[Rank 1] Kael'thas Explained (Comprehensive) [Greymane Update] by SangoProductions

[Rank 1] Kael'thas Explained (Comprehensive) [Greymane Update]

By: SangoProductions
Last Updated: Apr 1, 2016
7 Votes
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Threats to Kael'thas with this build

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Threat Hero Notes
Tassadar Thank him for the free win. His shield is a really long CD, and only works for one person. He'll be a pain in the early-mid game (if you lane against him), as he'll block your combo, but he's got nothing against chain bomb. Sure he's got extended shields...but they have to have been put up preemptively, and are only 50% as effective as the actual ability - in essence (and form), not really useful counters to Keal'thas.
Lunara You've got stun and you've got burst. Considering she dies if a wet fart is aimed at her, you've got this. Just don't simply let her do whatever she wants.
Artanis You're ranged. Just walk away. He literally has no gap closers before 16, by which time you've already beaten him in to the ground. Just don't get caught.
Brightwing Her better ult, the blink heal, puts her right next to her targets. Anyone say chain bomb? Oh, and her AoE heals are kinda pathetic. She does have bouncing dust which can AoE reduce damage...a bit...but your chain bomb is just better, and comes online faster...which is saying something. She's just in a weak spot at the moment.
The Lost Vikings ...What can they honestly do to you? You've got more damage. They have no abilities that do anything to you. And if they are nubcakes, then they won't even separate with chain bomb on them. At worst, they Jump, and cancel a chain bomb.
Johanna Of the tanks, she's one of the tankier and more annoying ones for Keal. But you easily out range her, and if you stay careful, you don't worry even if she takes move speed on condemn.
Abathur Annoying as hell. He pushes lanes while helping in team fights, where his hat's shield can actually be slightly frustrating. And his mines...pretend you're playing against Teemo, and just back when you're low health. But, if you're smart, it's not that big of a deal.
Murky Underestimate him, and he will pound your face in. But a living bomb or two will shove him back into his egg...for 5 seconds... god damn you.
Tyrande If she picks the range increase on her stun, she can very easily start picking you off (with allied help), if you aren't very good about dodging those. It does require her to be quite good with those...but I'm seeing more and more good tyrande players lately.
Arthas No gap closers. Only ranged ability is really slow. But if you do get caught, it's a root that will possibly lead to your death.
Nazeebo You out damage him...and could theoretically break out of his zombie wall, but if he catches you with your abilities on CD, you are kinda boned if his team joins in, or if he ults. Luckily, it's not too hard to stay out of those walls if you're paying attention.
Zeratul As Nova, but with less burst. Has VP though.
Illidan It's a skill matchup. Be patient with your E, and you'll win. Waste it, and you lose.
Rehgar Not much of a threat to *you* but is a threat to how effective you will be. You're about AoE. He has AoE heals.
Raynor He outranges your harass. It makes him an annoying lane opponent. Not much more though, and you can all in him much more easily than he can you, until he gets his stun at 16.
Uther You *barely* out range his stun. But if you slip up, he can stun you...which is meaningless if he doesn't have teammates to follow up. You can burn through his mana easily with free D+W.
Diablo He's a less powerful version of the skeleton king. He's got less health and less regen, and he has to restart at the fountain when you kill em. However, he's got displacement...which isn't a big deal if you're careful, but still can be good if you get caught.
Cho He's got damage. He's hard to kill. As a burst champion with no % health damage, he kinda does whatever he wants to you. The best thing is that he has no CC until heroics, one of which is a hard to control melee-range knockback, and the other is a kerrigan pull...which could actually make your life hell if you are trying to keep your distance. But it's not something that truly locks you down.
Anub'arak Generally weak right now, but he's got the range to burrow in on you and cc you for his team. Also Web wrap.
Sgt. Hammer You can't well enter her range without losing more health than you're dealing. She can't be that aggressive on you though with that tactic.
Stitches Dodge the hook! He gets you, you're dead. If you dodge it...well, killing him is a pain, but you're alive.
Leoric Just annoying, and mostly unkillable. His wall ult is killer though, if you get caught out. This match up post-10 is a mind game. After reevaluating him, post-lunara patch, I must say I slightly underestimated just how devastating that wall was. If he's really good, he can single handedly negate all your effectiveness no matter how you play, even more so with team communication. These are difficult qualities to come across, even at rank 1, or else he'd be even higher.
Jaina This will largely be a skill matchup. You get caught in her blizzard, you won't have much recourse. If she gets caught by you though, she's dead.
Falstad He can be super annoying. He's got sustained damage, and he's got poke. And worst of all, he's got the mobility to make sure you can't duck out when you've blown all your abilities on him. So, don't 1v1 him, and just win in team fights.
Chen As I said, anyone can tear you to shreds if they get in range. Chen can get in range and start body blocking in one spell, that's longer range than your harass combo, and if he takes his 90% slow talent, you're going to be dead long before you can get to a safe place again, and his shield is one of the more infuriating things.
Greymane Damned annoying, no matter what build he goes. Flask build will chunk you steadily from a range you can't contest with, and if he goes worgen build, he can just dive on you really hard, which hurts as with all dive heroes. He's more dangerous than Illidin because he has the *option* of poking or diving, which is kinda insane.
Nova Tons of burst. If you don't see her, you're dead, that's why you take clairvoyance.
Sonya Her spear, her spin, her...everything. She's deadly.
E.T.C. I was mistaken. He does indeed just barely match your D+W's range with his power slide, even without the range increase. He still won't automatically get behind you, if you manage to send out your stun as he does his thing, but still dangerous.
Kerrigan May be the deadliest person to Keal. He has no escapes for the combo, so you've simply got to stay out of range. If she does hop on you though, you can walk in to her, as she tends to aim her stun for if you had run. So, running at her actually lets you avoid the stun and get out.
The Butcher Let him charge on someone else first. Please.
Thrall Dodge the stuff! He's got a very slight tell on his ult, so you've got to predict it. He gets you with it, and your team's not there to help, you're dead. Post-scaling changes made him stupid strong. He out sustains you, out pokes you and can root through minions. He doesn't have as good a teamfight presence as you, but you just straight up lose to him in every way 1v1.
Lt. Morales She is THE counter to Kael'thas. Simply put, it's because Kael'thas has *nothing* he can do about a good morales player with a good positioning and team coordination. So don't do anything about her, and just focus their team? That also doesn't work. Because she heals 10x more damage than you will ever deal. The only counter tactic to morales is to dive on her, which keal'thas can not do. DO NOT PICK KAEL'THAS AGAINST HER.

