Heroes of the Storm Forums

LF 2-3 People to Form a Team from the Ground Up

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Quote | PM | +Rep by x76x » November 17, 2015 11:28am | Report
I'd be down for some groups too. I have a rank 19 smurf account as well as a rank 28 account. Mainly solo queue, but looking for more coordination and consistent people to play with.

battlenet tag: x76x#1437

Posts: 1
Quote | PM | +Rep by Speedro1225 » November 17, 2015 10:41pm | Report
I would like to join, if you still have a spot let me know and I can play a few games and see if it's a good fit

Posts: 5
Quote | PM | +Rep by HS94 » November 18, 2015 10:30am | Report
Hey I am really looking for a group that's active, friendly, and motivated I am currently rank 14.
My best roles are assassin/support and I am willing to dedicate to a specific role if needed.
Would love to come tryout/checkout a spot on your team!

Thanks, Orbit #1751

Posts: 15

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