Heroes of the Storm Forums

Serious team looking for a 3k+ MMR DPS main for tournaments & scrims

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Quote | PM | +Rep by kels » June 1, 2015 5:32am | Report
Age: 17


Role: Assassin

Top 4 Heroes in that role: Valla Illidan Kerrigan Falstad

Competitive Experience: Some experience in HotS in ESL with a team but never really got far, experience playing in League and Starcraft 2 tournaments at diamond/master level.

Willing to use teamspeak: Yes

Link to Hotslogs: https://www.hotslogs.com/Player/Profile?PlayerID=1188640

Posts: 2
Quote | PM | +Rep by Rawrqs » June 1, 2015 5:15pm | Report
Age: 21

IGN: Rawrqs#2760

Role: Specialist > Assasin > Support

Sylvanas, Illidian, Lili, Jaina

Competitive Experience: Heroes of Newerth over 1900, lots of Dota 2 experiance

Willing to use teamspeak: yes

Link to Hotslogs: https://www.hotslogs.com/Player/Profile?PlayerID=1804200

Posts: 1
Quote | PM | +Rep by Shieldz » June 3, 2015 10:51am | Report



Top 4 Heroes in that role:Anub, ETC, Diablo, Muradin, and i can also now play johanna. I can honestly play any tank very well

Competitive Experience: Ive played against top tier players, and i know i can play with the best of them. I dont have 3000 mmr yet, but just give me a chance to tank, and i can say with 100% that you will want me on your team. Just give me one to prove it.

Willing to use teamspeak:Yes

Link to Hotslogs:https://www.hotslogs.com/Player/Profile?PlayerID=1323111

Posts: 8
Quote | PM | +Rep by daerveth » June 3, 2015 7:15pm | Report
Age: 22

IGN: Daerveth

Role: specialist/assasin/bruiser

Top 4 Heroes in that role: Sonya, murky, nova, (stitches back in the days), vikings.

Competitive Experience: participated in heroes hype, I can also shotcall decently and have a nice amount of team play (not only soloqueue)

Willing to use teamspeak: yup

Link to Hotslogs: https://www.hotslogs.com/Player/Profile?PlayerID=784272

Posts: 4

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