Etc, the main tank (he's rock hard.) by GeorgeGaming

Etc, the main tank (he's rock hard.)

By: GeorgeGaming
Last Updated: Nov 27, 2016
2 Votes
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Build: Main Tank

Level 1
Level 4
Level 7
Level 10
Level 13
Level 16
Level 20

Threats to E.T.C. with this build

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Threat Hero Notes
Lt. Morales Stuns remove heals, just rock her.
Anub'arak He's a bug, who tried to copy your moves, but failed. SQUSAH HIM WITH YOUR GUITAR (Cocoon is nice tho.)
Azmodan You can both out-maneuver him, and stun him out of his ray.
Kael'thas What a joke. Easily dodge Gravity Lapse and avoid spreading living bomb.
Zeratul If he tries attacking you you have two stun options and he's forced to go away.
Falstad Hits hard, but your disruption can easily kill him. If he dashes away, just stun him with powerslide than face melt.
Kharazim Decent damage + good healing = something you don't want to face. Actually he's pretty easy, just don't over extend.
Muradin If he goes stun heavy our in trouble. Just stay safe and don't let him body block you.
Rehgar Not much of a threat since his nerf and the mount nerf. Just be wary of lightning shield.
The Butcher Pre 125 Meat--Pretty Easy, can't do much in lane to hurt you.
Abathur Oh the split-push, increases all threat levels by two for whoever he's Hatted on.
Artanis Whatever. He hits hard but stuns can kill his survivability.
Chen Invincible, but can't hurt you too much. Can't counter Mosh Pit. Only threat is wandering keg, but he needs a team to capitalize on it.
Illidan Pretty easy until 16 where he gets fiery brand and becomes a tank melting monster. Just be careful and after 1-2 seconds after he flips, slide in the opposite direction. Chances are he dived you and you've stunned him AND body-blocked him.
Johanna Hard to kill, but can't kill you. Iron Skin makes her unstoppable so be careful with timing.
Li-Ming If you soak her moves, she becomes not as dangerous. If her cooldowns reset, just run dude. Powerslide and Face Melt can be countered by Teleport, so be clever when you use the two.
Nova May be worth grabing Block Party in case of Anti Armor Shells, but she's pretty weak in lane.
Rexxar Actually, he's hard to fight, but since it's such a rare hero and the people playing him are really bad, just gank his pet.
Tyrael Why not classify him as a support? Aoe Shields and Aoe Invulnerable. Unless he's gone with a Basic Attack Nuke Build, your safe 1v1.
Valla Keep Powerslide to escape her rain of vengeance.
Xul Hits decently hard, pushes pretty hard. Just powerslide away from the scythe and your safe.
Auriel Same as Artanis, just be warned that she major buffs assasins, so be wary. Can counter your mosh pit
Diablo Hits decently hard, has bettwe waveclear and disruption than you. You have no way to melt extra health granted by his souls, so you'll whack on each other for eternity (Welcome to Battlefield of Eternity II)
Malfurion Roots and Reveals are annoying, but not the end of the world. The heal-over-time really sucks tho.
Tassadar Almost as hard to lane against as Li-Li just don't try and get the kill as he will bait you into the keep.
The Lost Vikings Gives enemy team a lot of XP, but if they group up, you cac just kill them really quickly with powerslide and echo pedal.
E.T.C. Hands off! He's prolly off-tank, so you'll attack him quickly.
Cho Cho'Gall is strong because Gall can act while stunned. Mosh Pit can be broken with Will of Gall, and Psychotic Break can murder you even if he dies. Be wary.
Gall Ditto Cho.
Gazlowe About as many stuns as you! His split-pushing is about the extent of his danger until 10, where grav-bomb + other bomb kills you.
