A good and you can see that this original entry point an injection has already started several very nice okay and we're now going to address as the nasal a blue line here so in total we were injected about mil I'm around either I'm and now we've got reminder about for males in total I'm which we can use in other areas of the face an addressee her eyes which bothering Louise and
Opuderm Premium Skin Care particularly those two mouse lines and also some smile lines across here some which a on cannot treat with them traditional some authors you can see the two Mike annual event is by the Mezzo holdgonna cling Jim mean so this is not a um filler this is something which is came to nourish the skin and help and tissue repaired and can be used in conjunction with treatments such as dermal fillers contain a chain goals home by talks now we're going to address some other small airlines mom think so just really and the better for Resolution place across here to help I'm the quality of the scheme said because this some injection is being placed in the dermis.
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