- One of the best burst damage in the game.
- Permanent Clock, Sniper.
- One of the best roamers and gankers.
Snipe - One of the farthest reaching skillshots in the game and allows for great harassment and finishing of kills.
- Can be reliant on mana.
- Dies easily if caught out. Has no escape other than cloak and Decoy.
- VERY squishy
- No mobility abilities
- No CC's
Cooldown: 10 seconds
Nova's bread and butter ability. This is a skill shot snipe with a long range and good damage. If you can't land this +75% of the time against normal enemies, you won't have a good time on Nova.
Pinning Shot
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Part of Nova's burst damage combo, particularly with the Crippling Shot talent. Not really used to actually slow targets, as Nova really hopes that any and all targets are dead by the time they know what hit them, especially if Nova picks up the slow-shooting Anti-Armor Shells talent.
Holo Decoy
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Basically, this is Nova's distraction ability. Can also be used when fleeing, and best used right after rounding a corner or just stepping inside a bush, as the enemy won't be able to see you drop it and will immediately think it's you when they regain vision. Note that decoys will not dismount or interrupt objective-channeling Heroes anymore, unless the decoys do actual damage.
[Permanent Cloak, Sniper] (Trait) Fast Feet
You become cloaked (also called stealthed) and difficult to see. You're not invisible, and attentive players can still see you, but you're still very difficult to make out.
Noob Burst Combo
Holo Decoy
Pinning Shot
Auto Attack
if u need any further help with any hero mp me Oneshot#2197.
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