Threat |
Hero |
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No Threat |
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No Threat |
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No Threat |
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No Threat |
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Nazeebo |
Only Ravenous spirit is a real big threat, u need to polymorph to stop this channeling spell or u might loose the game. |
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E.T.C. |
Easy to dodge but beware of his moshpit |
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Thrall |
Combined with many other burst DD's or CC heroes he will make u an easy gankkill, try to Z the fuck out of there. |
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Tyrael |
Tanky and mobile, be careful when he starts to chase u, take help from ur blink heals on friends or creep, remember u have two shields on this build aswell as 2 sprints on |
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Tyrande |
Hard to kill and will lower ur armor early game, dodge her stuns and back up if u get marked from Rangers mark. |
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Zeratul |
Will always try to kill u if u go to far and alone, keep in mind if u dont have tassadar in ur team this hero might find u with low hp and oneshot u, always keep ur health high. |
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Nova |
Easy to escape from unless she is stealthed, will always try and kill u with Snipe when u have low HP ad her slow can be a pain as it opens up for easy stunsl |
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Sgt. Hammer |
Only a big threat early game but can be a pain if left alone since her massive dmg will drain ur mana on healing ur whole team, never leave her unchecked. |
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Illidan |
If he is smart he will chase u like a beast, this is where the both shield abilities u pick makes u immortal together with the sprint and blink and Z. If he is ur teammate u should have stick with him cuz this combo is insane, the survivability he gets from this build with BW can help him kill a whole team if your lucky. |
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Diablo |
Just a bastard hero, dont focus him, stay away and harass him, OP ulti and all that cant be stopped with polymorph. |
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Murky |
More will come when ill finish this one tommorrow, Murky get full score since he is a murloc in a diaper. |
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