Hi I'm Zahan,
TLDR guide: Kael'thas Patch
Questions: Twitter @addic03 or
T1: More mana more stuff to throw out or get Frost so you can root more often.
T2: Adds up over time.
T3: Free heals lulz.
T4: Regen and maybe they will hit something every 10 games or so. @20 its going to be frustrating to kill you.
T5: They can't stop the relentless assault.
T6: nom nom nom coil.
T7: Shielding yourself and popping both heals can bring you back from the brink and bait enemies.
T1: Make em popsicles more often.
T2: stab stab stab
T3: Everything else sucks this tier might as well get sustain.
T4: ICE BONE DRAGON BRBRBRBRRAAAAWWRR or you know dead guys if you need to eat them to live.
T5: You don't even need to aim now 360 no scope freeze. Everything in this tier is good.
T6: Stabbing is good healing can be good too but thats not damage.
T7: Allows you to stay in the fight. Sindra 20 upgrade is good too if you aren't worried about living.
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