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(GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)



About Me

Casual but competitive player looking for Duo partner that doesn't play 24/7 but does take the time that they play seriously. I am flex with access to almost every hero (only missing Tychus and Tyrael).

My top hero is The Butcher, but I am skilled with Sylvanas, Brightwing, Li Li, Muradin, Lt Morales, Zeratul, Nova, Sonya, Arthas or Nazeebo. I can hold my own with most characters (probably wouldn't seek me if you are looking for an Abathur or TLV, as I don't have the micro skills for those characters yet and simply don't have the time to invest in them to get really good again).

I am available mostly in the evenings, specifically after 8pm Central (US) time.
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