The value of a good smack in the mouth! by DELTA2ALPHA

The value of a good smack in the mouth!

Last Updated: Nov 3, 2014
25 Votes
Build 1 of 9


Build: All Round Build

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: LVL 1 Talent Gated

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: LVL 2 Talent Gated

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: LVL 3 Talent Gated

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Stun Lock

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Tanker

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Siege Mode

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Camp Theif

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Cause Muradin's just wanna have fun!

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

Opening Top


I see a little pre-match complaints, some "why?" and a lack of respect for a highly undervalued hero. Muradin can take a heavy beating and be back in the fight quickly, escape almost impossible odds, lock down a target, steal camps before enemies know what happened and just be an all round fun troll hero. I have seen almost no one using Muradin to his maximum potential. Everyone seems to want to take Avatar as his Hero ability... WHY? Hold your answers till the end. Once you have finished this guide in full and you dont find yourself also asking WHY, please by all means let me know in the comments. I am also very open to discussions and suggestions for and about this guide. If you dont like something then make sure you list a reason for it, no point saying "thats bad" unless you have a point to make in the comment. Thank you all for taking the time to check this out, I hope you find it useful in some way.


Stormbolt (Q)

Mana: 60
Type: Skillshot
Cooldown: 10 seconds

Throw a hammer, dealing 40 + 10/lvl damage to the first target hit and stunning for 1.5 seconds

This is Muradin's primary skill. It can be used for everything from stunning to engage or disengage targets to dealing out heavy damage to structures and creatures. It all comes down to how you want to play and what talent lineup you choose.

+Stun 2 enemies with Piercing Bolt
+Hit two targets to generate mana with Infused Hammer+ Piercing Bolt
+Deal extra damage to builds with Infused Hammer + Perfect Storm
+Deal extra damage to AI enemies like Golem on Haunted Mines with Infused Hammer + Perfect Storm
+Great escape tool or gap closer

-Can lead to low mana levels if used too much at the wrong times
-Can be soaked up by walls and lane minions
-Can be hard for newer players to time the targeting of fast moving heroes like Illidan



Mana: 50
Type: Instant short range AoE
Cooldown: 8 seconds

Deal 50 + 8/lvl damage and slow nearby enemies by 25% for 3 seconds

Slow applicator which can be instantly cast without slowing or stopping Muradin. This is also his highest damaging ability till level 5.

+Great for slowing chasing or fleeing enemies with slowing you down
+Quick disable application for talents like Executioner
+Cheapest and most damage till level 5 while also being an AoE
+Deal massive damage when used with Thunderstrike
+Can heal when used with Healing Static
+Can trigger talents twice like Healing Static & Thunderstrike when used with Thunderburn
+Great low health minion clear for collecting seeds or skulls
-Can feel weak in late game without Thunderstrike
- Healing Static does such little heal for the mana and loss of talent slot


Dwarf Toss (E)

Mana: 70
Type: Ground Target Jump + Area Damage
Cooldown: 12 seconds

Leap to location, dealing 30 + 5/lvl damage to targets at destination

High on mana cost and very low on damage. Should only be used for gap closing, getting into the middle of a fight, blocking targets exit or escaping.

+Can be an awesome escape skill with Dwarf Launch
+Can extend the range of ability/stormbolt when chained
+Add yet another stun with Heavy Impact
+Leap over enemies to block pathing or lock them into small spaces
+Can be used to dodge attacks like Savage Charge from the Dragon Knight
+Great for positioning to use Haymaker

-Very low damage
-Very high mana cost
-Longest cooldown of his basic abilities
-Short range unless upgraded with Dwarf Launch
-Miss judging/clicking landing location can just cause Muradin to jump up and down on the spot
-Most abilities can't be dodged and will follow Muradin over walls


Avatar (Heroic)(R)

Mana: 100
Type: Transformation
Cooldown: 100 seconds
Transform adding 500 + 75/lvl health for 20 seconds and your basic attacks gain a stun for 0.25 seconds

One of the first Heroic powers you will get to use. While great for tanking, specially if you are the only or primary tank, Haymakerwill help your team much more once you can master it.

