Preferred role




Days Available

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(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)



About Me

I play HoTS for fun and for competition. I am a teacher in my career and more available over the summer. Once September comes into play I'll have a different schedule. I mostly play Assassin and Warrior class types but have experience in the other roles as well. I'm an older individual and would prefer to play with a mature group to have a good time and shoot the ****. I don't enjoy BM, so if that is what you prefer to do, I don't think we'll be playing much. If you're here for fun competitive gaming, please feel free to hit me up.

GT- Spoticus#1841

Exp with champs I currently own:
Specialist: Nazeebo
Warrior: Muradin, Johanna, ETC
Assassin: Zeratul, Illidan, Thrall, Valla
Support: Lili
Contact me to Play

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