This build focuses on ramping up the basic damage and Windfury and it's really fun to play. By level 16 you can basically pick a fight with anyone ( with some obvious exceptions )and by lvl 20 you can take down a Boss, quite quickly, on your own.
As the title says, Thrall is fairly squishy in the early to mid game. But if you farm as you should in the early, your basic attack will be hitting 600+ by the endgame, then its just a matter of finding Heroes to slaughter XD
This is a variant of the Windfury Build but with less mana problems and a way higher Basic damage for the endgame!
Seasoned Marksman
Is to build up the basic damage. This build relies on you doing your job and farm lanes ;)
Mana Tide
This takes care of the mana issue, since u will be spamming Windfury alot.
Wind Shear
keeps them windfuries coming!
Works wonders with your Windfury, and lasts ridiculously long. It has turned games around more then once for me.
Grace of Air
Grants much needed sustainability.
Tempest Fury
At Tier 6, Thrall starts becoming quite imba.
Nexus Blades
If you have been doing your job right you should have at least 50+ damage from
Seasoned Marksman. Adding another 20% and stun just makes you feel like you could take the map down by yourself. Soloing a Boss is a viable options now.
I will add more info if requested.
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