Thrall All In One - Dps Star / Healz by A22oW

Thrall All In One - Dps Star / Healz

By: A22oW
Last Updated: Mar 13, 2015
1 Votes
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Build 1 of 7


Build: Windfury W. Dmg & Healz

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Earthquake Team Build

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Lighting Build

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Windfury Dmg/Heals/Survive

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Max Dmg

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: Earthquake / Wombo

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20


Build: This many Thrall builds?

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

Introduction to Thrall. Top


As a child, Thrall served the cruel Aedelas Blackmoore as a slave. After gaining his freedom, he guided the liberated orcs to a land of their own and worked to recover their ancient traditions. Now and forever he is the Warchief of the Horde.
    Title: Warchief of the Horde
    Role: Melee Assassin
    Franchise: Warcraft

Hero Stats. Top

Health : 875 (+160)
Regen : 1.8242 (+0.332)
Mana : 500 (+10)
Regen : 3 (+0.100)
Atk Speed : 0.91 per second
Damage : 55 (+17)

Level 10
Health : 2475
Regen : 5.1442
Mana : 600
Regen : 4
Atk Speed : 0.91 per second
Damage : 225

Level 20
Health : 4075
Regen : 8.4642
Mana : 700
Regen : 5
Atk Speed : 0.91 per second
Damage : 395

Level 30
Health : 5675
Regen : 11.7842
Mana : 8
Regen : 6
Atk Speed : 0.91 per second
Damage : 565

Chain Lightning Top

Chain Lightning (Q)
Mana: 35
Charge Cooldown: 6 seconds

Deal 50 (+15 per level) damage to an enemy and half that amount to 2 nearby enemies.
Base : 65 Main Target - 33 Secondary Targets
Level 10 : 200 Main Target - 100 Secondary Targets
Level 20 : 350 Main Target - 175 Secondary Targets

Landing a Chain Lightning on three targets will give you 3 stacks of Frostwolf Resilience making it a good way to enter or exit a fight to get quick stacks and self-heals when needed. As well to being able to catch a kill on someone running with low hp.

Feral Spirit Top

Chain Lightning (Q)
Mana: 60
Charge Cooldown: 12 seconds

Send out a Feral Spirit that deals 35 (+15 per level) damage to enemies in its path. Upon hitting an enemy Hero, the wolf stops and roots that hero in place for 1 second.
Base : 50 To all targets hit
Level 10 : 185 To all targets hit
Level 20 : 335 To all targets hit

Feral Spirit can be used in many ways and you can definitely make some game changing plays. Landing a Feral Spirit in the a situation were the other team is trying to set up but someone overextended just enough; bam you have the stun team collapses and its 4v5 in your favor. (Considering you don't burn Ults ect.) When using Feral Spirit you can also use it very defensively. Stay conservative land stuns and if you are just soaking you can easily cast Chain Lightning along with a Feral Spirit thru the lane on minions and get quick heals from your Frostwolf Resilience stacks. One main thing on being good with Feral Spirit is knowing when to use it, when to lead the spirit in front of someone it honestly takes time and practice and some who are used to skill shots of this kind can catch on quickly.

Windfury ! Top

Windfury (E)
Mana: 50
Cooldown: 12 seconds
Increase your Movement Speed by 25% for 4 seconds, and your next 3 Basic Attacks occur 100% faster.

Windfury is a huge part in Thrall's Damage per sec along with a nice little speed boost to stay on top of targets which Thrall has a hard time doing at times. Thrall IMO can be built in a number of ways. Anyway built Windfury will usually be his go to attack, in which will build Stacks for your in which after 5 stacks Thrall will heal himself. - Which at lvl 20 Heals for 520hp. This keeps Thrall trucking against ranged assassins which can secure a kill. Windfury can be a very tricky spell considering HOW good it is ?! Well, the build you roll with makes a HUGE factor in which way you will be playing Thrall. With most of the builds on here they do consist on getting the max out of your Windfury & Frostwolf Resilience which means Thrall NEEDS to.

    A - Know when the right time to dive is. Normally after the fight is initiated on unless you are opening with Earthquake for a combo.

    B - Know how much dmg. you can put out and if you are able to kill a target b/c Thrall is vulnerable if you do not kill a target quickly, or use your Windfury at the correct timing.

    C - Using your Chain Lightning entering fights and exiting them is a good way to start or finish your Stack of Frostwolf Resilience and while exiting if low is a good way to catch an extra heal.

    D - Using your Feral Spirit even if it is being used running away it will stun the target & dmg. as well as give you Frostwolf Resilience Stack.

Talents like : Wind Shear Follow Through Grace Of Air Tempest Furyand Nexus Blades are the reason Thralls Windfury can be so powerful. We will do some theoretical math on what dmg is possibly done and how fast Thrall can pump it out!

(Level 20)

[*] So with these talents above you can turn team fights in seconds if played correctly.

First off I haven't talked aboutSeasoned Marksmanbut since we are here in the first tier I feel the need to say that these talents Follow Through Grace Of Air Tempest Fury Nexus Bladescan push Thralls Basic Attacks into a rampage. Seasoned Marksman is a very good talent IMO depending on Team Comp. and how long the actual match would last in the case the longer the better.

Wind Shear is not to be overlooked. 12 Second Windfury becomes a 9 second CD. This provides you with more Windfuryattacks to Continue stacking Frostwolf Resilience charges. This also allows you with Follow Through Grace Of Air Tempest Fury & Nexus Blades (another 20% basic dmg!) making Windfury extremely deadly.
-These are just exp. to get a better understanding of why Windfury is so damn powerful!

Earthquake Top

Earthquake (R)
Mana: 90
Heroic Ability
Cooldown: 60 seconds

Earthquake is really great for different reasons, I dislike Thrall having to use this for his team to get away but, if that's only one ult used and no deaths, you can possibly reinitiate after recovering. Earthquake if used in coordinated team fights it can be very destructive slowing the enemy team massively and just to Thralls advantage Windfury gives him 25% extra movement speed which means gg if any combos are included on the correct targets.

Sundering Top

Sundering (R)
Mana: 75
Heroic Ability
Cooldown: 70 seconds

Sundering can change team fights so quickly, initiating a sunder on an enemy team that is around half health and, you still have your Envenom well you see that Valla that is thinking she's okay because she's strafing well.. as well to Nazeebo using his Ravenous Spirit Sundering their team is split Envenom is up on the target that will die fastest keep your frostwolf grace stacks up while pushing using your Chain Lightning and Feral Spirit and you are looking forward to a team wipe on their side or losing 2-3 heroes.

Combos / Max Dmg and how to get it Top

Well first off I really do not harass too much until level 4 when I pick up Envenom; Early game you can get some really quick pick up kills on say a Valla or similar targets, even others with higher hp pools just depending where you are at on the map, if you can escape but, getting down to it.
At level 4 you can combo :
Chain Lightning Feral Spirit Envenom Windfury Chain Lightning at level 4 if the Envenom / Windfury Does not kill them the Chain Lightning should or have them hearthing back to base.

-This will be finished soon guys im sorry! I wanted to get this posted and have some good Thrall insight.
I hope you enjoy!

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