Arthas - The Eternal king by Machinewarlock

Arthas - The Eternal king

By: Machinewarlock
Last Updated: Nov 29, 2015
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Build 1 of 3


Build: Eternal Life

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

Threats to Arthas with this build

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Threat Hero Notes
Illidan Illidan is easy to deal with as Arthas; being able to constantly damage and slow illidan with your frozen tempest. He almost never focuses you.
Li Li Poses no real threat to you, blinds can mess up your Frostmourne hungers activation.
Azmodan Avoiding the laser is your best bet.
Lt. Morales A prime target for your roots. She has no threat whatsoever.
Gazlowe As long as you avoid the grav-o-bomb Gazlowe poses no threat to you.
Nova Her burst potential can be painful, but if you root her and slow her with frozen tempest she's never getting away.
Zeratul His void prison can separate you from your team so be wary of that. Other than that if he gets rooted he will most likely die unless he blinks away.
Rehgar Not much of a threat, can counter slow you with his totem.
Murky His octograb can be very painful to deal with. But as long as your frozen tempest is up he'll take damage while he's channelling.
The Lost Vikings Individually or as a team they pose no real threat, their longboat can be easily countered.
Falstad His Q slow deals a slow big enough to ruin your engagements.
Kerrigan Her combo can put you in bad situations, heal yourself with your Q and you should be good.
Sonya Can burst you down, play safe around sonya and if she overextends capitalise on that.
Tyrael Moderately difficult to duel, he'll run out of mana before you do though. Little threat in team fights.
Thrall His root can be annoying, but you'll win all out fights with him. Prime target for your roots.
Abathur His slow mines can be annoying to deal with, track them down with frozen tempest and eliminate them.
Muradin His stuns can be annoying to deal with and avatar/haymaker can mess up your engagements.
Raynor Tricky to deal with because of his passive healing. Giant killer will hurt you and he is also good at disengaging you. If you root him with his passive down, he'll be easily taken out.
Tassadar Hard to take out and has an easy escape. If you catch him with a root however with his invunerability down you can take him out.
E.T.C. Hard to deal with, displacing Arthas allows ETC to capitalise on your over extensions. Moshpit can mean the end of you.
Nazeebo If you get caught in the zombie wall you're in for some pain. Try to avoid at all costs.
Valla She can vault out of your roots, making her one of the more tricky targets to land your howling blast with. She can also kite you to death.
Zagara Zagara is a bully. She'll win duels and can take you out of the fight with maw
Anub'arak His Stuns can be hard to engage through. If he digs right under you, root and burst him down.
Sylvanas Her silence can be really bad for you. However just like the lore, Arthas kills sylvanas in duels.
The Butcher He will always win duels unless you play smart. If he charges into you and brands you root him in place. Disengage and then re engage when the brand wears off.
Diablo His combo forces you to overextend, with Arthas' low mobility this is not a good thing.
Tychus Has good kiting with overkill, disengage with grenade and can be hard to kill as he has access to first aid/stoneskin.
Tyrande Her stun can be difficult to deal with and shadowstalk can be bad for your engagements.
Jaina Jaina can kite your for eternity, if she gets rooted however she'll die instantaneously.
Kael'thas His high burst potential makes him hard to deal with. He has good disengage with his tornado. He also has access to a 50% slow and a huge shield at lvl 16. If you've taken Army of the Dead his chain bomb can destroy your army and you. If you root him with support you can take him out easily.
Rexxar Can easily kite you with himself and misha, Focus rexxar with a root and burst him down.
Sgt. Hammer Pew, pew, pew. If you don't engage hammer at the start she'll poke you down. Hard to root though due to thrusters and knockback.
Stitches Can force an overextension and his gorge will put you in rough spots. You can live if you pop your army of the dead and have support from your team.
Chen Never focus chen, since you have no way of stunning him you have no chance at killing him. Plus his ultimate grants him another 3 health bars. You'll waste your time trying to kill him.
Uther Hard to deal with, with such a short CD on his stun and his ultimates counter your engage.
Artanis Extremely hard to duel, His phase prism can force to you overextend, hard to kill due to his passive shields and rooting him can be difficult due to his Q's mobility.
Johanna Her crowd control is really annoying to deal with. Never focus her, a waste of time to deal with.
Kharazim His high sustain can be difficult to deal with and he can save the assassin you're trying to kill with a divine palm. In duels his seven-sided strike will deplete your health bar.
Cho Cho is difficult to deal with as couple with damage from gall he can siege uncontested and his high health prevents potential ganks. He also has a lot of mobility.
Gall Gall's shadowbolt ultimate destroys your health and his twisting nether slow can be really bad to deal with.
Arthas Extremely hard to duel, it all depends on what build he goes for. If he went ghouls, its going to be a long duel. If he went sindragosa he'll be easier to duel.
Brightwing Emerald wind is really bad for your engage, polymorth just shuts you down. Disabling your frozen tempest as well.
Malfurion His roots will destroy your engages and his silence will end you. Play safe against silence malfurions.
Leoric Counter to all known warriors in the game. His slow is really bad for your engagements, His health drain quickly depletes your health bar and he can become unstoppable to your roots. Even when you do take him out, he quickly comes back.