Jaina Burst is pretty high, but just avoid blizzard and your good to go. She lacks the mobility needed to avoid your stuns (at least until level 20)
Stitches Gank spank. Hooks you into places. Nasty gross stomach puts you at their core. Jeez. Really easy to lane against if you avoid hook.
Tychus Melts you as a tank, but pretty easy to counter cause of his lack of mobility.
Uther Stuns, stuns, stuns. Ruins your day with divine storm. He's not dangerous 1v1, but in a group fight he's a monster.
Arthas A Warrior who does damage similar to an assasin who has roots and slows. Powerslide to counter his Dragon Bud.
Dehaka Not dangerous on his own, like Chen and ___. Drag will be painful and so will dark swarm. Not immediatly dangerous, until level 10 and onward.
Gul'dan Stun through his Drain Life and your ok. He'll harm himself with Life Tap so capitalize on that by removing his access to drain life
Leoric Same as Dehaka
Nazeebo If he's competent, than he'll be really hard to fight. Your Guitar Solo is strong enough to heal through his damage, until 16 where he gets Ring of Poison.
Sonya Hits way too hard and has way too much self sustain. Use Mosh Pit against her tho, and she's just as powerless as the next guy.
Tracer Not that much damage as far as it goes, but you can't ever hit her. No, never.
Zagara Lanes hard. Pushes hard. Just stun her away.
Alarak No sliding to escape? No knockback, and more importantly, NO GUITAR HERO! prolly going to hurt you. A lot.
Chromie Ow. Hurts, but she's fragile and you can stun her out of casts. Just don't overextend and you'll be OK.
Kerrigan A good counter. Her combo can destroy you and she builds up large shields. Focus her with Face Melt, and avoid her heroic. Ultralisk is a pain in the asteroid.
Medivh Can always escape you, has great damage at level 7+, and can negate a huge amount of damage. Be very careful around him.
Sgt. Hammer Hard to fight against cause of the extreme range she can fight at. Just go lane somewhere else if it's really being bad, or feign a retreat and ambush her with friends.
Sylvanas Listed at this rank not because of dangerousness but because of the amount she can siege.
Tyrande A good support who has a worldwide ranged nuke? Hmmm. Stuns, Heals, and Damage. Seems like you in support form. Just be careful.
Varian Arms Build: Spikes really hard. Just take Show Stopper and or Imposing Presence
Varian Protection Build: While not dangerous 1v1, he can force you to try to attack him, forcing you into the range of towers or worse, a keep. Be careful
Zarya Strong as Mountain. Seriously tho, ability to get stronger from burst damage hurts you--and the team--a lot.
Murky Bubble goes past stuns and knockback, slime slows you and your BA isn't really strong enough to kill him.
Brightwing Hyper Mobility, counters you out of Mosh Pit, deals large damage and Aoe Heals. Go Face Smelt instead.
Greymane His burst goes through the roof, hitting you REALLY HARD and stuff. Plus Human form can kite you pretty much all day. Imposing Presence is a good choice
Raynor Melts you with giant-killer and can stop your slide with penetrating round. One of the strongest laners in game. Get allies to come lane with you.
Samuro Just go camp in spawn and he won't murder you. Unstoppable Frames hurt you nearly as much as Burst.
The Butcher Post 125 meat-- Hits like a truck, hurts you until you decide to cry on a rock, etc (double.) Just Mosh Pit
Varian Fury Build: Same as Sonya
Lunara The one assasin that can actually fully counter you. Poison hurts you a lot, More mobile AND Survivable. Avoid engaging her on your own instead bring friends.
Li Li Impossible to actually attack, good heals, blind, etc (get it?). Just don't.
Thrall Best Duelist in the game. Windfury + Sundering. Enough Said.

