It's Cooler39140 here, and I welcome you to my Dehaka guide. It's been almost a year since I changed this guide, and now I'm feeling ready to sweep the dust of the past. He's changed a fair bit since the last time, with
Burrow now having movement speed as baseline, on top of talent changes. But despite all odds, I'll play him, because he is this powerful warrior who can carry games easily if played well. Enjoy the lecture! :)
Early Game
Right after the game starts, there is a 90% chance everyone in the match will go mid lane and try to achieve first blood and gain a small experience lead. Luckily, you're one of the best heroes at securing kills thanks to your
Drag. Just remember to pretty much never use your Z button just to get earlier inside the bush. While it grants early information about the enemy team's position, you're still not a main tank, and without essence, you will likely die or at least be forced to back off way too early.
Next stop in your early game is laning. Dehaka is one of the strongest solo laners in the game. While he's not on the power level of
Sonya or
Hogger in terms of laning, he's still very powerful. Soaking experience is very important in the early game, but if you have made cold calculations, use
Brushstalker (either utilize its passive or active) to another lane and ambush your prey. I can guarantee you will at least force the enemy to retreat. Just remember to have some essence backed up when something goes wrong.
Dehaka is a hero that grows stronger with talents, with lvl 4 being the first one.
Hero Stalker is ridiculously good at snowballing the game further and will ensure you will contribute to teamfights for more time. Lvl 7 talents also improve Dehaka quite a lot. You can never go wrong with either a CD reduction on
Dark Swarm or a longer duration on your Q.
Mid Game
This is the time at least every team will have their ults. And yours can do some incredible work.
Isolation will disable one of the enemy's threats for a long time with it's silence, slow and vision reduction.
Adaptation will be great if your team needs frontline for more time, and the enemy team can often drop you to low health.
At this point, you are also much better at clearing camps, especially if you took
Primal Rage at lvl 13. Try to take some camps by yourself and then Z to join the rest of the fight, or help your team with that task. You'll generally try to stall with taking the camp until some seconds before the objective spawns so the enemy team has to make more complicated decisions.
You're pretty weak if your team falls behind at this point, because you can be kited easily. Even if, you can still try to set up some kills with your
Drag to try to get closer to the same experience as the enemy team. Just watch out for CC, and if your Q won't help your team get even, soak lanes and get camps.
Late Game
Dehaka is alright in the late game, but his toolkit starts to dimminish a bit, because the later the game goes, the more the action will be focused on either team's base, exposing Dehaka's lack of range and mobility outside of bushes. But that doesn't mean that he cannot contribute to late game teamfights, as your Drag is still deadly, and one pick can lead to a long death timer. This is also the time where your level 20 talents give you even more bulk, so you can withstand fights for a longer period of time. Still, you're not a main tank, so be mindful when becoming your team's meat shield.
I want to thank everyone who was glad to check out my guide! While it wasn't updated for quite a while, I still hope it's good for you, and you've learnt something from it. Check this guide for new changes. For now, see you next time!
PS: Btw, if you want to link dehaka's
Adaptation, just type "adaptation dehaka" in [this box]. Otherwise you'll get
Adaptation - one of
Kerrigan's talents.
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