We're always changing stuff to see what works.