Hello guys!
This is my Deathwing build - still testing new options but generaly this is my favorite. I play quite agressive, hard pushing on start one lane with team.
- Level 1 talents
- Draconic Might help you sustain enemies attack and push on the beggining
- Level 4 talents
- Infernus useful when you have some stun heroes in your team - after having more that 75% od power does a lot of damage to enemies
- Dragon's Ire for really agressive gameplay!
- Level 7 talents
Depends on map!
- Death Drop reduce enemies spell power by 15 points for 6 seconds
- Firestorm good when you land on stunned enemies
- Skyfall is useful on map when you have to get objectives like nukes etc.
- Level 10 talents
- Burn Beneth My Shadow - each time your team destroy fort or keep reset cooldown of Cataclysm! Good for pushing
- Level 13 talents
- Wicked Inferno fire breath cost reduced
- Fire and Fury good against slowed, stuned enemies +30% dmg
- Level 16 talents
- Conflagration - more flame damage - good for finishing low health enemies
- Level 20 talents
- Stood in Fire - empowered Catalysm
- Destroyer's Rampage - good against melee enemies - +40% dmg +50% cooldown
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