Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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Abathur |
While Abathur can enhance the opposing team none of his abilities provide enough damage or CC to seriously threaten Cho'Gall. Can be dangerous when copying a hero like Tychus, but overall not a problem. |
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Alexstrasza |
No real threat besides keeping the more dangerous heroes alive. |
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Ana |
No real threat besides keeping the more dangerous heroes alive. |
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Azmodan |
Laser build is easily interrupted broken by stepping out of range. Dunk build doesn't do high enough damage to seriously threaten Cho'Gall |
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Cassia |
Damage is too low to seriously threaten Cho'Gall. Valkyrie can be dangerous before level 16, but it is easily dodged. |
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Chen |
Low damage and his trait is easily interrupted by Cho'Gall's Q or R. |
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D.Va |
Great for stacking your level 1 quest by killing her mech. Damage is too low to be a threat. |
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Gazlowe |
Damage is too low to be a threat. |
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Genji |
Damage is too low to be a threat. |
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Johanna |
Low damage and light CC poses little threat. |
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Junkrat |
Low damage and health-pool pose little threat. |
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Kael'thas |
Low single target damage and small health-pool pose little threat. |
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Li Li |
No real threat besides keeping the more dangerous heroes alive. |
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Li-Ming |
Single target damage is too low to pose a threat. |
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Lt. Morales |
No real threat besides keeping the more dangerous heroes alive. |
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Lúcio |
No real threat besides keeping the more dangerous heroes alive. |
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Malfurion |
No real threat besides keeping the more dangerous heroes alive. |
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Medivh |
No real threat besides keeping the more dangerous heroes alive. |
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Muradin |
Damage is too low to pose a threat. |
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Murky |
Only real threat is Octo grab, which becomes a much smaller problem after level 16. |
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Nazeebo |
Damage is too low to pose a threat. |
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Probius |
Low health and poor escape, an easy kill. |
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Rehgar |
No real threat besides keeping the more dangerous heroes alive. |
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Rexxar |
Misha is a great way to stack Cho's level 1 quest. |
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Samuro |
Clones are a great way to stack Gall's bomb quest. |
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Sgt. Hammer |
Damage is too low to pose a serious threat. This could change with the re-work. |
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Stukov |
No real threat besides keeping the more dangerous heroes alive. |
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Tassadar |
No real threat besides keeping the more dangerous heroes alive. |
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The Lost Vikings |
3 low health bodies to give you level 1 quest stacks. |
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Tyrael |
Low damage tank poses little threat. |
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Uther |
No real threat besides keeping the more dangerous heroes alive. |
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Zagara |
Low damage poses no threat. |
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Zarya |
Can keep her teammates alive long enough to do more damage, but other than that she doesn't do enough to peel or hurt Cho'Gall. |
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Zeratul |
Burst damage isn't high enough to be a major threat. |
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Zul'jin |
No percentage damage makes Zul'jun one of the weaker heavily used assassins against Cho'Gall. |
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Auriel |
No real threat besides keeping the more dangerous heroes alive. |
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Cho |
This build is excellent against other Cho'Galls, given the rarity of full Q builds. Low CD percentage damage will give this build a large advantage against other Cho'Galls. |
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E.T.C. |
ETC's low damage makes his Mosh Pit ultimate the only real threat to Cho'Gall. However this is countered by Gall's shove to save Cho and Cho's ultimate to save his team. |
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Falstad |
Damage is too low and health bar too small to pose a serious threat. |
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Gall |
See Cho comment, this build is very powerful against other Cho'Galls |
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Kel'Thuzad |
Although his single target damage can be quite high Kel'Thuzad's low health and lack of escape makes him an easy target for Cho'Gall, especially post level 16. |
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Kerrigan |
Low damage and easily avoided CC pose little threat. |
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Sylvanas |
Low health and damage makes Sylvanas a great target for Cho'Gall. Only possible threats come from her silence and mind control ults, which are both countered after level 16. |
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Diablo |
Unless he can shadow charge Cho'Gall into a wall, Diablo's damage and CC is too low to be much of a threat. |