Table of Contents Top

Introduction Top

This is my first time making a guide, so bear with me. I was able to get to rank 1 fairly easily with Kael, so at least I have that going for me.
So, here's the basics of Kael'thas: You walk in to lane, and blow people up. More specifically, he is one of the most versatile characters in the game. He wave clears in one or 2 spells (even early game); he can harass for free; he can set up plays; he has massive AoE; he has great focused damage; he's got good zoning. Just about everything you could want, he can do.
So, sit back and learn to play the best hero in the game (until Lunara gets a proper kit).

--Also, a plug: My channel is SangoProductions21 Check it out for heroes of the storm gameplay.

...And because a popular guide did it, I'll also link one of my videos that shows off my decision making here.

Pros and Cons Top


  • High combo damage
  • Good wave clear (upgrades to fantastic at level 13)
  • Free harass with D-W combo
  • Few mana issues (just an addiction of sorts)
  • Stun, which can hit a large number of enemies far away.
  • Zoning Tools: His ults (even his bad one), his Q and his W (after 13) all act as zones of control


  • No mobility until level 20.
  • Miss your stun, you die.
  • Rather squishy, until level 16.
  • Relies heavily on knowing when you are out of position
  • Doesn't dive well...or at all.
  • Without protection, or team positioning, you will die. (not a problem if you know when you're out of position, and can fix it)

When to pick in rank. Top

(Section inspired by a comment on another guide. So I'm adding it.)
Assuming the essential roles of tank and healer are filled:

If you are an absolute master of Kael and of positioning - every damned time you can. Except when there's a Morales on the enemy team. Because she will make you more useless than my cat.

Else, whenever they don't choose a diving comp, or if they do, your team is a kiting/disengage comp, and plays as such (not going to happen). Also don't chose him in to a dive comp, unless you are confident you can play without protection, and separated from your team mates.

You don't ever want to be in range of anyone, not even their tanks, as even they can rip you to shreds if you ignore them, so you are there to rip up anyone in range, but not to put yourself at risk.

Basic Abilities and basic tactics Top

I did say this was also about basic tactics. Can't believe I didn't put this earlier. Anyway: Remember your fighting and trading is Cooldown-base, also called Burst. That means you go in, do your thing, and duck out before they can respond. Only stay to auto attack (with very weak autos) if you are positive you are safe.

