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Posted in Recruitment / LFG, Jun 22, 2015 Rank 1 - 3K MMR Support/DD/Assassin looking for a team. "Rank 1 - 3K MMR Support/DD/Assassin looking for a team. Add me - julesdh#2742"


Posted in Recruitment / LFG, Jun 02, 2015 Rank 1 support looking for team 3.2k MMR "Im a support/tank main 3.2k MMR looking for a team to play with in Go4Heroes/team league...."


Posted in Recruitment / LFG, Jun 02, 2015 Making a pro/semi pro HOTS team in the UK. "I am a very experienced MOBA player who has switched to HOTS and I am looking to join a pro/semi..."



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