Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
1 |
Gazlowe |
Gazlowe is not much of a threat since a lot of his stuns are easily avoided. Best thing to do is always stay mobile when facing a Gazlowe and avoid trading with him in lane when he is backed by his Turrets. |
1 |
Nazeebo |
Nazeebo is not a threat towards Li Li. He holds no stuns in his kit but he can provide a lot of damage with his abilities. This still should not pose a problem with Li Li's high AoE healing. |
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Nova |
Nova really does not effect Li Li since her main damage is burst and Li Li's Healing Brew can top up the team mate who took damage. |
1 |
Rehgar |
Rehgar does not provide anything in-terms of CC towards Li Li. Li Li can trade very well in lane vs Rehgar with a blind towards his Feral Leap. |
1 |
Tassadar |
Tassadar poses no threats towards Li Li unless you decide to go the ultimate Water Dragon where he can Dimensional Shift the dragon. |
2 |
Raynor |
Raynor does not provide a huge threat. But do not get near him; his basic ability Penetrating Round can interrupt your jug of 1,000 cups. |
2 |
Malfurion |
Malfurion is no threat, unless Twilight Dream was picked up as an ultimate ability. Stay as FAR away from him as possible while still keeping heals on allies. |
3 |
Illidan |
Illidan's threat level varies with his team comp. Your blinding winds and ability Fast Feet allow you to mitigate being punished by him like other supports could be. If Illidan decides to pick up his ultimate ability The Hunt his threat level becomes red as the ability allows him to have an almost global ultimate with a 1 second stun. Try to wait for this ability to be used before using Jug of 1,000 cups. |
3 |
Murky |
Murky is not viewed as a serious pick during competitive tournaments. But if he is picked during Quick Matches or Ranked be careful trading with him since he can continue to come back and fight you in lane. Also his threat level becomes very high since he can dive into the back line with the ultimate ability Octo-Grab and interrupt your Jug of 1,000 Cups. |
3 |
Sgt. Hammer |
SGT.Hammer does not provide a high amount of hard CC. But if positioned poorly, Hammer has 2 abilities to watch out for: Concussive Blast and (if she picks the ability) BullHead Mines (level 13). |
3 |
The Lost Vikings |
Not much is to be said about Lost Vikings. You should be able to out heal their damage. On map objectives watch their positioning they can be very sneaky. |
4 |
Abathur |
Abathur can become a problem if he is able to obtain a hero through Ultimate Evolution with a stun. |
4 |
Chen |
Chen can be a powerful enemy in lane since you do not have enough damage to trade with him. If your enemy picks Wandering Keg it can displace you from your team. |
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Tyrande |
Tyrande has a hard to land ability that can disrupt Li Li called Lunar Flare. It is a skill shot with a small area that can stun Li Li's ultimate. |
4 |
Zagara |
Zagara is a minor threat with 2 notable spells. Hunter Killer and the ultimate Devouring Maw. Stay a bit away from your allies and avoid stacking against Zagara since Maw is a AoE circle that can take your allies away from your Jugs or stop it if you are grasped by the Devouring Maw. Hunter Killer is a basic ability that is VERY powerful: it summons a Hyrdalisk. Try to blind Zagara and the Hydralisk if laning against her. |
5 |
Brightwing |
Bright Wing has a ton of CC that can be applied to Li Li. So keep a large area between Bright Wing and yourself. |
5 |
Thrall |
Li Li can counter Thrall very easily with her Blinding Winds stopping a majority of his auto attacks. But his threat level can also be VERY high with his ultimate Sundering. So try to keep your ultimate until after he uses his, or force him to ultimate only you. |
5 |
Leoric |
Leoric does not pose a threat in terms of his kit except for the ultimate Entomb. He will block you or an ally in a small area where you can easily be interrupted or DMG'd to death. |
6 |
Jaina |
Jaina does not pose a threat towards Li Li in terms of stun since she doesn't acquire one in her kit. But she is able to trade with Li Li in lane through spells. So try to hide behind minions when in lane vs Jaina to avoid frost bolts. |
6 |
Tychus |
Tychus is a amazing hero. His threat level is high since his ability Overkill cannot be stopped by anything Li Li has. Another ability Frag Grenade can become a huge threat to interrupt your Ultimate. So try to save Jug of 1,000 Cups until he uses his ultimate ability Commander Odin to avoid being stunned. |
6 |
Valla |
Valla is another powerful carry. She does not have many ways to interrupt your ultimate except with the level 10 ultimate ability Rain of Vengeance. It can be easy to dodge: just continue to move and stay further away from your allies to avoid a good Rain. Valla can still trade with you in lane since Valla can use abilities to trade instead of auto-attacks. |