Verdant Spheres is your trait. It makes your other abilities even better. Will be referred to as VS occasionally. It has a really short cooldown (6 seconds), so it's great. Its cooldown starts after you use it, not after it's been activated. IE. If you hit your D ( Verdant Spheres) it won't go on CD until you empower one of your other abilities. So only use it just before empowering an ability.

You gain so much flexibility and control by not preemptively activating this...and then having to spend an empowered Gravity Lapse on one person because Zeratul hopped on you.

Flamestrike is your Q ability. After a brief delay, does quite a sum of damage. It's hard to land though, so it's best used as a zoning tool to keep your enemies from running away or capping an objective (which means they either stay and die, or run in to your Flamestrike and die).

The empowered version of this can be used after your E Nether Wind to deal sizable damage.

With Verdant Spheres, this ability's damage and size is increased by 50%. That is huge! Not only does it make it deal more damage, but it's also now harder to dodge. Empower this for single target damage against someone who's stunned. It's also your most damaging ability vs immobile targets, such as mercenaries, and some objectives (like Battlefield of Eternity's), so Empower this one for those targets.
The empowered Q is also very good for destroying minion waves pre-13. Empowered Living Bomb is better post-13.

Living Bomb is your W ability and burns your target, then makes them explode. The basic ability is kind of mediocre, but I like it. Don't use this without using Verdant Spheres, unless you just absolutely need the damage right then and there (you can probably wait though), for many reasons.

If you use this on a target that's already burning, you destroy the dot of the spell (2/3 of the damage), and waste mana if you aren't spreading Chain Bomb well.

With Verdant Spheres, it becomes literally free harass. No mana. No cooldown. The VS goes on cooldown, but its CD is about 1/2 of what the basic CD is. It is pretty great. Not to mention, since W doesn't have a cooldown when used with your trait, you effectively use the trait's cooldown instead of the regular one (which is much longer), if you only use it with VS active.

In team fights, I'd recommend empowering your Flamestrike over this before 13, and afterwards, empower this. Remember that you don't need to instantly proc your Chain Bomb. Wait for being able to get at least 2 (or as many as the front line will let you) in the radius. If the enemy team spreads out when you use your chain bomb, then use this on 2 different people. You create a much larger zone of control that way.
More advanced tactic for harassing in lane (or before a fight): Mount up, use Verdant Spheres then hit the enemy with a Living Bomb, and walk out. Most of the time they can't avoid you, and your W's range makes it easy to get out without taking any damage.

Gravity Lapse is your E ability which sends out a line that will stun 1 person. It's great for catching people out, or saving your hide...or if you are feeling generous, saving that of a team mate.
With Verdant Spheres...well....it can hit more people in a narrow line. This isn't really going to come up often. It can also sometimes be used to bypass minions and stun them, but it only passes through 2 before it gives up and wont chase the hero. It is better to simply get in a better position. Important thing to note is that this ability, while it stuns most everything, it will not stun (and thus will pass through) boss-like NPCs, such as the garden terror that gives seeds.

Talent Ranking explained Top

First off, I make the ranking based off of how it will apply to every situation, regardless of skill, or how the game is going, or whom you're up against. Anything that modifies the ability to be higher or lower ranking will be explained on a case-by-case basis.

Purple This is the best ability. No matter what the situation, you should pick this.
Blue This is a great ability. It's just pretty solid.
White This is good. Mostly situational.
Yellow This is...not so good. Has fewer situations in which it is usable, and/or those situations aren't exactly obvious to spot.
Red It's a trap! Run~~

Talents Top

Mana Addict is damn nice. It's not as good as conjurer's pursuit as far as mana sustain goes, but there are a couple talents that synergise well with it, including a mana sustain one (which is overkill). But you do just straight up get large amounts of mana, which increases the amount of mana you get from regen globes and wells, and gives you more mana per second while in the spawn, and gives you a buffer before you have to stop casting spells (though you shouldn't mindlessly spam your spells regardless).
In any map that forces you away from lane for a long time, this becomes yellow. These include Battlefield of Eternity, Infernal Shrines and Haunted Mines. It becomes Purple on maps that are exceptionally easy to roam from lane to lane to collect your globes, including Tomb of the Spider Queen. It's better than average on Dragon Shire, but not enough to increase its rank.