Build: Frostmourne Feeds

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Beginner Friendly Arthas

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

Contents Top

-What's a Machinewarlock
-Pro's and Con's
-Ability Overview
-Map Specifics(Early game, Mid game, Late game)
-Thanks for reading

What's a Machinewarlock? Top

Hi I'm Machinewarlock or Sorrow ingame. I play warrior/assassin roles and I'm a casual player who joined near the end of the beta and have been playing ever since. I did appear once in competitive play under team Tedits Vs Team Mozarella break.

Arthas was my first ever character and remains my most played go to tank because of his versatility. He's great at poking with Howling Blast+ Death Coil. Great at peeling for allies with Howling Blast+ Frozen Tempest. Great at wombo combos with Summon Sindragosa. A great sieger with Summon Sindragosa. Great at keeping map control by clearing merc camps solo with Death Coil+ Rune Tap. A fantastic engager with Howling Blast+ Summon Sindragosa. As well as being one of the best self sustainers in the game with Death Coil, Rune Tap and Army of the Dead.

Pro's and Con's Top


- Hard to Kill
- Good Engagement
- Can dive forts effectively
- Great burst damage
- Great AoE damage


- No mobility
- Will die easily when over-extended
- Susceptible to ranged harass and CC
- Extremely predictable

Ability Overview Top


Frostmourne Hungers (D)

Your trait is Frostmourne Hungers It allows you to sustain in lane for a very long time due to the mana restore and is a great burst damage tool. Spamming this whenever its off cooldown is never a bad thing.

Basic Abilities

Death Coil (Q)

Death Coil Is your Main form of healing and last source of damage. You'll want to use this ability 90% of the time to heal yourself as the numbers from the healing are much higher than the damage output it gives. (Alt+Q for quick self heal). This is a great finisher though being a home in target point and click.

Howling blast (W)

Howling Blast Is everything to Arthas. This will allow you to peel, engage, win teamfights and make plays. Landing this ability properly will make or break you as a competent Arthas. The projectile is delayed so it is difficult to land when you first start out (Aim in front of their likely path will help land this ability).

Frozen Tempest (E)

Frozen Tempest Allows Arthas to be so versatile. This ability allows you to position aggressively to body block as well as dealing substantial damage. This ability will also break Zeratul and Nova out of stealth. Positioning is very important with this ability and it is also important to activate it as soon as you root and enemy you want to engage. Turn it off when disengaging as it is quite mana intensive.

Heroic Abilities (R)

Summon Sindragosa

Summon Sindragosa Is a very versatile and offers great utility.
-Great at engaging and disengaging
-Great for sieging as it disables forts, towers and minions for a long time
-Decent AoE Damage and high slow allows wombo combo
-Play making snipes due its insanely long range

This ability is great if you required a method to push whenever you wish, allows you to hard engage enemies or disengage effectively. Allows you to snowball an enemy team provided your team is coordinated. Also great if you wanted more damage or had another warrior on the team.

Army of the dead

Army of the Dead Is a great sustain ultimate and will be your go to pick if you are the only warrior on the team. This ability will save you more times than any other ability would. It can also be used offensively to deal sustained damage with your ghouls. In the correct situations you can possibly 3v1 with this ability because of how much it sustains you with the rest of your kit and the damage is comparable to frozen tempest dps.

