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I have other acc too. The other one I had created near crismas, cuz of the free stumpack and didn't like the gameplay of the heroes I unlocked with this acc. Call me bonushunter if you want I'm just want to be honest. I've been playing Blizz games since early ages. Also mostly LoD for 2 years(you have all the skills in game of dota runnung on Warcraft 3 and create heroes on your own, then fight agaist other concept created heroes) and other mobas too, before HotS: Dota2,LoL,Smite, FPS games too. So I've earned some expirience in creating heroes from zero by the time playing the LoD mod, and to be honest with you that LoD mod, was Pandora's box man. Why? Do you have seen Ability Draft that appeared in their game? They heared and even tried to copy the concept of Lod made from their map, just like Dota apeared from WarCraft 3, but didn't succeded, and even made it worse, becouse of not possessing the right knowledge how to do it. A map running stable on Warcraft 3 is using it's game engine, witch they didn't made to copy, so the mod can not be run and behaves properly :D. If you don't believe me try picking same hero on Dota 1 and Dota 2, and see for yourself the difference. But I have my 3,000+ hours of learning how to create hero from zero in LoD and a lot of time experimenting in the map editor too. So I've been seen stable concepts of heroes, that can may be relesed in some form in some mobas after 10 years or even never. Concepts from 6-10 skills making it behaves like 3-5. What I'm trying to tell you is that I have been in the evolved farbric of the skills for Mobas games man. A place where the Moba masses has never been. So I can use my skills here, also finished high school of arts. Working half the year, each year as a bartender in my town and country. Love to spend gaming days from time to time, this is how I chill xD

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