Brawler Thrall by TeHazard

Brawler Thrall

By: TeHazard
Last Updated: Jan 17, 2015
4 Votes
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Build 1 of 1


Build: Brawler Thrall

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

Threats to Thrall with this build

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Threat Hero Notes
Murky Easily delt with.
Raynor Easily out ranged, out sustained, out classed. fuck terran..
Tassadar Super annoying.. but doesnt really do a whole lot.
Gazlowe hilariously easy to demolish.
  No Threat
  No Threat
Sgt. Hammer Difficult to actually take out, not a theat. just harass with Q untill he gets sick of taking damage, after you get frostwolfs grace just charge in.
Zeratul Can be problematic if he sticks to you
Tyrael Difficult to chunk down, not really a threat.
  No Threat
  No Threat
Nova Nova has a teeny tiny bit of burst damage.
Illidan Good at body blocking and sticking to you. if you're caught out illidan will eat you.
  No Threat
Stitches Dodge those hooks! i dont know many heroes that can get caught by a good stitches and live to tell the tale.
Diablo Dont let him see that you're scared, he can taste fear. but at the same time dont go near him he is scary.

Brawler Thrall Top

With the increased mana gains from rolling thunder + mana tide and the healing from grace of air + frostwolfs grace thrall becomes a devastating assassin capable of high damage and self sustain.


Rolling thunder is excellent for its extra range and mana restoration, Very useful for early laning, harass and catching those back-line squishies.

Mana tide is needed to keep your mana going with all the harass.

Frostwolfs grace gives you incredible self-sustain together with his passive thrall becomes unstoppable

I take sundering because of its ability to split teams in half for picks and the slight damage boost it brings over earthquake.

grace of air will charge your passive faster allowing more frequent heals + mana restoration to keep yourself in the fight.

Forked lightning basically gives your Q a 3 second cooldown meaning extra DPS, more charges for your passive and more mana restoration.

giving this ability a global range opens up room for some really nice plays, blink is also never a bad choice.

Build strategy:


During the laning phase the increased range and mana return on your rolling thunder gives you incredible poking power. Attacking the minions hit by chain lightning combined with killing those pesky wizards restores enough mana to keep you in lane almost indefinitely provided your sparing with your other abilities.


In lane your going to want to harass with your Q until you can get a root on them easily. After hitting your opponent with the root from your W i recommend hitting them with your Q before rushing in with your E. This is done to make sure you get some mana back off your first hit before your opponent has a chance to move. When you've hit your 3 basic attacks, or your opponent has recovered use your remaining movement speed boost to retreat back behind your minions. When you think you have them low enough you're gonna want to go balls with your E and save the Q for when they have tried to run outside of your melee range for the killing blow.

During team fights the strategy is basicly the same. I try to harass with my Q until i see an opening to hit a priority target with the W's root, or a teammate has somebody locked down so i can pop my E to dish out some damage. If you see an opening to use your ult to disrupt the enemy team go for it, but be sure your not ulting people away from allied damaging abilities. Thrall is also pretty decent at being a front-line mitigation tank with this build for those squishy team comps.


thrall after level 7 does a good job of taking mercs by himself and can even duo the boss camp at level 10 with just about anyone for those sneaky steals. (and his ult is really good at sniping camps from the enemy)

Final words

Keeping tabs on your passive stacks and auto attacking targets affected with the rolling thunder passive is crucial to mastering this thrall style of play. Your ult timing and positioning is also very important. It can be used as an amazing stun and separate targets from their team for an easy pick.

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