Talents Top

Level One

(Key:Green is viable,
Yellow is Situational,
Red is just a bad pick.)


Block This one of your best defensive tools in the early game, since the meta has shifted and there are a lot of auto attacking comps this will help defend against those.

Regeneration Master

Regeneration Master is your go to pick if you wanted more sustainability or if the enemy team comp doesn't have that many auto attackers.

Eternal hunger

Eternal Hunger is relatively decent pick if you're first starting out Arthas and you are having major mana issues. This will help resolve some of that problem. This is also good for a build with Destruction+ Frostmourne Feeds allowing you to sustain 120 mana per activation of Frostmourne Hungers

Frost presence

Frost Presence is a good pick if you're focused primarily on ganking in the early game and have a 2 man gank with Kerrigan, Tyrande and The Butcher.

Level Four

Frozen Wastes

This is a great talent overall as it allows you to manage your mana much better and it allows you to stay in fights longer than usual. The longer you're in a fight the better the outcome.


This talent is great if you require that extra burst potential to allow you to finish off enemies. This also helps you poke better and clear mercenaries faster. Great with Eternal Hunger+ Frostmourne Feeds.

Mercenary Lord

Mercenary lord is a bad pick because Arthas can already sustain pretty well against mercenary camps and this talent is not as good as the other two.

(side note I feel that Blizzard should supply Arthas with one more talent in this level. Other Characters get at least Four talents in each talent range whereas Arthas is the only one who does not. Possible suggestions include the talent that was removed that increased the size of your frozen tempest by 33%)

Level Seven

Rune Tap

Pick this talent 99% of the time. This will sustain you so much and it will allow you to solo bruisers at lvl 7.

Frost strike

This is the only other talent I would pick. This gives your frostmoure hungers a burst slow and coupled with Frostmourne Feeds talent you can indefinitely slow an enemy for 3 seconds by 40%.


A talent that allows Frostmourne Hungers to deal area damage. This is bad because you're most likely using this to clear minion waves which your Frozen Tempest can already do so effectively.

Death touch

This is the same as obliterate, you use it to clear minion waves. But you don't need it since you already have Frozen Tempest.

Level Ten

Army of the Dead

Your go to pick whenever you're unsure, sustain in teamfights and allows you to be as disruptive as possible.

Summon Sindragosa

Great for initiation and sieging. They're hiding behind their measly fort? Just freeze it all down.

Level Thirteen


Since Arthas is extremely susceptible to CCs reducing the duration of all of them will enhance his survivability a lot. It makes your hard counters less threatening and helps you escape in a sticky situation.

Spell Shield

This is a great talent vs someone with ability damage burst like Nova. Take this as long as the enemy team don't have really threatening CCs that you can deal with.

Trail of frost

Useful if you want to stun many enemies that you are chasing. Also great for beginners to Arthas in landing your roots. But the two survivability talents are your go to when you are able to land your roots effectively.

Biting cold

Can be useful if you went Frozen Wastes allowing you to deal more damage. Only take this if you absolutely need the extra damage or if there are no threatening CCs or Abilities that burst you down.

Level Sixteen


Your go to pick, allows to stay alive a lot longer than usual and prevent burst.

Frostmourne Feeds

Great Double burst and Double mana restoration every 12 seconds. Great if you needed more damage and mana coupled with Destruction+ Eternal Hunger make it a really good pick.

Immortal coil

A very versatile talent pick, allows you to use it more offensively or for a greater self heal. Great for beginners to Arthas. However Stoneskin or Frostmourne Feeds are much better in the long run.

Embrace Death

A really poor talent choice, Arthas is all about survivability. This talent prevents you from doing that by using your Death Coil as an extreme last ditch attempt. It does do 1000+ damage if you're lucky to get it off before you die.

Level Twenty

Hardened Shield

Your go to pick at this talent range. This allows you to be a true tank, stopping everything. Using this first to stop all the Heroics. Then Stoneskin to stop basic burst then popping ghouls will allow maximum survivability and allow you to position very aggressively.

Legion of Northrend

This buffs up an already great heroic making it last longer, heal more and do more damage. However compared to hardened shield it is not as good because you can still be killed while trying to spam heal with the ghouls.

