Tyrael Abilities & Talents :: Heroes of the Storm (HotS)


Title: Archangel of Justice
Role: Melee Tank
Franchise: Diablo
Price: 500 Gems | 4k gold

Atk Speed1.25 per second
Among the angels it is the Archangel of Justice Tyrael who is humanity's greatest defender. Wielding his sword El'druin against the Burning Hells, the Prime Evils would have enslaved humanity long ago if Tyrael had not intervened.

Explore Tyrael’s abilities including: combat trait, base abilities, heroic abilities, and abilities gained through talents. You can also find Tyrael’s talent tree at the bottom of the page.

Combat Trait
Archangel's Wrath
Upon dying, increase movement speed by 20% become invulnerable and explode for 450 (+4% per level) damage after 4 seconds. Each enemy Hero hit reduces Tyrael’s death timer by 10%. Enemies within Archangel Wrath’s radius deal 50% less damage. Enemies hit by Archangel’s Wrath deal 50% less damage for 3 seconds.
(Q) El'druin's Might
Deals 110 (+4% per level) damage to enemies within target area, slowing them by 25% for 2.5 seconds. Reactivating will teleport Tyrael to the blade and slow nearby enemies again.
(W) Righteousness
Shields Tyrael for 336 (+4% per level) damage and nearby allies for 40% as much for 4 seconds.
(E) Smite
Rake target area for 150 (+4% per level) damage. Allies moving through the targeted area gain 25% increased Movement Speed for 2 seconds.
Heroic Abilities(Granted at level 10)
(R) Judgment
After 0.75 seconds, charge an enemy Hero dealing 150 (+4% per level) damage and stunning them for 1.5 seconds. Nearby enemies are knocked away and take 75 (+4% per level) damage.
(R) Sanctification
After 0.5 seconds create a field of holy energy that makes allied Heroes Invulnerable. Lasts 3 seconds.
Abilities Gained Through Talents

Tyrael Talents
1 (?)
4 (?)
7 (?)
10 (?)
13 (?)
16 (?)
20 (?)

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