Introduction of me. Top
Hello I'm Equinox and I'm the flex player and shotcaller for Murloc Geniuses, I've played quite a few games of heroes and have been in the pro/competitive scene for awhile now. I feel I'm pretty good with Valla so I decided to make a guide and share my thoughts and how to build/play her and the situational talent picks that you should think about. In heroes theres not just 1 build you always go so I tried to make enough points about other talent choices. Anyways hope the guide helps you and see you around in heroes.
Social media where you can ask me questions, checking out my stream, and my team.
Power Spikes, and strengths/weaknesses. Top
Good Mobility
High Auto and Ability Damage
Good Poke
Slows down tanks and melee heroes
Good CC in tight areas
Requires decent positioning
No defensive Cooldowns pre 16/20
No jaina like burst
Power Spikes:
Big Spikes:
Level 10 - You get your ultimate, standard power spike for every hero.
Level 16 - Incredible survivability spike and burst spike via
Level 20 - Your highest damage/survivability power spike, makes your
much more deadly, gives you another form of escape via
, and makes you much safer because of
allowing you to melt tanks and carries.
Medium Spikes:
Level 7 -
gives you a rather big boost to your auto damage.
gives you that amazing synergy with your abilities when you run W build, amazing poke and kiting potential once you get
Level 13 - Survivability/Damage power Spike via
pairs very well with the level 1 talent
and with
is good for kiting tanks and melee heroes.
Small Power Spikes:
Level 1:
: attack speed steroid. Makes your orb walking much smoother and pairs well with your later talent choices.
another small power spike the core of the W build allowing for you to do safe damage
Level 4:
, this tier gives you strong sustained damage.
another good poke tool, just goes with composite arrows (the grenades get the range too)
Early, Mid, and Late Game focuses also an explanation on positioning. Top
Early Game:
Early Game is when you're most likely to get insta bursted in teamfights and when positioning is very important, but not AS important as late game this is also the "laning" phase of the game. As valla you're normally in a 2v2 or a 1v1 as far as laning goes and you should focus on avoiding harass and getting favorable trades in lane, valla is a champion that does extremely well when ahead on levels but can still do well while behind.
In the cases where you are behind early game because of a gank gone wrong, or just getting caught by cc you should focus on max ranging EXP and avoiding the enemy as much as possible depending on your lane matchup and level disadvantage you can play more or less safe. Always pay attention to the map and keep an eye on what lanes are MiA, on maps like Cursed Hollow avoiding lane harass is very important so you aren't low for tribs but that goes for every map you don't want to be chunked when a fight over an objective is going on.
When you're ahead early game you should try to push your advantage but do not play over aggressive or you'll lose your lead. Push trades in your favor but don't over extend for anything you aren't 100% sure about, when you're winning your lane be much more mindful of multi enemy ganks so if the lane your crushing starts playing aggressive it's a good idea to back off to make sure you don't get ganked. Overall her early game is pretty good but is very reliant on your own play and not so much your champions power.
Mid Game.
This is the point in the game where teamfights are more abundant and merc control is very important wether you're ahead, even, or behind will dictate how you play out the midgame.
When you're ahead you should stick with your team and focus on objectives, valla is very good at fighting over objectives because of her poke and high aoe damage. Like early game though, do not go into something you're not 100% sure about getting caught in the midgame can lead to objective losses.
When you're even you need to pick favorable engages and position properly, winning a teamfight can be decided on your positioning and targeting alone so it's important that you're not in a bad spot stick behind your tanks and next to your healers so that people can peel off of you and have room to kite back to you while you do the damage also be very mindful of what CC's they have and haven't used wether it be
etc.. don't waste your ulti to early or you'll waste a lot of your potential like mentioned earlier it's very reliant on your own play and not so much your champions ability to do damage.
When you're behind is very tricky, make sure you check which talents the enemy has taken and play accordingly. If they have Spell Shield and you don't then you're not gonna be able to pull off your full burst like you would before (just an example ofcourse). But, alls you can do from behind is play your best and hope your team doesn't pick unfavorable engages.