Summon Sindragosa

A very risky High reward pick. Better picked as a wombo combo tool if you don't need the tankyness. An idea of the range is from the turn in at Blackheart's Bay to the bushes at the boss camp.


Easily the worst talent at this tier, you would usually not need to rewind your basic abilities and the defence that Hardened Shield gives is too good.

Map specifics (Early Game, Mid Game, Late Game) Top

Battlefield of Eternity

This maps all about immortals, tips here is to start as early as you can on the immortal and be there for team fights. If you can't finish off their immortal before they finish yours you can at least lower the shield to make it easier to defend.

Early Game

- Play safe, Clearing minions when it is safe to do so
- Arrive on time to the immortal
- Conserve your mana at all times for team fights
- Capture Mercs prioritizing the Siege camps on the top and bottom.

Mid Game

- Help lead team into engagements and capture the immortal
- Maintain map control by clearing mercs and capturing mercs
- 5 man push or 5 man defend the immortal

Late Game

- Stay grouped
- Maintain Merc control
- 5 man push or 5 man defend the immortal

Blackheart's Bay

All about the coins, Coins are the most important thing here and so is staying alive with these coins. Take Army of the dead if you are the primarly coin collector, if not then summon sindragosa is better.

Early Game

- Roam and Gank
- Collect coins from chests
- Capture coins from mercs/pirates. Siege at lvl 4 and bruiser at lvl 7.

Mid Game

- Fight for turn ins
- Collect coins as 2 man teams
- Summon Sindragosa with a Merc camp and 5 man allows you to save cannon shots in the future.

Late Game

- Stay grouped
- Collect coins instead of pushing
- Fight at turn ins
- Collect and push when the cannon is firing directly on core, sometimes the core doesn't die to the full cannon barrage.

Cursed Hollow

The most important thing is to figure out your team's strategy. You can possibly have 3 people lane and 2 people poke the tribute while your team gets experience. This will allow you to have an exp advantage for later tributes when you give up the first one. If not group at tributes.

Early Game

- Roam and Gank
- Group at tributes, defending bushes and zoning.
- Poke tribute cappers with Howling Blast and Death Coil
- Cap your Siege Camp after first tribute for a push whilst second tribute is spawning, then cap bruisers after second tribute for push while third tribute is spawning

Mid Game

- Team fight at tributes, if your team wins rotate to nearest boss
- Defend chokepoints and zone for your cappers
- Poke tribute cappers with Howling Blast and Death Coil

Late Game

- Stay grouped.
- Prioritize 5 Man pushes when enemy is cursed, 5 man defending when you are.
- Grab Mercs for map control between tributes.
- Try to get a Golem the same time the enemy is cursed for a 5 man push to win.

Dragon Shire

This map requires full map control for the objective to be controlled. You'll want to play as a ganker on this map as much as possible and maintain merc control when you can.

Early Game

- Roam and Gank
- Duel and Skirmish for shrines.
- Help with Knight/Merc control. (Can Solo Knights at level 7, Prioritize bottom mercs)

Mid Game

- Team Fights at Shrines and Dragon Knight(DK)
- Prioritize DK > Bot lane Mercs > Knights

Late Game

- Stay grouped taking control of bottom shrine first if possible
- Keep Map control via BOT LANE merc control
- 5 man win pushes with DK

Garden of Terror

This map is all about seeds, be on time to collect them and try to do mercs as soon as the timer hits to have a push while collecting seeds. Under the right circumstances Arthas can solo the Garden Terror.

Early Game

- Roam & Gank
- Solo Merc camps when the timer spawns

Mid Game

- Collect seeds as a TEAM. Focusing small ones first.
- If you get a terror push one lane as 4, and the opposite lane with Garden Terror. (Provided you've taken Summon Sindragosa and you're not in the Garden Terror)
- Stay grouped.

Late Game

- Stay grouped
- Maintain Merc control as 5
- Time mercs with a Garden terror for winning pushes

Haunted Mines

This is the map you'll definitely want to take Summon Sindragosa 100% of the time. Even just casting this for your golem allows a weaker golem to push effectively.

