I've been trying this for QM where I dont feel I can rely on my team too much to hold the line and keep me from being ganked or where theres much mobility required.
The idea is to get Ambush for the initial burst damage, where you position, siege and lash out at the enemy. If you can keep hammering, assuming your position continues being safe or the enemy doesnt disengage, you are free to keep dpsing. But as we all know, a still siege tank is often a dead siege tank.
On tier 2 I keep it optional between vampire, focused and maelstrom, depending on map and team setups. First aid is a 9/10 pick for me in this build, as you are already mobile enough with the rapid siege/reposition tactics.
Tier 4 I almost always take napalm, as with almost all my builds, seeing as I really like the regular burst dps output.
Tier 5 its a decision between first strike, which should be a must for a build of this sort, but occasionally there are enough beeefy heroes for giant killer.
In tier 6 executioner is the obvious damage boost choice, as you are already repositioning so ofter for the ambush damage output. Graduating/hover are counterproductive for the playstyle, but stone shield can come in handy if theres alot of burst spell damage, otherwise I sometimes take mine field to counter the pesky zeratul or illidan ganks.
Tier 7 choices can be pretty varied depending on the situation, and im mostly torn between nexus(duh) and fury of the storm. Depends on how much I have to be repositioning or if I get to stand and dps free of harassment. Advanced lava strike can be a pick, particularly in a map like blackhearts bay, if the team is depending on you disrupting the enemy from tributes.
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