About Me
Ignore the preferred role because I can play basically any hero decently. In terms of each role, the heroes I main for each are Warrior:
Sonya/Muradin(But good at all except Anub'Arak), Assassin: Valla/Kael'thas, Support: Malf/Li Li/Uther, and Specialist:
Murky(Can play Sylvanas).
At the moment, I play Hero League in my spare time but I take the game very seriously and do not take kindly to losses. The only players I play with on a (somewhat) regular basis are my guildmates from WoW, but they don't play as often as me and surely do not take the game as seriously.
I am really looking to get into a decent Hero League or Team League group and am willing to learn and practice any Hero that a potential team wants me to.