Not a pro guide builder; sorry friends. ;P This is by no means the legendary brightwing for pros guide, but extremely useful and incredibly fun way for quick match. You'll have incredible healing and surprisingly a lot of damage. I'll brief over my talent build for you budding brightwing players. This guide will really help you learn the basic mechanics and hybrid style of play.
FIRST TALENT: shield dust -"ZOMG WHY DIDN'T YOU GET BRIBE?!?!" Don't get me wrong I enjoy a nice bribe every now and then, but I cannot even begin to tell you how much utility potential this spell F*cks with. If you feel the other team is weak on the dps get bribe if the map calls for it. I use both, but I personally enjoy early exchanges to set the don't F*ck with me tone. For starters; you're squishy...and when somebody hits you twice as they be all up in your ****, but they see no damage going down one of 3 interesting things ALWAYS happens. They either chase you and you're team is boss nova and destroys them, they're whole team is coming and cool shings are about to go down, or they run away. You will save lives, turn fights, and have the other team tearing every time a crit is more like a sneeze. Now once you start getting more skilled/competitive you will see scouting drone popularity and use go up. I wouldn't even reccomend using this is anything other than hero team league until the player pool and experience grows. As of now you may find yourself wasting a very valuable talent...
SECOND TALENT: Envenom - All jokes aside on this one. DO THIS. Poison Ivy wasn't this hot and neither was you're mother in her prime; unless steph curry is reading this right now then i digress. Once you have critterize and emerald wind it's almost guaranteed to make the Cow King himself prefer being served by outback. If you're team has great damage get protective shield. You know what they say, "no glove no love," but we all know this isn't the sure fire case so chose wisely ;)
THIRD TALENT: Regenerative Rains - All I can say is game in and game out i love being the top healer. It never seems like much help at first glance, but solo or paired its awesome seeing 1/8 hp fill to 100% after a few spells. The aoe is great in team fights if you can stay out of harms way and let your team push extremely hard and and it really saves ***es with shield dust warding off hits. Cleanse shmeanse
FIFTH TALENT: Phase Shield - If you're new to brightwing or even the game for that matter not having a mount and using brightwings teleport all relies on your ability to know wtf is going on. The more awareness you have on whats going on around you will determine if you are ZERO or the least to you're teammates. Being able to back base and then aid an ally giving them a shield has a feeling like beacon! AND having heals and blocks for you're buddy...You're mother f*cking Goku with instant transmission...and hey that remind me if you feel like your're a dead little sh*t about to be flushed teleport to anybody and hope the enemy has their interrupts on CD or just don't have any >_< Sharing is caring! Save yourself and hey cool shield for a pal. You can even burn the tele on close range if you think you're homeslice wont live without your glorious love shield.
SIXTH TALENT: Critterize - If I said you're junk could be %25 bigger would you say no? **** even the satisfied of us want to be kings. You know why Pinocchio had nose issues? Cause 90% of the time a man lies it's to women and they didn't want the morale of the story to encourage men to keep lying to women and have awesomely desirable ****s. Glad to get that off my chest. With that being said Yea dudes...25% more. Now go ham with all you got and be like *****es this game is 5v4 cause I'm the gold star you wish you got.
FINAL TALENT: Rewind (lame, but awesome) The double polymorphs, the double dust shields, and more from you're passive upgrade is awesome. No denying it. I tell you this out of the goodness of my heart because I want you to be successful little ***bats. Generally this means you'll go with blink heals for your heroic ability. HOWEVER! I totally roll with continuous wings for the sheer fact I get to bust my nut not 1, NOT 2, BUT 3 EFFING TIMES! This is a game changer vs teams with High cc for you to negate the engage, objective steal, and hold off other objectives. Once you're at this part of the game you're doing some serious dmg especially with the polymorph. As I said from the beginning this a guide for beginners/starters, but for the vets trying something new or the guys who like having a little more fun go this route.
As soon as you get venom use on the 1-3 most vulnerable enemies to lay down the law early that you hurt. It is important to polymorph your teams target focus or somebody you need out of the fight so you can kill your target focus. This can turn a 4v5 into a 4v4, 4v3,5v5 to a 5v3, etc...I generally shield my melee warriors that like to go in to engage; helps give them some movement speed on the exit and a couple blocks. You also want to keep an eye on your valuable teammates as well. Not every dive warrior knows what they're doing and if you deem it more viable to help out squishes do it. Now as I said before I run with emerald wind and generally roid it up with continuous winds. With polymorph and full combo following; venom, Q, R....get good positioning and you can deal over 4k dmg (before def stats) to a single target. You can fight, and kill many assasins 1v1 if you follow up with basics the entire'll be good. Try to always have at least one of the following available: teleport, shield, heroic, or poly. I would also recommend spamming abilities early and backing to fill mana and quickly returning to lane. Keep sharp and try to use your backs before quest objectives start so you can refuel everything.
If you liked the guide and voted please let me know and if you'd like I'd love to play a game with you as Brightwing and a second game with you playing Brightwing. I prefer to use dolby axon for voice, but we can just play if you want :) just leave your account in the comments and I'll add you for a game! GOOD LUCK FRIENDS!
Thanks for reading, wouldn't mind hearing any success stories, questions, comments, suggestions etc...NO I do not plan on ever making a "cool" guide like
those people. No I'm not jealous...okay maybe a little.
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