Early Game

- Pre-Push the lane your golem spawns as much as possible
- Maintain a 4:1 formation, with the solo laner switching to the pre pushed lane for the mines. (it takes roughly 15-20 seconds to travel from one lane to the other)
- Make sure to arrive in the mines early for gank potential and make sure you don't expend too much mana before the mines spawn (mines timer starts at 1:30)
- After mines Cap the siege giants and time the giants when it passes your enemies first fort to have the giants defending against the enemies golem.
- Don't risk it for the Bruiser camp right after golems start spawning, it doesn't even push the lane your golem does.
- You generally require 1 person for every 20 skulls a golem has. (example: enemy golem is 40, require 2 people to defend. Your golem is anything 80+ 5 man push with it)
- If the golem pushed the enemy fort, switch to the opposite lane for exp, if your golem didn't, push out that fort.

Mid Game

- 5 Push with/against the stronger golem.
- Coordinate with your team to push out a fort with Summon Sindragosa

Late Game
- Stay grouped
- Prioritize Collecting skulls over chasing kills
- Don't Die

Infernal Shrines

This map is great for Arthas, great gank potential and his Frozen Tempest allows him to clear the shrines pretty quickly. Many merc camps allowing for Arthas to solo. Summon Sindragosa Is great on this map allowing you to make plays.

Early Game

- Roam and Gank
- Maintain mana reserves for shrines
- Group at shrines early
- Prioritize winning the team fight in order to win the shrine
- You and 2 others defend and 2 lane as long as its not an arcane punisher.
- MUST 5 man defend an arcane punisher, it can destroy your keep if left unchecked.
- Do Mercs in between shrines prioritizing the bottom mercs

Mid Game

- Stay grouped when possible and split off as 2 or 3 man teams to get mercs
- Dive the enemy with Summon Sindragosa and the punisher

Late Game

- Stay grouped
- Maintain Merc control
- Time the punisher with several Merc camps to have winning pushes

Sky Temple

This map is all about capping the temples, there will be alot of sustained team fights. Ideally taking Army of the Dead will help you with these sustained team fights. Most victories/losses are won at the boss camp.

Early Game

- Help team cap shrines, (top is ideal since you'll later push it with bruisers)
- Stay between mid/top for first phase.
- Cap Bruisers at roughly 4 mins (or 2 mins after the last temple ends) to push the top lane fort while contesting bottom.

Mid Game

- Fight for shrines (Third phase bottom always spawns)
- Capture Mercenaries
- Get Boss if you win a team fight/get a pick

Late Game

- Stay grouped
- Cap shrines/mercs until you win

Tomb of the Spider Queen

Probably the best map for Arthas, being so small you can gank efficiently. Summon Sindragosa Ideally for the pushes but Army of the Dead if you need that extra sustain for the fights.

Early Game

- Roam and Gank
- Collect gems (turn in when you reach at least 5 gems per lane rotate)
- Turn in as early as possible instead of hoarding

Mid Game

- Protect turn ins
- Zone dropped gems from enemy players
- Cap boss when winning a team fight
- Try time boss/knights and turn in for a massive push in all lanes and use Summon Sindragosa for unstoppable pushes

Late Game

- Stay grouped
- Maintain Gem control turning in as often as possible
- Time boss with turn in for winning pushes in top lane

Towers of Doom

This map is new, so I don't have too much information about it yet but one things for sure, pushing is your best bet. Summon Sindragosa is ideal.

Early Game

- Roam and gank
- Maintain mana for team fights at altars
- Group at altars
- Cap mercs for strong lane pushes

Mid Game

- Maintain merc control and push with Summon Sindragosa
- If you win a team fight after an altar best bet is it either push out a lane or cap boss.
- Use the tunnel at 12 mins to traverse the map quicker

Late Game

- Stay grouped
- Push as 5 man to ensure you take out a fort
- 5 Man defend your forts
- When three altars spawn, split your team up appropriately in order to defend.

Thanks for reading Top

Thanks for reading and rating my guide, hope it helps out new Arthas' and Veterans alike. I'll keep this guide updated if Arthas does get any patches or another map is released. If you have any suggestions for the next hero I should write a guide on, or maybe some constructive criticisms on how to simply make my guides easier to enjoy, feel free!

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