Artanis talents can be built depending on enemy team. I follow general idea that if Artanis is a tank, then he must pick some talents to survive and stay longer in fight.
The longer Artanis stays alive - the better.
Artanis don't suffer a lot from being OOM, his W is very cheap and all he need to land auto attacks to be viable and be an annoying warrior to the enemy. If you're going full-damage build it means you won't stay on the battlefield for a very long time. Thats why I'm not a huge fan of Zealot Charge, yes, this talent is very good vs very mobile teams (
Valla, Lili,
Thrall, etc etc), who can kite you, slow you, jump away, teleport away and have all such escapes.
- Rely on your autoattacks. Feel yourself as Butcher that marked everyone in enemy team. You must constantly do auto attacks on EVERYTHING in order to survive. If someone whom you're chasing run away, attack someone close to your. By constantly attacking you constantly reducing coldown if your shield. There were some cases when I was chased by enemies with 1% health. Did you know what I did in such case? I went back and attacked one of enemy heroes, risky but rewarding, because I got shield and that bought me 2 more seconds to survive.
- Save W untill your shield will be on coldown. This ability speeds up your auto-attacks very fast and also resets them, allowing to do 3 autos in a very short time (4 with triple twinblade)
- Don't Q when not needed. Save it for chasing near-to-die enemy heroes. Use it to dodge skillshots and aoe spells. Use it to survive in fight, if you took shield coldown reduce from Q. Sometimes Q can save you from chasing skillshots (stuns, slows, etc).
- Think before you swap with enemy, and under that I mean, think a bit where you WILL appear.
Yes, Artanis have some combos.
- Laning phase. Reach your enemy -> do some AA -> W -> swap -> W -> Q. Do some auto attacks on minions to reduce coldown. Never stop auto attacking!
- When bodyblocked. Swap with one of enemy heroes -> run away!
- backline harass. Swap with one of frontlaners (i.e. enemy tank) -> Q or just walk to enemy backliners (squishy damage dealers). This may be risky, but at same time it can allow you to finish kill at someone who is fleeing away and is protected by enemy's tank, that tries to protect escaping squishy target.
38dedo on reddit already wrote a great post about different ways to use Q. I just want to repost it here.
Think of Artanis' Q to be a skillshot similar to Falstad's hammerang, except YOU are the projectile.
This means you can use and abuse it in a variety of ways such as:
- Steal coins from a chest that the enemy team just opened in Blackheart's bay. Same goes to gems in TotSQ and health globes aswell.
- Dodge easy to predict skillshots. This I swear is easier to pull off than it sounds. Experienced players will know what abilities are incoming, and more or less when they are coming.
- Provide vision past walls. Yes, all spells and skillshots provide vision, but a hero's physical body provides a lot of vision, and putting your body past a wall will provide a large amount of vision of that short while.
- Get out of range of certain channel spells, such as Leoric's Drain hope, and Azmodan's laser. Same goes to get out of AoE effects like pufferfish, flamestrikes, blizzards, etc.
- Similar to the last point, you can use it to redirect Butcher's charge or even Dragon Knight's charge. If they begin to charge you, you may use it to go past a wall, make them start running back, and then back again to you, this will delay the collision or even deny it.
You can even use it in some other clever ways that saved my life before, here are a few examples of things that happened to me several times, even tho they seem very specific:
- If you are out of position and the enemy team is about to gank you, if the enemy team got a Tyrael and he decides to Judgement you, you can quickly Q to a safe location, and he will follow you and stun you there. Same goes to butcher's charge and Illidan's hunt.
- If your team got caught in a Void Prison and you are alone 1v5, you can Q into the void prison for safety.
- You can use it to block skillshots on your teammates if you can predict them. This seems oddly specific but if you got the right mindset and can predict your enemies' moves you can block mere frostbolts and even triple tap shots. This didn't save my life, but i managed to save lives of teammates from skillshots that other heroes would be too far away to block.
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