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Serious team looking for a 3k+ MMR DPS main for tournaments & scrims

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Quote | PM | +Rep by Swifty1337 » May 10, 2015 12:16pm | Report
We are team; Strawberry Puppy Kisses, we competed in heroes hype and finished 5th out of 16 teams & we are currently looking for a main tank and a main DPS to go further and compete in ESL Majors, you must be 3k MMR on Hotslogs.

Before adding me in game please fill out this application.




Top 4 Heroes in that role:

Competitive Experience:

Willing to use teamspeak:

Link to Hotslogs:

Add me after filling out this application

Thank you.

Notable (1)
Posts: 4
Quote | PM | +Rep by julesdh » May 10, 2015 2:34pm | Report
Age: 19

IGN: julesdh


Top 4 Heroes in that role: Valla, Tycus, Illidan, Nova

Competitive Experience: Played in many SC2 tournaments (not that its a moba)

Willing to use teamspeak: OFC

Link to Hotslogs: https://www.hotslogs.com/Player/Profile?PlayerID=1270626

Posts: 5
Quote | PM | +Rep by Crs Grim » May 10, 2015 5:00pm | Report
Strawberry Puppy Kisses. Omg the name :) perfect! best of all worlds

P.S. Gratz on the ESL win

Grim is a top rank Heroes player and guide creator. He has over 5600games played with Tassadar. So you can be sure you are getting quality content and info. Today, he is currently a free-agent looking for a pro team. Before he was a former member of TeamCurse Gaming and ZDK gaming.

Feel free to check out the guide:

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Crs Grim
Remarkable (33)
Posts: 420
Quote | PM | +Rep by CrouS » May 11, 2015 2:24am | Report
Age: 28

IGN: CrouS

Role: Assasin's

Top 4 Heroes in that role: Kerrigan - Thrall - Zerathul - illidan

Competitive Experience: never played in tournament before- but got the server first kills in vanila and burning cursade time..(ofc its not my personel achvs we succeed that with a group)

Willing to use teamspeak: ofc

Link to Hotslogs: https://www.hotslogs.com/Player/Profile?PlayerID=176168

crurrent rank 22 on hero league right now(solo)
Tag: CrouS#2860

Posts: 19
Quote | PM | +Rep by Swifty1337 » May 11, 2015 3:43pm | Report

Notable (1)
Posts: 4
Quote | PM | +Rep by LichTerLoh » May 12, 2015 12:10am | Report
Age: 21

IGN: LichTerLoh

Role: Offtanks; Melee/Range-Assasins (all)
->Shotcalling avaliabel if needed

Top 4 Heroes in that role:


Competitive Experience:

Esl-Pro teams 3vs3 and fieldcommander in World of tanks (Top 3 Clan Eu)

Willing to use teamspeak: sure, and i wanne improve my gameplay by replay analizies and esl-streams as well

Link to Hotslogs:
(dropped by soem tryouts for my owne team to 3,1k->3,3k)
Rank 1 200Points+

Battletag: LichTerLoH#2220

Posts: 2
Quote | PM | +Rep by Diamades » May 12, 2015 12:22pm | Report
Age: 23

IGN: Diamades

Role: Either/or. Preferably Assasin

Top 4 Heroes in that role: Illidan - Valla - Tychus - Falstad

Competitive Experience: Played Heroes of Newerth competitively for 2 years, have been playing Dota/HotS ever since HoN died :(.

Willing to use teamspeak: Yes

Link to Hotslogs: https://www.hotslogs.com/Player/Profile?PlayerID=550786


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Posts: 3
Quote | PM | +Rep by LevasK » May 13, 2015 12:55am | Report
@Swifty1337 Comments like: "bump" are considered to be spam, so please stop making them, or else I will have to lock this thread.

P.s. I've already deleted 2-3 of those comments from your thread and warned you via PM, so I won't warn you again.

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Remarkable (29)
Posts: 355
Quote | PM | +Rep by Wraith3lade » May 14, 2015 2:18am | Report
Age: 23

IGN: Wraith3lade

Role: Assassin/Specialist

Top 4 Heroes in that role: Falstad, Sylvanas (come on, she is ***a), Valla, Tychus

Competitive Experience: Been playing competetive in HoN, tried in Dota 2 aswell, but never went that far

Willing to use teamspeak: yes, a team wont work without team communication

Link to Hotslogs: https://www.hotslogs.com/Player/Profile?PlayerID=1413583

Your Faithfully


Posts: 4
Quote | PM | +Rep by Shadeslayers » May 15, 2015 7:03am | Report
Age: 22

IGN: Shadeslayer#2402

Role: Assasin/Specialist

Top 4 Heroes in that role: Sylvanas, Illidan, Valla, Jaina

Competitive Experience: Played League of legends 5v5 ranked at diamond lvl (alot of Go4lol Tournaments)

Willing to use teamspeak:
Link to Hotslogs: https://www.hotslogs.com/Player/Profile?PlayerID=809445 My hotslogs is insanely inaccurate as i haven't saved 60% of my games

Posts: 9

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