If youre going to take Nexus Blades at 20 I think theres just no way you pass up Lvl 4 Cheap shot.
especially when you consider that your recommended lvl 4 Unrelenting Pursuit only procc's on impact. You often cancel or are cc'd out of this charge and dont even procc a rather mediocre proc in the first place. I say mediocre because honestly how many times do you need to charge in a fight, especially since you are slowing them with basic attacks from Nexus blades?
good guide besides that though, cheers
If the other team lacks autoattackers, then block isnt always the best choice. But you need it to sustain lanes with heroes like Valla, Raynor, Lunara. Abbatoir doesnt actually let you finish your quest faster. You just drop less meat when you die. But you shouldnt be dying in the first place. I advocate that mentality more than planning to suck. But dont get me wrong, Abbatoir is definitely not a bad talent, block is just safer.
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especially when you consider that your recommended lvl 4 Unrelenting Pursuit only procc's on impact. You often cancel or are cc'd out of this charge and dont even procc a rather mediocre proc in the first place. I say mediocre because honestly how many times do you need to charge in a fight, especially since you are slowing them with basic attacks from Nexus blades?
good guide besides that though, cheers