Pros and Cons to MAIN TANK E.T.C Top

Good damage.
Self support.
Mosh pit.

More squishy
No answer to ability-damage burst.
No true escape.

Move Overview (in case you didn't know the Chords of EPIC ROCK) Top

Q: Powerslide--Dash in a direction, dealing medium damage and stunning all hit for 1.25 seconds. 12 second cooldown.

W: Face Melt--Deal mild damage and knockback in a small area around you. 10 second cooldown.

E: Guitar Solo--Regenerate a large amount of health every second for 4 seconds. 8 second cooldown.

R1: MOSH PIT!--After a 0.75 second cast, channel to stun in a medium radius around for 4 seconds. 120 second cooldown.

R2: Stage Dive--After a long cast, go anywhere on the map and deal a large amount of damage in a huge radius. 75 second cooldown.

How to main tank--as ETC, Rock God! Top

Most of the time, ETC is viewed as an off-tank with support capabilities. However, more often than not, I have been forced to main tank. So here's the build most effective for main tanking.

Green means Recommended.
Yellow means A good choice, but not the best.
Orange means HIGHLY situational
Red means a trap choice

Lvl 1: Defines your path.
Guitar Hero--This talent instantly boosts your survivability by 25% and it scales in game. The added boost to attack speed is nice. It get this 95% of games.
Block Party--Shuts down basic attack heroes, as it effects the entire team around you. Get if there's 3 or more basic atack heavy heroes on the oppisite games
Prog Rock--While a decent choice, it can be really hard to get regen globes. Only get this on Dragon Shire, where regen globes are plentiful. Just remember, Groupies isn't your main goal.

Lvl 4: Everything is situational here.
Speed Metal--Actually this talent is decent, increasing chase potential and allowing you to trigger Guitar Hero more.
Loud Speakers--I'm not sure how to define this talent. The extra knockback seems like while it would help you escape, that it removes situations that you could use the talent. I say pass the talent.
Crowd Surfer--This talent seems like it would only be useful while escaping--which speed metal does better. However, it could be used as an ambush. Highly Situational, take Speed Metal.

Lvl 7: Two great choices
Hammer-on--Directly synergizes with Guitar Hero, increasing healing/damage done. If I've taken Guitar Hero, this is my pick. However it's decent without the talent too.
Echo Pedal--This is your second choice. Good Aoe damage that deals more to minions and mercenaries. Take this if you DON'T take Guitar Hero.
Pinball Wizard--No. No, don't take this. ONE TRIGGER OF ECHO PEDAL DEALS MORE DAMAGE! Doesn't synergize with any other talents, and locks your rotation into something that's super predictable. No.

Lvl 10: Heroic
Mosh Pit--A long stun, easily capitalized by Allies. IF YOUR BEING GANKED

seriously, wastes a 2 minute long cooldown and they get cooldown recovery.
Stage Dive--This is almost always a good choice, although it's best on large maps. Easier to use than Mosh Pit.

Lvl 13: Melt some Face
Mic Check--Allows you to spam disruption? Really easy to meet the requirements, and increases both the potential of Echo Pedal and Hammer-on.
Face Smelt--More versatile chasing and slows help everyone escape. Take this is there's a hyper engager (Illidan, Sonya, etc (get it)), and or aggressive melee.

Lvl 16: Mitigate!
Aggressive Shredding--Yes this is your best choice, as it:
1. Resets Hammer-on/Echo Pedal
2. Keeps Guitar Hero/Prog Rock and Rockstar active almost 24/7
3. Basically increases health regen by 100
Show Stopper--Good when getting ganked. Otherwise, pass.
Imposing Presence--Shuts down basic attacks further, stacks with block party. Only take with 3 or more strong basic attack heroes.

Lvl 20: End of the Game.
Tour Bus--decent talent often overshoot with powerslide. They really should rename it Touren Bus.
Crowd Pleaser--More mobility = more split-pushing.
Death Metal--If your tanking right, your not dying. No.
Storm Shield--Awww yesh. This is the stuff. 20% of your max hitpoits is 1600 hitpoints, and it's AOE. Take this cause it's so strong.
Bolt of the Storm--Take this if your getting ganked a lot. Helps with that I guess.

Tactics Top

How to use Powerslide
Generally, don't engage with powerslide unless you have a good reason (two melee assassins, a channel, etc). Instead use it either to prevent a hero's escape, or to interrupt a target.
How to use Face Melt
Again, you don't want to engage with Face Melt unless there's a good reason (Channels, Dangerous Melee assassins, etc.) Instead, you can use it in conjunction every time you use powerslide (look at the cooldowns), or to disrupt the melee.
How to use Guitar Solo
Guitar Solo, is an ability that you should keep active on you at all times. It increases survival, triggers Rockstar, and more importantly, your lvl 1/7 talents. If you take Guitar Hero and Hammer-On like I suggest, make sure to keep this up EVERY ENCOUNTER.

How to use MOSH PIT!
Use it when there are allies around to abuse it's effect. I will repeat this however.


Seriously it's really bad, and if you do, you've wasted your Heroic and they all got Cooldown Reduction... yayyy.

How to use Stage Dive
It's pretty easy to be honest. You can use it to
--Go to a teamfight no matter where you are at.
--Ambush the Core (not recommended)
--Go to an objective.
If you land on enemies, you deal large damage to them. This move--while not comboing with other players, is definitely a good choice, especially on large maps.

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