
Rank: User
Status: Offline
Rep: 0
BattleTag: Stealthy132#1249

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Hey all!

I'm a fairly casual player who plays 99% in solo queue quick match. That said, I know the meta well, from all world regions. I pay attention to HGC, and though I play for fun, I also enjoy climbing in MMR as a side effect. I don't take the game too seriously, however, if I were to be on a team with the goal of climbing rank/ladder I would absolutely be on point. I am a calm, calculating strategist who would rather give/receive constructive criticism than be toxic for any reason. I value communication both ways. My schedule is the main problem, and why I solo queue, as I own 4 businesses and though being my own boss lets me set a schedule, emergencies happen and I have a lot of responsibilities which demand a lot of time.

I have a very diverse hero pool (pretty much anyone but TLV). I prefer to play anti-meta (currently bad/low win %) characters, which has dropped my MMR a good amount, but perform well with high tier character when it's time to play them as well. My highest win % is on support and specialist, though I love to play mages and ambushers. I am above average as most melee assassins, and slightly below average as a tank. That said, I have never played tank in a party or with coms. I feel I engage and peel well, but with PUGs re-engaging when they shouldn't after a peel, or poor follow up I feel my #'s as tank are likely lower than they should be.

Given a 2500+ mmr with pure solo queue, I know I could push Master at very least with a team and coms of like skilled players. I look forward to potentially playing with a solid group and making some new gaming friends. Please feel free to message me if you'd like to try me out, as I'm open to whatever doors may open!

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