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Illidan |
If built correctly Illidan can pose a threat to Cho'Gall, however Cho's stun coupled with followup damage from Gall is very effective against Illidan |
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Jaina |
Ring of frost is dangerous before level 16. Post 16 Jaina poses little threat. |
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Thrall |
Damage is too low to pose a threat. |
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Xul |
Bone prison is the only dangerous ability Xul has, after level 16 he is no threat. |
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Arthas |
Slow and root can be dangerous in the early game, but are outscaled post level 16. |
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Brightwing |
Polymorph easily interrupts Q channel and opens Cho'Gall to being ganged up on by the enemy team, be aware of the cooldown and try to kill Brightwing while she can't stop you. |
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Chromie |
Without heavy CC to keep Cho'Gall in place her damage is too low to pose much of threat. Her temporal loop ult can be dangerous before level 16, so be aware that Cho'Gall will be a tempting target. |
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Dehaka |
Cho'Galls large hit-box means Dehaka has an easy time landing his tongue. Before level 16 this can be quite dangerous coupled with his global presence. |
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Gul'dan |
Constant poke damage and horrify can be quite dangerous to Cho'Gall in the early and mid game. |
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Nova |
Nova is surprisingly good against Cho'Gall. His large hit-box makes him an easy target for snipe master. Try to get on top of and bring Nova down quickly before she does too much damage. |
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Ragnaros |
Decent healing and moderate percentage damage makes Ragnaros a moderate threat. |
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Raynor |
Percentage damage makes Raynor a moderate threat. |
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Sonya |
Tanky front-line with good damage and sustain can prevent Cho'Gall from reaching his desired targets. Be ready to interrupt Sonya's whirlwind with Cho's ult to keep her healing down. |
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The Butcher |
Butcher's charge/lamb to the slaughter combo makes him quite dangerous before level 16. Cho'Gall also provides twice the meat when he dies, punishing you for early deaths more than normal. |
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Tracer |
Quantum spike ultimate upgrade makes Tracer a reasonable threat to Cho'Gall, but the rest of her kit is poor against him. |
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Tyrande |
Hunter's mark allows Tyrande's team to deal high damage to Cho'Gall and bring him down quickly. |
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Valeera |
Valeera's stun and silence abilities pose a moderate threat to Cho'Gall, allowing the enemy to follow up and kill him. However, after level 16 Valeera becomes much less dangerous. |
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Valla |
Good mobility and decent percentage damage makes Valla a decent threat to Cho'Gall. |
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Alarak |
High burst damage with attached silence and re-position, while dangerous in the early game, is out-scaled post level 16. |
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Artanis |
Reasonably tanky hero with percentage damage that can delay Cho'Gall while the rest of the enemy team whittles him down. |
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Lunara |
Poke damage in the early game make Lunara a reasonable pick against Cho'Gall, although she can easily be picked off if Cho'Gall reaches her, Lunara's constant harassment can force Cho'Gall out of team/objective fights. |
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Stitches |
Hook gorge combo is quite dangerous. |
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Kharazim |
Be aware of Kharazim's seven-sided strike ultimate. Stay grouped with your team to mitigate its damage and communicate with your Gall to keep a shove ready to help you escape. |
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Garrosh |
Garrosh's durability and massive displacement potential can pose a large threat to Cho'Gall in the early and mid game. If played around correctly he is almost harmless, but his potential to throw Cho'Gall into the enemy team warrants a high threat level. |
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Greymane |
Cursed bullet combined with high burst can be a major threat to Cho'Gall, however once this ultimate is expended Greymane poses significantly less danger |
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Anub'arak |
While he won't kill Cho'Gall, Anub'arak web wrap ultimate removing 2/5 of your team from the fight is quite powerful, be aware of the ult's cooldown and try to bait it out before engaging. Besides that good Anub'arak players can help chain CC against Cho'Gall, making him a large team fight threat before level 16. |
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Varian |
Colossus Smash coupled with mortal strike makes a good Varien player vary dangerous. High burst and a way to massively reduce healing received is an excellent combo. Try to bait out the ultimate before initiating. |
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Leoric |
High percentage damage and Entomb ultimate makes Leoric one of the best counters to Cho'Gall. Using shove to escape drain hope and understanding the range and duration of entomb are key to this matchup. |
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Malthael |
Malthael is probably the single strongest counter to Cho'Gall. Constant percentage damage combined with Last Rights can easily bring down Cho'Gall. Look to single out Malthael and kill him quickly. |
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Tychus |
Tychus' massive percentage damage makes him a large threat to Cho'Gall, either stun or run away from him while his passive is active. |
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