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(GMT+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague



About Me

Hello Guys!

I have been playing HOTS since beginning of November so I got already 1600 matches so I know a bit of this game. ALmost all of my heroes are over lvl 8 (except the very new one(s)). My main role is support (bw, uther, reghar) but I can play with the other heroes as well. I am trying to climb up on the letter (hero league) but I am stucked appr at rank 14 beacuse of a lot greedy man who's always dying in the middle of chasing. And I am tired of this so I am looking for a normal (!) party member/team who can play as a team. Im playing on the EU server all day mostly in the evening (CET 22:00 - 0:00) but on Friday and Saturday night I can play even more. So I would be pleased if someone add me as a friend (Vikarius#2811) and start to play the real teamfight. ;) Dont hesitate to contact me I cant bite you from this distance. :)
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