Heroes of the Storm Forums

Hero Creation Contest!

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » February 21, 2020 6:09am | Report

We are happy to announce our first hero creation contest! For the following three weeks, any creative mind can give form to their imagination and have the chance to win Heroes of the Storm goodies!

The theme is to create heroes based on any character from the Blizzard universe that isn't already part of Heroes of the Storm.

The contest starts today (February 21st) and will end in three weeks from now (March 13th).
The following week the hero concepts will be judged and the winners announced (March 14th - March 21st).

Rewards - Your Favorite Blizzard Merch!

The author of the best concept will be able to pick their favorite items from the Blizzard Gear Store for the total value of $50!

We have always fancied Blizzard's unique merchandise design and we want to make sure that our special winner will be able to pick the items they always dreamed of! There's no time to waste, you could be the winner, but you have to create a remarkable hero concept in order to find out! ;)

How To Participate

  1. Craft a hero concept using our Hero Creation Tool. Make sure to respect the theme while creating your hero!
    • All heroes created during the contest period will be automatically entered in the contest.

  2. Revise and polish your hero concept, make sure it's in best form by the final day.
    • If you'd like more opinions or reviews on your hero concept, feel free to link it in this thread!. Collaboration and asking for help is both expected and encouraged.

  3. That's it! All the concepts created during the contest will be judged and the winners announced after the judging period.

Rules - Heroes Have Them Too!

  • The concepts must be created using our Hero Creation Tool. Linking to threads or external websites will not count.

  • You must create your hero concept during the contest period (February 21st - March 13th).

  • Your hero concept must fulfill these material requirements:
    • Hero basic information (lore, role, franchise)
    • Hero abilities: combat trait, at least 3 abilities and 2 heroic abilities
    • Hero talents: all talents from level 1 to 20
    • A brief description on your hero's play style

  • You're allowed to make changes to your concept during the contest period and after the winners have been announced.
    • Changes should not be made during the judging period (March 14th - March 21st).

  • You're allowed to create multiple entries.

  • Plagiarism is strictly prohibited and will automatically disqualify your entry.
    • NOTE: BBCode does not belong to any one writer and does not fall under plagiarism rules

Judging Criteria


Creating a unique hero is challenging and that's why we're always impressed when we see something fresh and exciting. Originality could be a new and fun interaction with the game's mechanics, crazy abilities that we haven't seen before, or maybe a cool way to mix your abilities! Remember, while crazy ideas are fun, they must be realistic. When in doubt, try picturing your concept in an actual match and see how well it'd fit!


The background and personality of the hero is important. Think about your favorite hero, would they be the same without their adventures and stories? Make sure to help the reader better understand and picture your hero by writing a suitable lore and creating abilities that fit with the concept of the hero. Feel free to go to the next level and also create voice lines and interactions with other existing heeroes - anything that grabs the reader's attention, you're able to do!


We often pick heroes because we want to win or because they're fun. Sometimes we're lucky and both conditions are met! We're going to focus on the fun part for this contest, so when crafting your hero, make sure to think about both perspectives: will the hero be fun to play with and against it?


It is not going to be the most important aspect of the judging process, but having a balanced and well-rounded hero will surely be a plus. If you are having trouble balancing your hero, feel free to ask us or the fellow competitors and concept enthusiasts for thoughts!


Just like in the case of balance, this is not going to be a crucial judging indicator. However, if your hero concept is nicely formatted, the reader will most likely check out your concept thoroughly and not miss out on any crucial information. Use chapters, the features of our hero creation tool and BBCode to your advantage. Even though it's not mandatory, including icons for your hero and its abilities makes a huge difference!

Now, all you have to do is get started! Start crafting your hero concept now!

Fine Print

  • Open to registered HeroesFire members only. Not a member? Register now and craft your hero concept!

  • Contest is worldwide. Anyone is free to participate!

  • Prizes are awarded through Blizzard Gear Store shipping.

  • Contest will be closed 3 weeks from the start of the contest. (March 13th 11:59 PM PST/GMT-7)

  • After contest is closed there will be a 1 week judging period (March 14th - March 21st).

  • Winner may choose any item from the Blizzard Gear Score or an equivalent if shipping is not possible (e.g. PayPal, Steam Wallet, RP Codes, etc.)

  • Participants can submit multiple entries.

  • Winners will be notified by email after the judging period and will have 7 days to claim their prize.

Whenever a hero concept has been posted, take a look and let the author know what you like or dislike so they can improve their creation!

Have any feedback for our hero creation tool? Feel free to let us know, we're always looking to improve the tool for the best experience!

Thank you all for joining, we wish you good luck and we are excited to see your wonderful creations! :D

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Nortin » February 21, 2020 8:32pm | Report
Hello! I'm interesting in participating, but I just have a quick question about concept eligibility rules. If a Hero Concept has already been created and posted on HeroesFire, and we update it during the contest time period, is it counted as submitted? I plan to create a new one myself but I think it would be good to know for clarity.

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » February 22, 2020 1:38am | Report
Nortin wrote:

Hello! I'm interesting in participating, but I just have a quick question about concept eligibility rules. If a Hero Concept has already been created and posted on HeroesFire, and we update it during the contest time period, is it counted as submitted? I plan to create a new one myself but I think it would be good to know for clarity.


Initially I was thinking about not counting updated concepts, since the main purpose is to get more fun concepts on the site. However, if you're really passionate about an existing concept you're free to update and participate with it. Make sure to fully update it though, only updating a few bits to make it eligible will not count! :)

Good luck and thank you for participating!

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Arfong » February 25, 2020 11:28am | Report
Only in English? We are not many, but some people use the platform to create and share concepts in Spanish. I could use translation tools, but I don't think they really express things as desired.

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » February 25, 2020 11:39pm | Report
Arfong wrote:

Only in English? We are not many, but some people use the platform to create and share concepts in Spanish. I could use translation tools, but I don't think they really express things as desired.

Hello Arfong!

In order to participate in this contest, your concept must be in English. You're free to create concepts in any language you prefer, but for this contest you must translate your participating concept in English.

We unfortunately don't have any judges that speak Spanish. :(

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Quote | PM | +Rep by skyhots » February 29, 2020 6:19am | Report
is it acceptable if my hero concept belong Nexus universe ?

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » February 29, 2020 12:59pm | Report
skyhots wrote:

is it acceptable if my hero concept belong Nexus universe ?

What do you mean by Nexus universe more exactly, could you give an example maybe?

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Quote | PM | +Rep by skyhots » March 1, 2020 6:30am | Report
i had idea to created about a hero from Nexus in My Hero Concept. Is it acceptable?

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Hades4u » March 2, 2020 12:37am | Report
skyhots wrote:

i had idea to created about a hero from Nexus in My Hero Concept. Is it acceptable?

I'm still not sure what you mean by Nexus, can you give me an example of a hero you could create from there?

If you mean something from this page, then yeah that should be fine. :)

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Plazma » March 7, 2020 3:37pm | Report
Is the entire talent tree a full requirement? Doing all tiers of talents is tricky, especially for those who have trouble balancing things.

If we only do talent tiers 1 and 20, would the concept not be qualified?

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