Preferred role




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About Me

Age: 21
Country: The Netherlands
Level: 40


When I started playing Heroes of the Storm, I realized that I really enjoyed the fast paced matches and the tactics you need to use to win some games. I've played Dota 2 before and I really enjoyed it, but HotS seems to be more of a game for me.

Preferred characters;
Support: Uther, Brightwing
Warrior: Stitches, Muradin, Sonya
Assassin: Jaina, Falstad
Specialist: Sylvanas

The characters above are the characters I love the most playing, but that doesn't mean that those are the only characters I play.

Preferred maps: Cursed hollow, Battlefield of Eternity, Dragon Shire, Haunted Mines.

If you like to play with sometime or want to try me out for a clan or something like that, don't bother asking :)

*My rank is updated daily
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