Hey guys, Heisenberg here again with
Rexxar this time and 3 builds with appropriate maps. I've been revising
Rexxar since artanis and love how he works now. He's really come a long.
Rexxar is an awesome new hero with a huge hp pool between him and his pet Misha, with quite a lot of CC and Jungling utility built in, extra damage to minions and structures, and 5s ranged vision flare for anti cloaking and reveal. Since the Morales patch a couple cool enhancements have made him a meta draft pick. Firstly, He comes with a fixate button now, which basically turns misha, his pet, into a complete menace for the enemy backline. Secondly, his leash range is way more than ample. You can basically get a drink and come back and Misha won't leash.
He's defined as a ranged warrior, but I think his utility would go great as a secondary split push utility jungling specialist and general anti-squishy chaser. Imagine him with
Muradin or
E.T.C. in team fights, the CC would be insane. I truly don't ever see
Rexxar as a front line tank, at least not in the current release and the more I play him, I realise he is a strong back line defence against
Illidan tyreal, and
The Butcher and in between fights, a good jungle bear.
Good team comp would be something like
Jaina and
Kael'thas plus
Sgt. Hammer or
Zagara or something of this nature.
I've settled on 2 builds so far that seem fairly stable to use. Tanky CC build and Secondary tank split pusher.
Rexxar is much like
E.T.C. in the stun regard, except it's a pet that does the power slide, with slowing in between stuns. Getting used to the stun line range is paramount to success and aiming can sometimes be awkward.
It's interesting to note that when u kill
Rexxar you kill misha as well, which is the best way to defend against him. Misha rarely gets focussed down, most ignore the bear unless its presenting a direct threat, so to enhance her healing is a few wasted points IMO. On the other hand,
Rexxar gets focussed quite a lot, so the ice block at 16 is a must if you are team fighting.
With Morales patch, ic an force that Misha will start to get focussed down more as she becomes a complete menace and with no sign of
Rexxar in sight. A couple things you may wish to consider is to take block or flare, block for mitigating autos or flare for being able to see whats going on being so far away. Moore necessary now that Misha chases much further from
Pros and Cons Top
Great Merc and boss sneak capability if left alone or with one other. You need to keep the enemy occupied and not arouse suspicion so best to solo camps.
Good siege capability.
Menace to enemy backline, can get in there easy.
Ranged vision on short cd, although it is small.
Great CC and slowing.
After lvl 7
Bird of Prey, awesome wave clear
Huge leash range.
No Mobilty, gets caught out quite easily, no form of escape except slowing/stunning enemy and running.
Quite Squishy for a main tank, easy to kill.
No real heals or temps on
Rexxar himself, save for 16 talent ice block.
Misha dies if Rexxar dies.
Long cooldowns
Can be hard to master
Playstyles Top
The challenge by far is going to get use to the weird play style of aiming a remote power slide misha-charge!. You absolutely must keep Misha in front of you (Unless you are running away), or you will become the focus, and you don't want that to happen. If you die so does Misha losing full XP, if Misha dies, you stay alive and she re-spawns losing only 1/4 xp. One downside is that the bear is so small that enemies won't be getting body blocked by it to get to your back line as a main tank. A tip, use the bushes as much as you can, poke your head out to engage misha and swoop then get back in at objectives. Kind of like a DPS.
If you travel outside a certain range from a target, even if she is attacking it, she will dis-engage and run back to you. This range has been widened substantially to a game changing amount since Morales. So take advantage of it while it lasts.
Beware of KT Chain Bomb as it will reverberate right to
Rexxar and back to misha. You can now park misha on the ground if this happens, thus minimising the damage.
The stun from your (W)
Misha, Charge! is an absolute priority to land. This is your skill shot. Like
Drain Hope it's much easier if you slow your enemy first with your (Q)
Spirit Swoop. Taking
Crippling Talons at lvl7 will enhance your slow even more if you are going for a CC build. Your (E) is just a heal for Misha. Most will ignore Misha and go right for you instead but if you always have a charge of stun on hand that
Aspect of the Beast and
Bear Necessities has to offer you, you may get out unscathed. Unfortunately, to take the CD reduction on the change, you must reduce her range. Misha is also a fantastic target for
Drain Hope so even more important to keep that stun up for him.
Rexxar is an awesome junglist and can solo bosses at lvl 10 with ease. The first build is for a jungliest split push and I've been quite frankly using this build more than the CC build as it's so effective.
Rexxar can clear a whole minion wave with one
Spirit Swoop enhanced with the lvl 7 talent
Bird of Prey, this also applies to mercs and bosses. It's important when taking out mercs that you position yourself at a vector to hit both mercy with your
Spirit Swoop this can be a challenge with bruiser camps, but nonetheless, you can do tremendous dmg with it and the bear. Taking out bosses can also be fun, and u need to let your team know that you can sneak them and to keep enemy team preoccupied whilst doing so.
As stated above, after you take
Bird of Prey you can wave clear a whole line of minions with your swoop instantly if you throw it as they are walking down the lane in a straight line, and not after they bunch up. This in itself is extremely useful if you are behind to farm xp and clear minions.
Abilities Top
Q -
Spirit Swoop A decent med range slow and high dmg dealer against mercs/minions with talents.
W -
Misha, Charge! CC skill shot stun. Will stun all enemies in a line, albeit a relatively short line.
E -
Mend Pet Heal your pet, high volume heal.
