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I am an avid gamer and streamer, with a great interest in Blizzard games. I am relatively new to Heroes of the Storm, as well as the MOBA genre, but that hasn't stopped me from playing and getting better. Within my first two weeks of playing HotS, I attained rank 17 and am still pushing higher.

When I'm not playing games, I am attending school at a university. I am studying as a computer science major so that I can make a transition from playing games to developing the games that I want to play; my dream games. I have a cat and a fiancee, of which both I love. I am a massive fan of Asian cuisine.
My personality consists mostly of bad jokes and monotone. I come off as very stoic to some people. I am not a huge fan of talking just to make noise. I prefer only to talk when I have something to say that is meaningful. However, I do enjoy talking to my viewers, so if you're in my stream, feel free to chat me up!

Angus the Beefy, Tyrant King of Burger

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