Unkillable, Solo Tank, Support, Bruiser. Tyrael - Archangel of Justice. Wrath of Heaven. by Santy

Unkillable, Solo Tank, Support, Bruiser. Tyrael - Archangel of Justice. Wrath of Heaven.

By: Santy
Last Updated: Jan 24, 2017
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GodLord (2) | April 29, 2017 7:23am
great build
GeorgeGaming (3) | November 24, 2016 11:20pm
ahah, hah. No sanctification--A tiny area of invulnrability?

"You know divine shield?"
"Lets give one to tyreal, only making it in a tiny area and watching poor fools try to use it to let people escape! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
Santy (13) | November 25, 2016 5:46am
I honestly have no idea how to respond to that. :)

Perhaps on your level of play your teammates have no idea how to use Sanctification. If you have seen how pros use Tyrael, or if you have been in Tyrael game in Platinum 5 or above then you won't have this issue. Sanctification is a tool to enable melee assassins to shred the enemy, and negating any sort of damage to your whole team. Unlike Divine Shield it affects the whole team, and you never want to use it purely defensively. Ether you pop it when your team dives the enemy backline, or when they dive you. So you get a ton of free damage, negate their heroics, and let your team wipe them out, since they cant disengage. In fact it is much more similar to what Divine Storm does on Uther, but also prevents damage.

In Diamond Tyreal with Judgment is considered troll pick, not because it is bad, but because you leave your team without the most important heroic in the whole game. :)
GeorgeGaming (3) | November 26, 2016 2:57pm
That's true i suppose. It just seems foolish to me to pick it cause it's such a small area. I guess i'm not that good at Tyreal--Always go for a BA Nuke with Judgement Build--so yeah, Sorry about that trash i wrote above
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