Fel Infusion is pretty nice. It heals you when you use your trait (a little more than the value of your auto-attack...useful). This easily becomes your go-to talent when Mana Addict becomes yellow, but otherwise the heal is just kinda meh. You are also effectively trading mana for health if you sit back as opposed to spending it on Living Bomb, and it encourages staying longer than you really should.
I guess it makes going in with your D+W combo a bit safer, but...yeah. If the heal was a bit better, it would be Blue for sure. Would also be a slightly higher white if you could cancel your Verdant Spheres without spending mana or getting in range for a living bomb.
If you've no healer...It becomes a better white rank. It may be up to personal choice on maps where collecting health globes isn't quite so easy without being overbearingly bad (for instance, Blackheart's Bay or Garden Terror).

Energy Roil is...meh. I mean even hitting 1 person for 3 seconds off your stun is decent, but it's not worth giving up your sustain. Also as mentioned in explaining Nether Wind, people just don't line up.

Convection is a trap! And no, I don't mean that it's worse than Energy Roil (probably the same tier), but it looks good. Thing is, you really aren't going to get any value out of this, even when you're using empowered Q for single target on someone you've caught.
You don't need the extra damage. You've got enough. Not to mention this combo takes a good deal of mana...guess what you are giving up to take this. So just go for sustain instead.

Note: All of these are decent choices, and on HotSlogs, all of them have >50% win rate, but some are better than others.

Mana Tap Despite what people may think, it's not bad. In fact, it has a better win rate than Netherwind. It's a solid white. Being able to spam out more spells means doing more damage which means the enemy has to retreat or that the towers are going down, and that you don't run out of mana for when you get ganked (leaving you with a Gravity Lapse to escape). It also synergizes well with Mana Addict, and after a few stacks, you can pay back Flamestrike's mana cost with a single minion.
That said, I don't think you actually want to use this when you've got Mana Addict, as you just aren't getting the value you need. Sure, you get back more mana, but you already shouldn't have that many mana issues. This could actually be nice if you're forced to take Fel Infusion, because you get both the heal and mana sustain.
However, you are giving up Nether Wind when you take this, and that one's just...so good. It also requires actually last hitting with a delayed ability. So it's not the easiest thing to do.

Nether Wind is a high Blue. It's just so great. You've got better range on your stun. It's also now easier to hit because it's not slow, and...well, it's longer range. It's great quality of life. It's just awesome.

Gathering Power is pretty damned solid. Especially after the buff. But it is greedy, thus is not for those who don't understand positioning to the utmost fullest will get terrible value out of this, and would be better off just getting Nether Wind. If this was...say...level 7 talent, then you could have more time to read your opponents better, and this would be Blue.
This becomes higher tier the more you know about positioning, and if they've got no diving heroes. But the more you know, the more your enemies likely know. So they'll probably just murderize you anyway. High risk. Very high reward.

Envenom is...decent. Also a solid white. Now, after the nerf, it's not a high priority, but it's still safe and easy to use, and helps to burn down a single target. Of course, actually catching them first would be better, so you'd still want Nether Wind, but still.

Fission Bomb is your go-to talent at this tier. It increases the size and damage of your Living Bomb explosion, which means you're more likely to hit a ton of people with Chain Bomb later down the line. Also some mercs, like those on Cursed Hollow, are situated too far away from each other to Chain Bomb effectively without this talent.

Sunfire Enchantment is a pretty solid white. It turns your auto attack into a spell, bypassing evasion and blinds, and doubles your AA damage. That would be awesome if it wasn't so situational. Your AA damage isn't great, so even doubling it isn't too useful. And it's only once every 6 or so seconds. But it's nice to be able to tell Illidin to screw off, or to proc spell shield before bursting them.

Tri-Optimal is a bloody trap. And this time I mean it's absolutely terrible. It doesn't even look good. You have to spend your Verdant Spheres on Gravity Lapse. That's a terrible proposition, as I already explained. It has lower than 40% win rate on hotslogs for a reason.
If you only ever used it for the CDR for 1 catch...it's still not worth it. Maybe you get slightly better harass in the early game, but you're already at level 7. Early game ends in 2 levels. And because you are taking this, instead of Fission Bomb, your team fighting will suck because...sure you have your trait up...nothing else though. You blew it all 4 seconds ago, and will now have to duck out of the fight regardless of your trait.