7 |
Kerrigan |
Kerrigan is a very dangerous hero against Li Li. She is able to gank very easily with the combination attack. She has 2 basic abilites that can disrupt your Jug of 1,000 Cups. When combo'd with her talent choice Rewind at level 13 she becomes a large threat. Always stay mobile when VS a Kerrigan, watch your position and do not get combo attacked. |
7 |
Sonya |
Sonya, like some other tanks listed in this guide, is seldom played in competitive. Sonya is a very powerful foe against Li Li in lane, since Li Li cannot obtain a way to CC Sonya in lane when using Whirl Wind. Sonya has 2 hard to dodge abilities: Ancient Spear and Leap. To avoid Ancient Spear as effectively as possible hide behind a minion or ally. |
7 |
Tyrael |
Tyrael becomes a large threat at Level 10 due to his ability Judgement; similar to Illidans ultimate with a large range single target stun. Try to hold your Jug of 1,000 Cups until you see his ultimate Judgement has been used on another ally. |
7 |
Johanna |
Try to avoid standing near johanna as her W Condemn can pull you in and stop your Ultimate. Also has 2 ultimates that can help further interrupting your ult. She is not a easy foe to deal with so be on your toes. |
8 |
Anub'arak |
With anub'arak being played more often be very careful of his web ultimate and his 2 abilities that can interrupt your ultimate very easily. |
8 |
Diablo |
Diablo has 2 basic abilities that can stun or interrupt your ultimate Jug of 1,000 Cups along with a pretty scary ultimate when you are poorly positioned. When Apocalypse occurs do not stand in the fire! |
8 |
Falstad |
Falstad is a powerful hero in the Nexus, his abilities allow him to trade with Li Li without having to auto attack much. With his recent change in closed beta (which can make Falstad even more of a threat) is Might Gust. This ability allows him to launch a VERY long and wide skill that can almost surely disrupt Jug of 1,000 Cups. |
8 |
Stitches |
Stitches is a medium threat until 16. He becomes a high threat towards Li Li in terms in disrupting her Jug of 1,000 Cups at level 16. ALWAYS position yourself as FAR away as possible from him when the enemy team reaches level 16 if the enemy picked the talent choice Pulverize which can slow you by 90% allowing his team the opportunity to stun you. |
8 |
Zeratul |
Zeratul is a power-house. He can deal a massive amount of damage. With the ultimate ability Void Prison, he can freeze your Jug of 1,000 Cups and allow the enemy team to surround you as a healer; which makes your positioning a lot worse then it should be. |
9 |
E.T.C. |
ETC is being played a lot more recently and thus his threat level has increased. Avoid getting near ETC at all costs his Face Melt gives him the ability to interrupt your ultimate from a medium range. You also have no CC to stop his ultimate Mosh Pit. |
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Sylvanas |
Avoid standing near any allies when there is a enemy Sylvanas because her level 10 ability Wailing Arrows can silence you from casting all spells and interrupts your ultimate. |
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Kael'thas |
Kael poses a huge threat towards you and your teammates because you have no way to stop his damage except for the ability Shrink Ray at level 13. He gains a huge power spike at 10 due to his ultimates but the more dangerous one is Pyroblast in-terms of burst so keep a heavy eye on when he starts to cast it, attempt to start your ultimate when he begins casting it to make sure there is no delay between your heals. |
9 |
The Butcher |
Butcher is a huge threat towards Li Li and her allies. His targetable rush into stun with a massive damage ultimate. Creates a very bad situation for Li Li. Be careful when The Butcher is on the enemy team and rejoice when he is on your team :) |
10 |
Muradin |
Muradin can become a problem towards Li Li, his kit allows him to jump over your team with the health and defense to stay back there for some time. |
10 |
Uther |
Uther The Painbringer is by far Li Li's nemesis when supports are picked. His basic ability Hammer of Justice is a easy way to stun you with just click stun. Divine Storm at level 10 can again be very threatening since its a powerful stun. At level 13 he shoots to the one of the highest threats in the game if the talent Sprint is picked. Also at level 20 with the ability upgrade Divine Hurricane his ultimate will disrupt you 9/10 times if used in the correct hands. So try to hold jugs 100% the time until you see his ultimate. Also be very careful of Uther once he dies, his ability Eternal Devotion allows him to become a ghost with all abilities accessible. If Hardened Focus is picked, he has two stuns available in a single Devotion. |
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