
Rank: User
Status: Offline
Rep: 0
BattleTag: CaptainCoke#2946

Preferred role




Days Available

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Time Zone

(GMT+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna



About Me

Pref roll is Specialist, but it's more a Flex role:
- Not entirely comfortable with some heroes, but can play all different classes.

Looking for a little bit under pro people to play with. Getting tired of all the nonsense games in Quick Matches.

I'm somewhere between Average and Pro to be honest, but never really had the chance to actually play proper pro matches.
A complete team-player, I'd pref to duo things than to do them alone. Not really a shot caller in the matches but always giving my 100%
Contact me to Play

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