Name: Hogger
Realm: Warcraft
Role: Brusier
Fighting style: Melee
Ok I decided to create some Hogger guides - my Hogger lvl is 147 and still going up ;)
Let's begin!
This build provides you a good self healing and sustain on battlefield.
Level 1: Bone to Gnaw gives you extra meat and 10 armor
Level 4: Brute Strenght you will get additional 150dmg after hitting enemy heroes - permanently increase damage per hit with
Staggering Blow with 2 points and 8 when enemy hit terrain - you can easy done that quest on maps with lot of terrain walls like
Cursel Hollow or
Dragon Shrine. You can also hit enemies blocking thier way with
Loot hoard and hitting them with
Staggering Blow
Level 7: My personal choice (I play as solo laner and soak as much as possible) is
Garbage Fire that gives additional dmg to enemies and structures also slowing them down. I also use
Seeing Red if I need attack speed (it's good against tanks but only with
Headbanger that gives 8% of max enemies life when hit terrain - preffered on maps like
Cursel Hollow or
Dragon Shrine
Level 10: You have two options and it's situational:
If you like close combat take
Shockwave - good damage, quite long range to interrupt enemies ultimate attack (
E.T.C's -
Mosh Pit,
Anduins -
Nazeebos -
Revenous Spirit or
Novas -
Triple Tap etc.
Hoardapult when you need to quick escape or get point on map, used with
Garbage Fire at lvl 7 and
Bone to Gnaw at level 1 (more meat, more armor and dmg to slow enemies)
Level 13: Bloodthris: 33% of damage done with your Basic Attack,
Hogg Wild or
Staggering Blow back to you as life
Level 16: Gives you buff for two next basic attacks after hitting enemy with Q or E. It's also buff lvl 13
Level 20:
1st choice:
Power Spike against melee enemies - decreasing thier armor by 15 points for 4 seconds and grants 20 rage points.
2nd choice:
Anger Management - more rge means more damage, faster HP regeneration, this also saved my many times in fights against high hp heroes like
Deathwing, ,
Stiches etc.
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