Solid Healing
Great Siege Damage
Excellent wave clear
High 1v1 ability late game
No True Escape mechanism (land root and run)
No Burst healing
Early mana issues (make intelligent decisions with your spell usage)
Hello All,
Welcome to the official 'Malburnion' Guide. Above you will notice 3 different builds, but I think the only truly viable option at high mmr is the hybrid. I put the other 2 builds, DPS w/ Tranq and Full Dps because they can be fun options in a quick match when you just want to mess around. Most people wont do it (because tranq is op) but using twilight dream can be a lot of fun.I also put them there so I can explain why they are not as good as the hybrid. When you start using your roots as a form of early game dps you find yourself constantly mana starved and your team suffers for it. You also dont really come into your own in terms of dps until lunar shower so if you are building and focusing on dps, your team again, suffers early game. Remember, Malf is a great healer even though he can lay the smack down with some solid damage. The purpose of the hybrid is to get us into the late game without putting our team at a disadvantage. You build yourself as the healer in the early game, and never forget that healing is an essential part of your role in the game. Your early game healing choices will keep you a useful healer into the late game, even when you are burning everything in sight.
Always remember:
Hybrid Malf uses roots as they should be used, utility. Roots secure kills and save lives .. they do not clear waves. The mana cost is too high for the benefit. Obviously there can be exceptions.
Hybrid Malf is patient, he wants to watch the world burn like other dps Malf's but he also wants to win. Don't worry, once you get to 16 you can watch all the enemy champ's die in a (moon)fire just like you dreamed of. Until then, keep your team alive and in the game and do not frivolously spend your mana.
Tier 1:
Moonburn - This is the bread and butter of Malburnion and useful in most any malf spec. There is no other viable option at this level.
Tier 2:
Rampant Growth - Boost to initial healing. This will save lives. If you have a burst healer on your team, go ahead and take Elune's Grace as the increased range can be great for utility and late game damage.
Tier 3:
Enduring Growth - a huge increase to your healing. Combined with your rampant growth, this makes your regrowth an extremely powerful healing spell. Situationally, cleanse can be useful in this tier, but the amount of extra healing you get from enduring growth is almost too good to pass up.
Tier 4:
Ultimate - Tranquility. Tranq is phenomenal in team fights, especially around objectives. Tranq is a heal over time spell, like all your healing, but if you pop this at the beginning of an objective fight you are almost certain to win. This spell really shines on maps like, Battlefield of Eternity, Infernal Shrines, Cursed Hollow and Sky Temple. Anything where you and the enemy team are forced into small areas.
Tier 5: And it begins
Full Moonfire - Increased radius and reduced mana cost? .. yes please.
life seed and shrink ray are great support picks ... but right now, we just became a specialist. We specialize in wave clear and healing.
Tier 6:
Lunar Shower - this talent .. makes Malburnion. Chain casting high damage instant cast spells in team fights. Clearing waves and merc camps with ease. This is the power spike .. you have now graduated from Malfurion to Malburnion. Enjoy pwning the world. Unfortunately, this comes a bit late in the game ... the main problem is that if you did a really good job supporting your team, you can win before you really get to enjoy the fruits of your labor. On the other hand, this power spike will turn games around and tip the balance in your favor on even games.
Tier 7:
Storm Shield - Since you dont have any burst healing, a nice 20% shield to allow your hots to tick on the team is kind of a big deal. This will also help you in 1v1 situations. The cooldown is not long, but try to get it to land on as many teammates as possible .. which wont be hard since they all flock to your tranq anyway.
I hope you enjoy the build and your games as Malburnion as much as I do. Please post any feedback and let me know how this build treated you. If you have any amazing games as Malburnion, please send a screenshot of the stats and I will post it on the guide.
Thank you!
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