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About Me

I am a rank 1 player with 2000 games and I play many tier one heroes that are on lvl 9 - 3 k MMR but that's coz my computer crashed 6 times and it dropped a lot,I have experience from ESL and can help the team captain get into some of the pro games, I LITRALLY play all roles, I have all 8 different kinds that are on lvl 10+ (utility -Abathur lvl 10 , kaelthas - sustain DMG lvl 13 , Kharazim - healer lvl 11 , zeratul - ambush lvl 12 , Sonya - bruiser - lvl 10 , Muradin - tank lvl 10 , tyrande - weak support lvl 10 , thrall - Meele assassin lvl 10.) I am 15 year old speak good English and can shot call if needed, I adapt to the new ways of draft very quickly coz I watch a lot of pro tournaments, and I play lots of friendly hero league - down sides are that I sometimes talk to much being young but u can always ask me to stop, but I never rage and will not be toxic Thxs for looking into me.
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