Tier 1:
Subtlety: A good talent to pick as your burst can use a lot of energy quickly. This talent lets you recharge faster allowing you to dash away from danger or toward a target close to death quickly.
(Alt) Crippling Poison: This is also good for similar reasons and has more utility if you have allies nearby, that being said it is not as good for escapes as Subtlety.
Tier 2:
Initiative: Some may argue that there is little point in taking this talent if you are going to take Seal Fate, but Seal Fate is at level 16. This is late into the game and Initiative allows one less ability for a max power Eviscerate at an earlier stage of the battle.
(Alt) Wound Poison: To be honest all talents baring Hemorrhage in tier 2 are great for this build and each can be used effectively. Relentless Strikes allows a faster dash after your burst combo and works well with Subtlety, however Wound Poison pulls ahead as an alternate talent especially when facing a team that has a powerful healer in their midst.
Tier 3:
Mutilate: Mutilate may have reduced range, but 100% extra damage is excellent, especially since you will be using it as a part of your burst. With that in mind, you will be in melee range anyway so the range is not even an issue.
Fatal Finesse: If however you prefer to use your [W], then take this instead. If you do then I recommend you take Expose Armor at level 16 instead as you won't have need for Seal Fate.
Tier 4:
Cloak of Shadows: This is the best for hit and run style play, take it.
(Alt) Smoke Bomb: An argument can be made for Smoke Bomb, but as I said above you can still be hit by AOE abilities while inside it.
Tier 5:
Blind: This ability is great against an heroes that rely on basic attacks for their damage. It is perfect for this build.
(Alt) Elusiveness: However, Elusiveness is also good for the mobility that it gives you. Useful for escapes and chasing down low health targets. Take this if you want to play safer.
Tier 6:
Seal Fate: This boosts the damage of your uncloaked [Q] even more if the enemy is stunned, and since you would have just hit them with a cheap shot means that you will get this to proc every time. Even more deadly due to the damage boost that Mutilate gave you at tier 3.
(Alt) Expose Armor: If however you took Fatal Finesse instead then you have little use for Seal Fate and Expose Armor is a no brainer. The bonus is that this help your team mates' damage output too.
Tier 7:
Cold Blood: This is the bread and butter of Valeera's late game. It makes her an absolute menace to anyone on the enemy team. This is the ultimate assassin's talent. Take it.
(Alt) Nightslayer: If you find yourself dying a lot after a successful burst, then this would help out a lot, but if you are playing correctly this should not be happening.
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