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About Me

Harcore/Pro playstyle. Have no current competitive experience in HoTS, but have played several games at a high level in the past, and I love the competitive environment. Looking to move towards that in HoTS and play a bit more seriously. Available evenings almost every night.

Can play pretty much everything.

Assassins: Falstad, Zeratul, Jaina, Kael'thas, Valla, Illidan, Tychus, and working on Butcher.

Specialist: Zagara, Azmodan, Sgt. Hammer, and have picked on Sylvanas recently.

Support: Malfurion, Lili, Uther, Tassadar, Tyrande, Brightwing, working on Rehgar.

Warrior: Johanna, Anub'arak, ETC, Muradin, and heavily playing Leoric.

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