R1 -
Unleash the Boars CC ULT
R2 -
Bestial Wrath High DMG Ult.
Trait - misha
The Kit Top
LVL 1 Talents Top
Grizzled Bear Standard block, but only blocks Misha, now that misha gets focused quite a lot, this is a good pick.
Hunter-Gatherer Is working properly now. It is 1 though instead of normal 1.5. Very good talent.
Survivalist Training This can be good if you are lining and juggling.
Flare I really think this is a valuable and highly underestimated talent choice. It's a ranged flare, and although the range is small, its still large enough to take a peek at merc camps and boss camps making
Rexxar a prime merc stealer. You can scout out merc camps, boss situations, and behind enemy walls without ever exposing yourself, to siege with a reasonable safe assumption that no one is behind the wall. Which makes them incredibly useful. It also helps ascertain hand ins and objectives on many maps. Vision is a valuable thing, especially at lvl 1 and when there is a cloaked around.
LVL 4 Talents Top
Hungry Bear This talent since Morales has become very valuable early and mid considering that the bear will become the focus with such a long leash range now, this is a great choice for tanking and Seiging straight out of the gate and to secure early game xp.
Crippling Talons I've been a strong advocate for extending slows, and a 40% 3s slow is no scrubby talent. This will help secure kills and with disengaging so I tend to go with this if I am the only tank and there is low cc.
Taking Flight With the added range on Misha now, this is invaluable to have as you can stay away back now while still being able to cast your swoop.
Easy Prey I really like this talent for securing enemy merc and bosses. It makes
Rexxar particularly suited for this because he can go in and solo the camps relatively quick.
LVL 7 Talents Top
Blood of the Rhino I've been playing with this and the heal from it is about 80% of Misha's health pool. Since Misha is tanking a lot more now tat her leash is so long, this might be a viable choice if you are straight tanking.
Throwing Axes This is actually good for keeping safer distance. It's a small boost but, it definitely helps keep you within "Bail before you die" distance. You will get used to initiating an attack with Misha then running out a bit further whilst letting her continue to attack. but at a safe distance, you won't be hitting much auto.
Aspect of the Beast This talent has undergone a change, now it is based off of Misha's attacks and not
Rexxar's, so definitely makes it worth while.
Bird of Prey This talent is definitely part of the Jungliest set as it clears mercs extraordinarily fast solo. If you are going for the merc sneak steal or boss steel, then go this route. It also clears minion waves as they walk down the lane. Best to hit them in a straight line before they cluster up on you with this. It will clear everything in it's path too, i.e. doesn't stop at first enemy or structure hit, so it can be valuable and synergize with the range increase talent.
LVL 10 Talents Top
Bestial Wrath Awesome talent for boss sneaking, taking mercy camps quick. Low CD. Does significant dmg on one target. If you are secondary tank on jungling duty take this. It's also now great for focusing down a target in the backline of the enemy, like KT or Jaina. Perfect for this. Great for main tanking.
Unleash the Boars Amazing slow and reveal plus dmg. Helps in both disengage and chasing down. Wait till end of fight to use it, or to catch straggler people out of position. If you are more team fight oriented take this talent.
LVL 13 Talents Top
Wildfire Bear Since Morales, this the best pick on this tier bar none. You can be miles away now with
Rexxar and do epic dmg with misha burying her in the middle of the chaos with this talent.
Thrill of the Hunt This requires you to get a lot closer to the enemy than desired. It may work with
Throwing Axes build but I've not taken that route in lieu of the other talents in that tree.
Bear Necessities If you're a new
Rexxar player and miss charge a lot, take this. Or if you are jungling, take this as it gives you 2 charges for bosses, mercs and minions. It won't stun bosses but it will dmg them. Another great aspect of this talent is that it is a fast way to chase someone with misha and get her caught up to them.
Barkskin As main tank build this helps considerably when Misha gets focused with abilities. Kind of a spell shield for Misha every 12s. Synergies well with lvl 7
Aspect of the Beast effectively cutting that number in half.
LVL 16 Talents Top
Primal Intimidation For Morales patch I think this might just overtake fiegn-death as rexxar can get quite far away now. If you are consistently becoming the focus, then take the
Feign Death otherwise this is a safe bet.
Critical Care This would require a lot of timing to get right, but may become viable this patch.
Aspect of the Hawk Offensively this works pretty well and is a considerable boost if you are ahead and aren't finding you are getting focussed down, might be worth a try.
Feign Death Awesome choice and has gotten me out of so many binds, its a 5s ice block and anyone who was attacking you will usually sit there for the whole 5s waiting to resume.
Storm Talents Top
Spirit Bond Take this if you have gone
Bestial Wrath The increase alone is worth it.
Kill Command Awesome upgrade to boars, i really like the root and dmg increase, totally worth taking if you have boars.
Frenzy of Kalimdor This is based on both rexxar and Misha attacks now, your's does 10% more dmg and Misha's slow. So this is awesome for chasing down enemies runners.
Hardened Skin This talent is a must have in any heavy dmg situation. It far outweighs the ult upgrades at this stage.
Changelog Top
9-10-2015 Added Changelog
9-16-15 Started adding talent descriptors.
10-8-16 Added more talent descriptions, revised for Morales Patch.
10-10-15 Added more graphic content.
10-27-15 Revisited since artanis prerelease.
11-6-15 Meta Shift in talents for tank/bruiser build ~ Artanis release - Blizzcon
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