Threat |
Hero |
Notes |
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Abathur |
If you Can find him hook him let your team pick up the easy kill. |
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Brightwing |
Hook at level 1 so your team can nuke him down. In team fights you also want to single out healers so if you are loosing because of sustain hook and gorge on him and this should turn the fight around for your team. |
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Jaina |
Jaina is an easy kill because she has no mobility yeah her skills slow but hooking and tenderizing will help you pick up an easy kill here. |
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Kerrigan |
Since kerrigan has been nurfed recently she is an easy kill if there are multiple assassins up I would almost always go for the other / Healer first. |
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Murky |
Even though your not an assassin you can easily kill murky |
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Sylvanas |
I love picking on sylvanas with stiches you can time his hook while attempts to get away it will be an epic hook. |
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The Lost Vikings |
Pick these guys off 1 at a time if they are splitting remember the .25 of a kill adds up if you remove the vickings from lanes then you counter them. |
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Kael'thas |
Really same as Jaina but he has a little more life and some pretty good burst make sure you got your heal open when you hook him |
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Sgt. Hammer |
Since the tank has to seige take advantage of it early she can not move so as long as you line up the hook right she will be out of place dont chase tho she will be back to lane but you will have more levels on her |
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Valla |
Valla just like falstead is slippery if you notice she is out of mana take advantage hook her and your team will love you. |
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Illidan |
probably the number one to hook and gorge on illidan has so much burst damage. But dont get this confused if the illidan on their team is at 15 minutes and only has 14k dps you probably want to target the better assassin/ healer on their team. |
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Malfurion |
Same with lili wait for him to pop his ult then eat him walk away from team to waste the healing |
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Tychus |
With the limited mobility he is an easy target |
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E.T.C. |
Believe it or not this is one of the few tanks you can really 1v1 easy I would not go out of my way to hook him but you can make him pay by hooking him during his ult to free up your team. |
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Li Li |
Lili isnt really a huge problem for Stiches but at the same time she is a huge problem for your team in team fights wait for her to pop her 1000 jugs and gorge on her walk her the opposite way of her team to waste her ult. |
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Thrall |
I dont have too much trouble fighting a thrall a bit painful and normally closer than expected |
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Nova |
Nova's bust is insane make sure you watch the ground and if you can land a hook while she is invisible 9 times out of 10 its a kill you will see the nova freak out and just start to run (its quite funny actually) |
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Tassadar |
Tass is such a pain his shields make it pretty impossible for you to kill him or his towers if its 1v1 avoid fighting him and in team fights stay out of his storms. |
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Tyrande |
Never really target her with my hook I feel like there is so many other champions that are just better than her to hook. Not saying you should just ignore her but Would not be at the top of the list. |
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Chen |
Very pointless fight no need to try to 1v1 you 2 will run out of mana and just go back when needed |
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Falstad |
one of the more difficult assassins to kill because of his mobility you can hook to make him waste his roll or you can time it after to put him out of position. |
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Raynor |
be careful when trying to kill Raynor in team fights dont forget about his passive this will give him about 2-3 more seconds than other assassins and if hes got a lili or Mal it can be 10 seconds just make sure your team has enough burst before pulling him first. |
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Stitches |
Only have to worry about this in non ranked not a very played hero so just if this does happen avoid hooking him no point the one with better hooks will give his team the advantage and win. |
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Tyrael |
not too bad normally if you wait to use your Devour until you rat half or lower you will get the full effect you should be able to win this if needed when he dies devour a minion to stay alive. |
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Zeratul |
This is the 1 assassin where I want to hook but I dont because his AOE is surprisingly high the one rule I always use is if I have gorge off of cool down then go for it hook Gorge and separate him to where he is only going to be able to hit you with his spin attack |
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Azmodan |
Avoid his demons hook him to cancel out his lazer |
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Nazeebo |
The issue with this support is the ability to have extra units blocking your hook get the right angle on him and get your team to focus to get a quick kill. |
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Diablo |
Never hook diablo because he can counter your hook by rushing to an assassin on your team and turn the fight around (in a negative way for you) |
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Gazlowe |
this can go 2 ways u can hook him out of his turrets for an easy kill but then on the other hand he can place a turret to waste your hooks just make sure you line them up properly. |
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Sonya |
Just like the other tanks she can out damage you with this build it will take a little while no need to fight her. |
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Johanna |
Watch out for her there is no need to pull her and get your team killed. Avoid pulling her. |
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Anub'arak |
Depending on the build he goes, his bugs get in the way not a good option to hook or gorge |
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Rehgar |
His ult makes him so annoying the only way to cancel is to kill 1v1 he will win because he will heal to full life. |
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Zagara |
Another champion that can just spit out minions hes hard to hook and with out mobility on stiches you put yourself in a bad spot for the hydralisk and roaches to kill you
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Arthas |
His aura and healing will out do you no need to hook a tank unless hes the only one left or is almost dead |
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Muradin |
I absolutely hate him his stuns are dumb and when you think you got him he pops his ult and jumps away.... I have found that he gets away so much people get annoyed and target him first which will make you loose every time dont get complacent hook the supports and assassins |
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Uther |
Never hook uther please hes got an ult that stuns your whole team.... |
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