+Good for tanking
+Great for baiting targets into thinking they can kill you
+Adds addition stuns for a stun build
-Can give new players overconfidence in survivability
-Long cooldown compared to Haymaker
-High mana cost can mean its unusable late in a team fight

Talents Top

This is a quick overview of my experience with talents and how they combined or aid you.


Periodically reduces incoming Basic Attacks
If your team is a little light on healing or tanks and you find yourself up against a heavy enemy assassin lineup, then you might want to think about this. It can be a life saver against Nova and her Hot Shots.

Infused Hammer
Stormbolt refunds Mana if it hits an enemy
Like a lot of talents, this is helpful but not that great on its own. When combined with Piercing Bolts and Rewind, it will generate mana. By hitting two targets you gain 90 mana and only expend 60. When used with Rewind you can generate a total of 60 mana for free within seconds as well as having stunned 2 - 4 enemy heroes.

Perfect Storm
Increases Stormbolt's damage permanently if it hits a Hero
This should be your default pick unless you really have a good reason to go with one of the other skills. When used with Piercing Bolts you can stack up that bonus damage pretty fast. Use this skill and only this skill at the start of a match, just sit in a bush or pop in and out of battle to land a Q. Avoiding the use of other skills will allow you to use your Q for longer before running out of mana or needing a top up.

Thunderclap reduces enemy Attack Speed


Successive Basic Attacks will stun a target
If you really feel that you need some quick stuns for negating enemy abilities, take this and not Avatar. Yes I know it is only every 3rd hit but if you are smart with your Stormbolt and use this skill in a stun talent build, every 3rd hit will be more then enough.

Third Wind (Trait)
Increases Second Wind's Healing
Taking an already great passive and making it stupidly powerful, this should be your default pick for this build. This boost will mean that after 4 seconds of taking no damage you will gain 5% of your max health a second till you have 40% health and which point you will gain 1.5% of your health every second. I have found that this can kick in even with posion applied, I dont know if this is a bug or if "when you have taken no damage" means directly hit and not damage over time skills/effects. I need to do more testing with this.

Increased Stormbolt damage versus Structures and Minions, destroys ammo
Giving you a 400% increase in damage to pretty much anything that isnt a Hero. This means it will work on Dragon Knight, Garden Terror, Golem (The Haunted Mines) and any creeps from camps. This can be a good combo with Rewind and being cloned by Abathur. An enemy like the Dragon Knight would take a combined total of 3840 damage from you and the clone in around 2 seconds.

Crowd Control
Reduced Thunderclap cooldown per target hit
I have yet to really put this talent into use. I have some ideas for it but right now its a nice idea but there are to many better choices.

Thunderclap strikes a second time after a delay
In a Thunderclap build this can be brutal, not many people know that Thunderstrike also applies to Thunderburn. It is also good if you are against a high mobility team, having the second slow can make a big difference while trying to escape or containing targets for your team.


Piercing Bolt
Stormbolt can hit up to 2 targets
This is another default pick for this build. Not only does it make a massive difference for stunning two targets while team fighting, chasing or escaping multiple enemies but will also allow you to get targets hiding behind minions or walls.

Landing Momentum
Increases Movement Speed upon landing with Dwarf Toss
I can see the use of this, if you have a high mobility team or enemy and need to keep pace. Not something I would personally pick out of the choices though.

Battle Momentum
Basic Attacks decrease Ability cooldowns
I would say this is great in an Avatar build or if you can team with someone like Malfurion to keep you topped up on mana. For any other reason, you might find yourself with skills to use and no mana most of the time.

Follow Through
Using an ability empowers next Basic Attack
Used in a Thunderclap build or combined with Executioner it can help dish out some nice damage. apart from that I can think of better talents to use at this tier.