Late Game:
Late Game to me is level 20+, and this is when your positioning and personal play really shines as valla. You can win a teamfight very easily by getting a good Rain of Vengeance off. Your main focus in late game is to live and make sure you do not waste your
, a lot of vallas get very over confident because she's a very high damage dealer and that can easily get to your head.
Now, I mentioned positioning a lot in this section so I'll briefly go over what I mean by positioning.
Positioning is how you place yourself in a teamfight and/or in lane, it's important that you're always behind your tank and never to far up you're a very squishy target and easily killable so you should play back until the right moments. Most of the time during a teamfight you'll be kiting their frontline back and/or bursting their frontline with BFB, however if you're running a hard engage comp you need to position yourself next to your healers and near your engagers to get a favorable
off (minding the enemy cd's and cc's ofcourse). Overall positioning is just placing yourself in a good spot so you're not a favorable target to get engaged upon unless the enemy wants to just die.
Valla's state in competitive and how you should play her. Top
State in Competitive.
Right now valla is a top tier pick, tied with sylvanas as far as power is concerned but valla offers different utility. She's very good at all points in the game, shes a safe hero if played correctly and is very good at area control and disengaging/tank killing. She has amazing poke and sustained damage there's really no downside to her other than no burst.
How to play valla in competitive.
Valla's most common build right now is either the Auto build w/ frenzy(listed under competitive auto build) or the W build (listed under competitive build up at the top) you want to play rather safe with her and just focus on poking and getting a good
off and maximizing your auto attacks, when you play valla you have to mind your positioning all the time because she is extremely easy to kill against good players because of her HP pool and lack of scary burst so people aren't afraid to all in you. For laning just focus on soaking and rotating to where your team needs you, you have rather good wave clear so being in lanes against things like hammer and nwWBO who want to push is ideal (in extreme situations like stacked lanes you want to get help)
As far as teamfighting your main priority is either poking or hurting their frontline and in some cases flanking their carries. If you're going multi-shot build you can poke before fights and lower the enemies hp/waste healing CD's, depending on your team comp popping a healers healing CD (for example Uthers holy light) you can use that window of opportunity to blow someone up so communicate that with your teammates. Another aspect is looking for an optimal
, if you're against a team comp that wants to run at you rain is better and you should use it as a counter engage/follow up. If you're against a team that can't reliably stop your strafe than go strafe and try to use it after the fight has started to get the most value out of it.
Situational Talent Picks
Picking this talent against frontliners like arthas, anub, muradin, and pretty much any warrior is extremely good, it allows your team to either blow them up or run past them into the enemies backline. Also pick this talent to follow up on ults like
Take this talent when you're going against a no CC or minimal CC comp, you can also take this if you're 1-2 levels up and want to close out the game.
Take this when you're going playing a comp that wants to brawl, allows you to destroy frontliners and duel carries.
Always take this talent when you're against heroes that can get on you or if you pick rain of vengeance and aren't using the auto build.
Final points. Top
Talents are obviously situational, so I'll go over a few talents that I feel are good in certain situations.
I pick this talent when I'm very vulnerable to being killed, wether that means I have no support on my team or the enemy team has a lot of chase potential and hard engage. This talent is also a hard counter to tyrael because if you blink mid judgement cast it cancels the stun and the travel to your blink spot.
I pick this talent when my team has a long aoe slow
, or jainas
which allows for a near 100% uptime on executioner.
Good talent against multiple tanks but frost shot is normally a more helpful option and with the power of imposing presence it won't be very effective.
Really solid talent against heroes that want to run at you like
I take this a lot in competitive and it can turn fights.
I pick this talent every time I go W build it allows you to burst harder and deal with frontline heroes without going auto build, I like it over
because of imposing presence you won't get a lot out of it the later the game goes.
Final Words
This is my first heroes guide, so if you feel I need to include something that I didn't or if there's improvements I could make in how I go about writing things down feel free to say them. I enjoy writing guides so I'd like to get better at it as well. Thanks for reading and I hoped it helped you become a better Valla player.
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