We've just released a new patch for Heroes of the Storm in order to apply a few balance changes. Check out the detailed patch notes within.
Regenerative Microbes
Artanis asked us for some buffs and we thought he was a pretty chill guy so we gave them to him.
- Health increased from 2334.8 to 2568.8
- Health Regeneration increased from 4.862728 to 5.35028
Warp Sickness
- Movement Speed changed from 30% to 35%
We had a feeling that Brightwing was going to get a bit stronger with our last round of buffs, but with the changes to her most popular build, we also wanted to make sure we adequately compensated her. These changes should lower her overall output slightly and keep her Soothing Mist talents competitive with others.
Soothing Mist(Combat Trait)
- Heal changed from 124.8 (+4%) to 119.6 (+4%)
Unfurling Spray
- Range changed from 33.3% to 20%
- Cooldown changed from 0.75 seconds to 0.5 seconds
Shield Dust
We’ve seen Chromie trend upward steadily, and we’re happy to have the little gnome be a scary character in the right circumstances. We don’t really want to make any large overall balance adjustments to her right now, but we do want to make a few of her less picked Talents and Heroic more enticing. We’ll continue to work on more of these as time passes. Don’t worry, Chromie already told us she’s completely balanced a few patches from now.
Slowing Sands(R)
Mobius Loop
Chrono Sickness
Pocket of Time
Past and Future Me
Falstad is performing really well and brings a lot to any team. He’s not too far out of bounds, however, so we decided to do a couple minor tweaks. We are closely watching him and will make additional changes if needed.
Mighty Gust(R)
- Movement Speed changed from 60% to 40%
- Duration changed from 5 seconds to 4 seconds
Gathering Storm
We overdid it with the Worgen form buffs last patch. They were designed to encourage people to go into Worgen form more often, but realistically all it did was make Greymane have bigger burst potential and PvE damage. He should have slightly less bite than before. We’re also reducing the range of Go for the Throat, as it provided too much stickiness to an Assassin that already has a gap closer.
Marked for the Kill(R)
- Cooldown decreased from 50 to 40 seconds
Curse of the Worgen(Combat Trait)
- Worgen form damage changed from 50% to 40%
Guldan’s performance ended up being a bit lower than we expected, so we’re giving him some buffs to compete with other Heroes. His Fel Flame should be a little more threatening, which we’re also hoping will greater incentivize players to take talents related to the ability. As a side-effect of his Health buff, we’re slightly nerfing his Healthstone talent to keep it consistently powerful with its current version. We are also making some small tweaks to other talents help their pick and win rates.
- Health increased from 1716 to 1768
- Health Regeneration increased from 3.575 to 3.68472
Fel Flame(Q)
- Damage changed from 189.145 (+4.5%) to 209 (+4.5%)
- Heal amount changed from 30.07% to 25%
Chaotic Energy
- Mana refund changed from 25 to 40
Health Funnel
- Cooldown changed from 6 seconds to 7 seconds
Living Bomb(W)
- Damage over time changed from 156 (+4%) to 124.8 (+4%)
Our recent changes to the Queen of Blades had a much larger impact than we were expecting. Since her damage directly fuels her survivability, we feel like the additional Health increase pushed her a bit too far. We love that she feels more aggressive now and are happy to see her back in the mix of contested Heroes. By reverting her Health buffs and targeting a few over-performing talents we expect to see her come back in line.
- Health decreased from 1921.92 to 1747.2
- Health Regeneration decreased from 3.952728 to 3.64
Sharpened Blades
- Damage changed from 30% to 25%
Psionic Pulse
- Damage changed from 49.92 (+4%) to 41.6 (+4%)
Bladed Momentum
- Cooldown changed from 0.75 seconds to 0.6 seconds
- Basic Attack Damage changed from 227.76 (+4%) to 202.8 (+4%)
Xul has been a strong pick for a while now, and gotten better with the increased power of Minions. We think that someone with the consistent effectiveness he has should also be a little bit weaker overall, since you don’t need to worry about what the team compositions look like. We’re aiming to nerf a few of his stronger Talents, and reduce his pushing potential by weakening Skeletons.
Raise Skeleton(Combat Trait)
- Damage changed from 31.2 (+4%) to 23.92 (+4%)
Bone Spear(Talent)
- Damage changed from 270.4 (+4%) to 239.2 (+4%)
- Movement Speed changed from 30% to 35%
- Cooldown increase changed from 10 seconds to 20 seconds
Rathma's Blessing
- Healing changed from 68.64 (+4%) to 57.2 (+4%)
Flowing Wounds
- Cooldown changed from 4 seconds to 5 seconds
Bone Spear
- Damage changed from 270.4 (+4%) to 239.2 (+4%)
It has been a great couple of weeks for Zagara. We have been monitoring her new kit and overall, we're extremely happy with the changes. The new questing talent for Infested Drop was doing more damage than we like, but we believe our nerfs to it and a couple of her high win-rate talents should bring her win rate a bit closer to our goal of 50%.
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