Clairvoyance is quite useful. You probably shouldn't be the one specing for vision, and you've got a better talent, but it's not bad per se.
Becomes Purple if you are against a stealthy, because you MUST use this then burst them down. You don't have reliable ways to knock them out of stealth, and if you can't hit them before they hit you, you're dead.

Note: Kael's ultimates aren't great. If I could move Kael's ultimates to level 20, and push the good talent tiers down, then he'd have a much better team fighting (and wave clear, and so much other stuff) at level 10...and the rest of the game for that matter.

Phoenix ...is the only ultimate you have. I assure you. It does semi-decent damage to a single target (basically), but it lasts a while, gives you vision of the area, and tells the enemies "OOO, look, I'm a circle! Fear me! Fear me and my insignificant damage!" Oddly enough, it still works. It works decently for dismounting chasing enemies. It does have a low cooldown, so use it whenever you want a little extra damage, or to ward off an area.

Pyroblast doesn't exist. It's your imagination. Don't try and tell me your imaginary talent...ok, I'll be serious. This freaking sucks! Easily the worst ultimate in the game. Even when you've got a Lt. Moralas on the enemy team, you are screwing yourself over so bad by picking this. The range sucks, the cast time sucks, and being stuck to the floor as a squishy mage with no escapes sucks, not to mention for the amount of danger you put yourself in, and the risk that it won't even work, it doesn't do impressive damage. And what do you get out of it if you successfully manage to cast this menace? Maybe you get to end the life of another squishy who was already less than 33% health. (Any higher, or any tougher, and the healers beat you.) But then they get to walk out of the range, and then the cast stops, and it's put on a 10 second cool down.

Oh Yeah! Now we're cooking with fire! Grilled Murky anyone? How about some Fried Gryphon? I heard cannibalism isn't bad....ok I'll stop.

Chain Bomb is epic. Absolutely epic. You know how D+W gave you 1 free cast, and I said it was great? Well, what if there was a talent that increased that to up to 7 free casts? Yeah, now you're listening. It also adds a zone of control to anyone you apply Living Bomb to. Want to know why I have 75% win rate with Kael'thas? Well, I hope you can figure it out.
This was in a tier all its own before the nerf. You could literally one shot anyone standing in a wave of minions. You were not only the best assassin in the game, but you were also the best specialist as well. T'was a well-deserved nerf. Still probably deserves a nerf, because of its potential, but I think he's in a good spot now.

Flamethrower Also really good. It's nowhere near as insane as Chain Bomb, but it gives you decent survivability a bit earlier, if they are really on your balls.
This upgrades to Purple if you have no tanks, and you are dying a lot. The relative value of this talent is increased if you are on a map that needs you to delay, like Blackheart's Bay or Cursed Hallow, though it doesn't improve its rank on its own, mostly due to the fact that if you delay, they might seek to fight. You are still safe if they decide to do so, but chain bomb is better for the fight itself.

Pyromaniac isn't...good. It's not terrible, but it's not good. Why would you get reduced cool downs when you could instead get +6 free casts, zoning potential, and all that other good stuff? Your Q isn't that good, nor is your ult, and really, neither is your E.

Gravity Throw ...Stop it Blizzard. Make these talents good like Nether Wind or take them out. Yay~ 0.5 seconds bonus on stun! So impactful! Especially considering you already blew your load on them well before your original 1.5 second stun wore off. Oh! But you can kill 3 minions with it! /Facepalm. Great. That's fantastic. Let's use your only form of escape and crowd control for most of the game on wave clear.

Fury of the Sunwell is a personal favorite of mine. But, I would only say it's a high white. It's going to add to the zoning potential, and frustrate people who don't expect it, but otherwise isn't too useful against heroes. Good thing we've got Chain Bomb for dealing with those pesky things.
This goes up to Blue, if you are on a map with a lane-pushing objective that doesn't really move (like Haunted Mines, or Battlefield of Eternity), and you've got fewer than 3 deaths by this point. It could be Purple if you're on such maps and have fewer than 2 deaths by this point.

Backdraft is...something I don't really get... As in, I don't understand it. Sure, it's frustrating to go up against, as with all slows, but it doesn't seem like it'd be very good. Maybe because of the vast synergy with Chain Bomb is the reason it's the highest win rate in hotslogs?
I guess you don't need to use your stun to land your Q? But they can still move, and it doesn't slow until the bomb explodes, so you either have to chase them down while you let the bomb tick down, or burn your trait on procing the slow, meaning that your Q is dealing less damage, and harder to hit. Yet I can't help but notice that I have 100% win rate, with it...then again, I've only got 4 games with it, so probably not a good sample size.
I just don't get it.

