All your Merc camps belong to us [Full Merc Build] by Drogglbecher

All your Merc camps belong to us [Full Merc Build]

By: Drogglbecher
Last Updated: Sep 9, 2015
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Build 1 of 1


Build: Merc Build

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

Threats to Rexxar with this build

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Threat Hero Notes
  No Threat
  No Threat
Valla Just Safe your Charge for her Ultimate
Stitches You can use Misha as a Hook shield
The Lost Vikings Charge them and Spirit Swoop for victory
  No Threat
  No Threat
Tassadar You have to know where he is so he can't make you visible
Abathur His Mines can reveal you just shoot a flare to be sure that your safe
Tyrande The owl can reveal you
  No Threat
  No Threat
Zagara Her Tumors are really disgusting and will reveal you to your enemies
Nova If she's good shell track you down
Zeratul He can kill you if you're doing a camp

Who am I ? Top

Hi there my dear Huntsmen.
I am playing since Beta on EU servers. My Name is Drogglbecher and I have about ~1200 games played jet.
What I want to show you is a sustain, help you team, get all the Merc camps Guide to Rexxar.

I musst admit that my MMR on Hotslogs is normally about ~2500 so i don't know if this build works on much higher MMR. But you should give it a try.

Talents Top

Level 1 Talents
- Grizzled Bear Misha is actually not easy to Kill especially by Mercenaries therefore we don't need that talent
- Hunter-Gatherer Its a valid possibility but we need Flare for our safety
- Survivalist Training A really useless talent because we normally should not get a mana problem

- Flare Our go to talent. If you dare taking enemy Mercenary Camps you should be aware of the Space surrounding you to not get ambushed by a evil horde of enemies.
It also has just a 20 second Cooldown and has no Mana costs. You get even more value out of it if there is a Nova or a Zeratul on the opposite team.
But whenever you use you're Flare be aware that a Enemy Heroe can see it lying on the Floor so shoot it into Bushes near you if possible !!

Level 4 Talents
Hungry Bear We can go with that Talent also but our choice helps us more with this build
Crippling Talons Its a improve of our Spirit Swoop but this one won't help us in getting the Big ones down.
Taking Flight It should be the last choice of this Tier. As already mentioned we normally won't get a Mana Problem so its definitely not worth it.

Easy Prey It not only makes Misha dealing more Damage to our main Enemies (the Mercenaries). It also makes Misha safer against their attacks. Therefore well take this Talent.

Level 7 Talents
Blood of the Rhino We don't need more Pet mending. So its not worth the pick.
Throwing Axes As our Damage is not very high we don't need to get a larger range.
Aspect of the Beast Misha is doing much Damage just by Auto Attacking because of Easy Prey. Also we don't need to Stun more often.

Bird of Prey Very mighty Talent which helps us enormous getting Mercenary Camps and Bosses. It also empowers us to oneshot creep waves on lanes in later game.

Level 10 Talents
Bestial Wrath This Talent can help us doing our main job. And we also can do real Damage in Team Fights with this talent. So we take this one.
Unleash the Boars The Boars don't help us getting Mercanaries down therefore its not the best pick for us.

Level 13 Talents
Wildfire Bear It is a possibility, especially if you have many camps on the map (Blackhearts Bay, Tomb of the Spider Queen, Dragon Shrine) and if there are 2-3 Melee Enemies.
Thrill of the Hunt Is a awesome Talent if you have to escape or if you want to hunt someone down. Remember if you need the speed just shoot something(Mercenary, Wall, Tower, Creeps,…)

Bear Necessities I call Talents like this a noob safety net we don't want to get accustomed to this therefor please don't skill it.
Barkskin It is not our main concern that Misha don't dies from Abilities therefore don't skill this one two.

Level 16 Talents
Primal Intimidation We don't need this one. Trust me.
Critical Care Actually we don't lack healing power therefor it would be a wasted point.
Aspect of the Hawk We shouldn't worry about our attack speed because Misha is the main Damage source in our case.

Feign Death In my opinion this is the best Level 16 Talent its a bit like an improved Ice Block. Improved because you can use Misha in this time.

Level 20 Talents
Spirit Bond In many team fights you will get focused down therefor its really nice if you get some extra heal and a bit of additional Damage on Misha.
Kill Command Makes actually a lot of sense if you've taken Unleash the Boars.
Frenzy of Kalimdor Also an okay talent that you can choose maybe if you lack CC abilities

Hardened Skin Normally you don't need more sustain.

How to do the Magic Top

First: Please just take this Build if you have a Tank and enough Damagedealers on your Team. Otherwise your team might get a bit salty.

You can do Laning very good normally even against 2 Heroes. But as soon as you get Level 4 you should start to do camps. This is possible with the help of Easy Prey just send Misha in and use your abilities. Please don't forget to use you Flare to stay safe.

As soon as you are level 7 you should start the Boss if there is one. You can even do Boss with 5 but it take very long. If you try to Solo the Boss the only thing you should look for is that Misha gets caught by the Stun. If the Boss tries to Stun just call Misha with D to you and directly after the Stun send him back into battle.

With about level 10 you can one shoot creep waves if they are going in one lane so you have a very high lane pushing potential.

After you get you ultimate you can also try to get Ganks of singled out Heroes. Whilst you push all Lanes.

I wish you much fun with this guide and hope you can do some funny things out there.

Further Improvements Top

I will improve this guide in future and upload sample Videos also i will give additional Builds.

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