Heroic Abilities - I will skip this tier as its more of a skill choice then talent


Burning Rage
Deals damage to nearby enemies
Great for helping clear weak enemies like lane minions, Undead for skulls, Night Horrors for seeds and Skeletons for coins. It is also useful when you have troublesome stealth champions. You need only walk by them to decloak. It is also handy for boosting camp clearing and interpreting map objectives channels like coin hand in, dragon shrine and tributes.

Healing Static
Thunderclap heals you
When used on minion waves it can top your health up pretty quick. Combined with Crowd Control or Rewind, it can make for a good push tactic and a little while team fights. Though once again, there are better uses for this tier.

Increased Thunderclap damage against single target
Great skill in a Thunderclap build if you are finding yourself solo too often or duo with champions that are good at picking out single targets like Stitches. Can also be good for dealing extra damage to Golem on Haunted Mines.

Spell Shield
Reduces incoming Ability Damage
Not really a skill you should be look at unless you are having major issues with spike damage from spells, like a Nova. Or for some stupid reason you are the main tank and need to bolster your tanking. Though when used with Block, it can really shutdown Nova. She will either waste her time trying to damage you or allow you to focus her now that she has shifted to trying other targets instead.

Activate to reduce cooldowns
This is normally my default pick but can be a close second with Burning Rage depending on the map and enemy lineup. You just have to be very careful how and when you use it as you will burn your mana out almost right away.


Dwarf Launch
Increase range and impact radius of Dwarf Toss
Very nice upgraded to Dwarf Toss but only really of use if you are having troubles with champions like Hammer, Zeratul, Tyrael and other champions can fast move or blink out of reach and you need something to close that gap again to lock the target down. Once again, its a talent that you never take unless you have a special need for it.

Heavy Impact
Dwarf Toss briefly stuns enemies hit
Great for boosting your stun count and jumping into the middle of team fights. If we have high burst with some cooldown issues, I take this to keep the enemy where we need them and to keep them from reacting allowing our damage to finish up and swing around to the next target.

Deal extra damage to disabled targets
This is my default pick if I dont go with Heavy Impact. Given how much "disable" you can hand out, you will be doing boosted damage most of the time. This is also great for a stun build.

Imposing Presence
Enemy Basic Attacks are slowed
This is yet another skill that you shouldnt need to be taking unless you are the primary tank for some reason. Though this will REALLY screw with a Hot Shots Nova. If she hits you and you happened to have also taken Reverberation and get a Thunderclap hit on her... well she might get another auto attack sometime next week.


Resurgence of the Storm
Resurrect upon death
If its a close game or your team is struggling, this can help turn it around. This will allow you to risk staying in those team fights longer then you should. Also a life saver if the enemy gets a lucky engaged and the death timers are long. Remember to keep an eye on the cooldown, better to wait that extra 15 seconds and have it ready then to see it tick over for use just as you die.

Fury of the Storm
Basic Attacks chain to enemies
This can be another nice skill for solo pushing lanes but more importantly it will stack with Executioner and Follow Through. Fury can't apply modifiers like slows or stuns but it does mean you can do some nice team fight damage.

Unstoppable Force
Increases duration of Avatar, reduces duration of Disables
If you had to go with Avatar and they seem to be running heavy CC, might as well take this. Though I would say Resurgence would probably be of more help.

Grand Slam
Increases damage of Haymaker and can hold 2 charges
If I dont find myself needing to take Resurgence, then this is my number one go to talent. The extra charge will increase your chance of having it ready when you need it, not to mention having the option of knocking two targets off a camp cap point.

Tactics Top

I have already brushed over some of this but this section will go over it in full.

It is best to try to team up with a tank, healer and two DPS if you can. If you are trying to be a primary tank as Muradin, then you are missing the point. Yes he can be a good tank and yes he can take a good beating but you need to focused on positioning and target selection. This may put you in the frontline from time to time while you soaking up damage and encourage the enemy to burn mana

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