Threat |
Hero |
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No Threat |
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The Lost Vikings |
IF these vikings stray too far apart they are Easy pickings for the most part, Just don't let them get anyone too close. |
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No Threat |
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Raynor |
Nothing Too dangerous about raynor, Just be careful to not let him behind you. he can push you Right into his team. |
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Gazlowe |
More of a Nuisance than anything, his turrets can be a pain. Just get out of his bombs and you should be fine, Be VERY Careful about his Grav-o-bomb IF he gets it. |
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Tassadar |
Tassadar can be a major annoyance, be sure to let a teammate in-between you two
his Psi-storm can Easily Lower your hp and leave you vulnerable to almost Anyone. |
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Kharazim |
Kharazim can be a pain, but not as much as you would think. He can Easily poke you if you don't have anyone inbetween you and him. just Try to have it so where Your not his main Concern. |
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Johanna |
Johanna isn't that dangerous early game unless with a teammate. but later on with one she can Easily pull you in, slow you and then Stun you. if she didn't pick Blessed shield you Should be alright for the most part. don't let her get Near you though. |
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Valla |
Valla can poke you easily enough and run without a problem but aside from that your teammate can easily keep her away from you. |
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Malfurion |
Although he isnt that bad by himself. the Only thing you need to be scared of is his Entangling roots. |
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Sylvanas |
She herself isn't a problem, The mercs she can send after you Are. she can easily take down your lane minions. be very careful if shes paired with another lane pusher or dps. |
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Tyrande |
Her Hunters mark and Lunar flare can really hurt you if you aren't careful. other then that i haven't fought her enough to say much else. she herself cant rip you to shreds, but if shes with someone else who can stun be Very careful. |
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Murky |
Murky can Wreck your day. but you can kill him So easily, DO Not underestimate him and Try to get him to pop his bubble so a higher dps teammate with Better chase potential can Kill him. But for the most part you can easily just push him back with siege mode. |
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Azmodan |
Can be pretty annoying by pushing back lanes easily. his Laser can destroy anyone, You are NOT an exception.
Just Try and lure him close before letting a High dps assassin behind him. he can't escape easy So use this as an advantage. |
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Abathur |
Abathur can be such a nuisance! Either laying Toxic mines or Empowering Heroes, minions and towers alike he Himself is Not a problem. if you see him Not hiding away, or if you happen to find Where he's hiding then Punish him for it. |
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Chen |
Chen is just SUCH A PAIN. But with Slightly lower dps then you see his team with....Usually you kill HIM then lower his allys health(or kill them) Then just get your Whole team on chen. can be scary to fight against if he knows what hes doing. |
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Tychus |
Be careful about his grenades aswell as Overkill, If he throws his grenade right he can push you Right into him. |
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Diablo |
Can be Very dangerous with his Charge+Overpower combo, if he's built right he can put you Right into the arms of his team-mates. |
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Leoric |
Leoric CAN easily enough ruin your day but you can kill him before he runs in. just try and lure him in and put the pain on him. just, Don't get close. |
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Nazeebo |
Be VERY careful about letting him get into casting range, his Zombie wall Will kill you if he goes through his ability's One of the people you need to be extremely careful to NOT solo. |
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Thrall |
Thrall can make your day Miserable by Rooting you and Popping you like a balloon, If you escape from his roots Try NOT To be near the walls. he can use Chain lightning to finish you off. |
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E.T.C. |
E.T.C can Run in and Stun you, then just slow you down. If hes alone he's not too much of a problem. But He usually Is Not. He can knock you Into his teammates when your trying to run. Be prepared to run when he is nearby. but don't be too scared if you have a good Dps by your side, as he can Easily overextend himself trying to kill you when he gets close. |
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Li Li |
Li-Li CAN Be dangerous. Especially if shes with someone who can Burst you to pieces. Her blinding can be Very bad if your not careful.
on the rare chance she picks Water dragon? Just Thrust as far as you can away from the enemy team before you get hit. |
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Rexxar |
Rexxar can be a bit of a Nuisance if your not careful, he can Stun and slow you1 if you let him and Misha get to close. If he happens to pick Boars then Definitely stay behind your teammate |
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Rehgar |
Rehgar can set the ground for his Team to mess you up. his totem is the only thing you Really need to be concerned about though.....That being said he can still cause a Lot of problems. |
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Brightwing |
Very dangerous with her Polymorphs and ability to High Heal-burst. at leve 10+ |
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Anub'arak |
Be Very careful about his stuns, he can Easily do some major hurting if your not careful around him |
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Lt. Morales |
Lt. Morales can make your life Miserable. not only can she Usually outheal your dps but she can PUSH you right into your enemies! If you EVER See that dropship coming RUN!
Focus on HER the very most. tell your teammates to aswell, Just incase they aren't already. |
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Zagara |
Zagara IF played right can make you pretty upset. be careful about stepping into her ult and Try not to let her burst you down. you wont have many chances to fight her yourself. |
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Uther |
Uther's stun can be pretty bad, he can be annoying with his Extremely good heals. |
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Jaina |
Can be Very dangerous with her Slowing trait and Blizzard, be Especially careful of her Rotating into your lane. do not get too close to her. |
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Falstad |
Falstad is High on this list because of his Hammer, be Very careful of letting him remotely near you. be especially wary to put a team-mate between Him and you. |
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Kael'thas |
His stun can Easily kill you if he follows up with Flamestrike and living bomb(empowered)+living bomb. Dont let him get close, try and get one of your teammates to push him away |
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Kerrigan |
Kerrigan can Make you die again and again, she can leap in and pull you close if you run. then stun you. Make sure you have a Sturdy somebody inbetween you two. |
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Arthas |
Arthas Can be VERY Dangerous with his ability to root you, Especially bad at levels 10+ if he gets Sindragosa as his ult. |
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Illidan |
Illidan can be a Huge threat if your not careful about him, his dive and slash combos can really harm you. not to mention he can get close with Evade.
Just be weary about your positioning to him and his Health. don't let him get very close. |
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Nova |
One of the worst to lane against, even worse when rotating. Nova can Easily burst you to Low health and take you down with just a few auto attacks.
if your fighting against her keep mines down at all times incase you need to escape.
If she's on the enemy team Do Not Lane Alone. |
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Zeratul |
Another Dangerous one, Just barely not as dangerous as nova, Can EASILY take you down if your not positioned correctly
Do not stay alone in lanes when zeratul is on the enemy team
Keep mines down a bit farther from you incase he try's to blink after you when you run. |
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The Butcher |
The butcher can Very easily Stop you and Kill you, If you hear the bells then Try and run to a teammate to at-least try and scare him off...If your with a warrior or high Dps assassin you should be fine, But if your not... |
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Artanis |
One of your Suprisngly many biggest threats, He can Pop you like a bubble. His phase prism can Easily make your day a living hell. not to mention his Ults, BOTH Of them can mess you up badly. Suppression pulse can Easily ruin your day by blinding you, and Purifier beam can get a few good hits off of you if he lands it on you when your in siege mode.
If hes with stitches on his team... Just hope your team-mate can Save you. |
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Stitches |
Stitches is like your worst nightmares all put into one, he can Pull you in Slow you then Devour you and run into his base. Do Not Lane Against Him. |
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Muradin |
Muradin can be Extremely bad if he builds around stunning. He can Lock you down Easily. make sure your teammate can Deal with him, if he gets to bad then just Rotate with on of your Teammates. |
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