Arcane Barrier is likely the go-to pick for any and everyone who plays Kael'Thas. It forgives you for positional mistakes. It lets you bait pretty hard, as your shield can sometimes be as large as your full health bar if you've beens stacking well. (I've even had a game where it was twice my health bar.)
But, there are times when you don't really need it, and because you get it so late in the game, you can truly know if you need it or not (as mentioned in the Fury of the Sunwell bit). So, if you have fewer than 3 deaths by this point, it's only a white tier talent, though it's never truly bad.

Bolt of the Storm is the only talent here. I assure you. I won't even talk about the other ones because they aren't even worth considering. They aren't "bad" per se, but they never compare to adding mobility to a character without mobility. Never.

Did I say never? I mean it. ...But for completeness sake, I'll talk about the rest.
Rebirth is solidly decent. Mostly for the double duration. The repositioning could be cool if the enemies are doing stupid stuff to run out of the circle, but the damage tends to be insignificant. At best it might help to rush a core, unless you tend to just really screw up your phoenix positioning.

Presence Of Mind is...bad. It's not a trap...ok...well, anything but BotS is a trap at this tier, but not the point. If you've already got Pyroblast for some ungodly reason and then are not taking bolt of the storm(!), then...it does nothing for your damage. You may decrease your CD by 10 seconds for the one hero you hit...which is insignificant. (They are going to run away either way...for whatever reason. Guess they think they can out run it??) You won't get in to fights often enough even with base Cooldown. People respawn too slowly, and Pyroblast requires too much preparation and too perfect a position to be usable that often...but it also doesn't come off CD quick enough to use twice in a fight. So it's kinda a lame duck...perhaps I'll make this a trap talent as well...But...I mean, if you didn't pay attention to my last trap warning, a second one isn't going to help.

Arcane Power is something I used to swear by in my lower ELO games (around 2200), because I hate mana. I played and loved DawnGate because it had absolutely 0 mana (also its "rune" system was really cool), and entirely balanced around cooldowns. Getting back free mana, as well as getting the bonus for the spells that you needed that mana for, was amazing. Hell, if you pick up Pyroblast, you want to pick this talent to make it actually deal some type of damage.
That said, I soon encountered people who actually knew more about positioning than me, and I didn't have mobility to counter them. Even when I knew more, but just got lazy/cocky/caught out, I lacked the mobility to escape, and more than likely lost the game for my team. So I just learned to not *always* spam my abilities, and just take Bolt of the Storm instead.

Revision Notes Top

Nov 28. Added many new threats. Reworded quite a deal of the guide to flow better. Added YouTube plug.

Nov 29. Revised consideration of ETC after a game with one (misunderstood his power slide's range before). Fixed some grammar mistakes. Added note about Burst playstyle in Basic Tactics section.

Nov 30. Added Revision Notes. Added yet more threats. Completed the level 20 talent tier explanation. Did you guys really need this? Changed name of the guide. Added graphics...Fixed Graphic too. Fixed some formatting issues that made it look ugly. Added youtube video link. Added Table Formatting for Basic Abilities. Added explanations to the trait ability. Tried to format Basic Abilities to be less wall-of-text-like.

Dec 1. Gave Pros/Cons a Table Format. Formatted Revision Notes to make it less wall-of-text-like. Added a "When to pick in ranked" section. Fixed the incorrect HotsWiki information on Fel Infusion.

Dec 3. Added 6 more threats. Implementing a table of contents.

Dec 5. Minor grammar fixes.

Dec 13. Updated threats, and when to pick in rank.

Dec 15. Updated Threats, specifically Kerrigan, giving a tip for avoiding dying.

Dec 27. Fixed some English and spelling issues. Added in some more notes for general strategy.

Jan 7. Updated for Lunara patch. He wasn't really impacted, so I just added Lunara as a threat, and changed the reference to Lunara. Also updated Leoric.

Jan 19. Updated several threats - mostly due to not having as much knowledge of other characters before. Also added Greymane as a threat. Also added an extra note to Flamethrower that I didn't have for soem reason. Kael has remained unchanged so...the rest of the guide remains unchanged.

Jan 20. I actually acknowledge the scaling changes for Thrall.

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