Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
1 |
Gazlowe |
Gazlowe is not much of a threat since a lot of his stuns are easily avoided. Best thing to do is always stay mobile when facing a Gazlowe and avoid trading with him in lane when he is backed by his Turrets. |
1 |
Raynor |
Raynor does not provide a huge threat. But do not get near him; as he can dish out a lot of damage against you or an ally. Your heals should be efficient enough to make his impact minimal. |
1 |
Rehgar |
Rehgar vs Rehgar can happen only in Quick-Match. But if so there should be nothing special just focus on trying to out heal him and good things happen. |
1 |
The Lost Vikings |
Not much is to be said about Lost Vikings. You should be able to out heal their damage. On map objectives watch their positioning they can be very sneaky. |
2 |
Arthas |
Arthas does not have a high burst combination in his kit so your Chain Heal should be able to recover the damage taken by Arthas. |
2 |
Diablo |
Diablo has 2 basic abilities that can stun or interrupt you from casting Ancestral Healing. When Apocalypse occurs do not stand in the circle! |
2 |
Li Li |
Li Li is a good champion vs Rehgar in lane because he cannot trade with her. Laning vs Li Li you should always focus minions over attacking her due to her ability Blinding Winds which causes you to miss auto-attacks. |
2 |
Muradin |
Muradin is not a threat towards Rehgar, he does no massive damage that forces your heals. Always watch Muradins target because he can keep a ally stun locked. |
2 |
Murky |
Murky is not viewed as a serious pick during competitive tournaments. But if he is picked during Quick Matches or Ranked be careful trading with him since he can continue to come back and fight you in lane. Also his threat level becomes very high since he can dive into the back line with the ultimate ability Octo-Grab and stop your Ancestral Healing before it comes out. |
2 |
Tassadar |
Tassadar poses no threats towards Rehgar, you are able to heal the damage he provides quite easily. |
3 |
Thrall |
Thrall is not played much in competitive matches but still poses no threat towards Rehgar. |
4 |
Anub'arak |
There has not been much of Anub'Arak since late Alpha, but due to his 2 stuns, he can become a difficult foe to deal with. |
4 |
Malfurion |
Malfurion is not a threat unless his ultimate Twilight Dream is picked, if so ALWAYS stay as far away from him while staying in position to heal your allies. |
4 |
Tyrael |
Tyrael is the same place as Sonya with not a lot of picks in competitive. But when seen he can be a threat through talent choices starting with Level 10 Judgement; similar to Illidans ultimate with a large range single target stun. Also level 13 Cast Aside has no telegraph to indicate it is coming. So be careful of this front liner he is a great initiator. |
4 |
Leoric |
The king does not pose many threats towards Rehgar except for the ability to entomb allies in a line with no way of escape. I highly recommend keeping your heals for when he closes all them all in to hopefully get your ally out. |
5 |
Abathur |
Abathur himself poses no threat towards Rehgar, but if left untouched can turn the tide of a game. |
5 |
Brightwing |
Brightwing is capable blinking anywhere on the map with Phase Shift, this causes team fights to sway in the enemy favor. |
5 |
Falstad |
Falstad is a powerful hero in the Nexus, his abilities allow him to trade with Rehgar without having to auto attack much. With his recent change in closed beta (which can make Falstad even more of a threat) is Mighty Gust. This ability allows him to launch a VERY long and wide skill that can displace you away from your carries. |
5 |
Sgt. Hammer |
SGT.Hammer does not provide a high amount of hard CC. So the only thing to watch out for his her power auto-attacks when in Siege Mode. |
6 |
Chen |
Chen is a very formidable opponent in lane, without a stun to stop his Fortifying Brew he is able to trade against you very easily. In team fights you have no stuns to stop his Storm, Earth, Fire. |
6 |
E.T.C. |
E.T.C is a powerful ganking warrior. Always keep an eye on your mini-map to avoid being killed. You have no CC to stop his ultimate ability Mosh Pit. |
6 |
Illidan |
Illidan's threat level varies with his team comp. He can easily get in your back line so keep an eye out on his focus to try and top your ally off. |
6 |
Jaina |
Jaina's kit does not allow her to do more damage then that of Rehgar's healing. But she is able to trade with Rehgar in lane through spells. So try to hide behind minions when in lane vs Jaina to avoid frost bolts. |
6 |
Nazeebo |
Nazeebo is a minimal threat towards Rehgar. Rehgar is allowed to heal Nazeebo's damage only if it is on one or two allies, but with AoE damage Nazeebo's damage could deem to be to high. |
6 |
Nova |
Nova really does not effect Rehgar since her main damage is burst and Rehgar's Static Shield, Healing Wave, Ancestral can top up the team mate who took damage. She is capable of 1 shoting an ally so be on look out for that. |
6 |
Zagara |
Zagara is a minor threat with 2 notable spells. Hunter Killer and the ultimate Devouring Maw. Stay a bit away from your allies and avoid stacking against Zagara since Maw is a AoE circle that can take your allies away from being Ancestral or stop you from using if you are grasped by the Devouring Maw. Hunter Killer is a basic ability that is VERY powerful: it summons a Hyrdalisk. Try to run from the hunter killer when it is up but maintain a good distance to soak EXP. |
6 |
Zeratul |
Zeratul is a power-house. He can deal a massive amount of damage. With the ultimate ability Void Prison, he can freeze you from casting Ancestral and allow the enemy team to surround you as a healer; which makes your positioning a lot worse then it should be. *If Ancestral is casted before void prison it will go off even if an ally is caught by VP* |
7 |
Kerrigan |
Kerrigan is a very dangerous hero against Rehgar. She is able to gank very easily with the combination attack. When combo'd with her talent choice Rewind at level 13 she becomes a large threat with Primal Grasp and Impaling Blades. Always stay mobile when VS a Kerrigan, watch your position and do not get combo attacked. |
7 |
Tyrande |
Tyrande has a hard to land ability that can provide a killable stun called Lunar Flare on any ally. In the right hands, Tyrande can pose a high threat towards any team with Hunters Mark which provides 25% increased damage on target. So be quick and smart about your Ancestral and Shield. |
8 |
Azmodan |
Azmodan can be a threat if he pushes and gains a lot of stacks from the early game. He will be able to poke you down if you are not constantly chain healing your allies and yourself. |
8 |
Sonya |
Sonya, like some other tanks listed in this guide, is seldom played in competitive. Sonya is a very powerful foe against Rehgar in lane, since Rehgar cannot obtain a way to CC Sonya in lane. Sonya has 2 hard to dodge abilities: Ancient Spear and Leap. To avoid Ancient Spear as effectively as possible hide behind a minion or ally. |
8 |
Stitches |
Stitches is a medium threat until 16. He becomes a high threat towards the team in terms in hooking he has the opportunity to pick up Fishing Hook at level 16. ALWAYS position yourself as FAR away as possible from him. |
8 |
Tychus |
Tychus is a amazing hero. His threat level is high since his ability Overkill cannot be stopped by anything Rehgar has. His ultimate does massive amounts of damage so be on top of your heals you are putting out and make sure it is the correct target. |
8 |
Uther |
Uther... Well it is pretty much a paladin and shaman showdown at this point. Uther is a great offensive support with Divine Storm whereas Rehgar is a defensive support with Ancestral and Earthbind Totem. Stay away from your team to avoid stacking for his Divine Storm and you should be able to heal his burst with a well timed Ancestral. |
8 |
Valla |
Valla is another powerful carry. She can trade very well with you in lane, so try to play passive and avoid taking damage or getting killed. Damage is high against all allies so keep all heals going off of cool down. |
8 |
The Butcher |
Rehgar can be one of butchers best allies but if the enemy team has butcher be careful because his damage is very high and burst is huge. Be wary when he is DPSin one of your carries. |
9 |
Sylvanas |
Sylvanas is a huge threat because of her ultimate Wailing Arrows be careful if this is her choice at level 10 it is a silence projectile with a lot of damage. |
9 |
Kael'thas |
Kael'thas is a new edition to the Nexus with his extremely large burst and sustain damage he is a very powerful enemy. If there is an enemy Kael watch out for his level 10 ultimate Pyroblast and can easily take out an ally if not checked with your Ancestral Healing. |
10 |
No Threat |
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