If Valla has the opportunity to free-shoot mobs or heroes at 10 stacks, she can easily finish this level 1 talent. It's based primarily around her ability to do a lot of auto-attacking while also flipping around gaining lots of extra damage.
Completion of both quests (lvl 1 and lvl 4) will allow for high dmg at high stacks, while also returning health (lvl 13). Her level 16 talent allows for quick depletion of enemies health, especially with the level 20 talent.
For this build to work, Valla will need a strong front line, or lots of team CC to ensure she is continually attacking.
This build is not a good choice when the opportunity for free-shooting isn't available, such as versing a heavy dive team (after level 13 it becomes easier)or versing high cc teams or having a weak healer or weak frontline on her team. If allowed to solo-lane without serious opposition this talent build does have some serious wave clear abilities, but not as much as other wave-clear talent builds. This build allows for medium amounts of waveclear while also allowing her to combat opponents who may challenge her.
Biggest issues of this build is continual ooming (running out of mana) and the inability to attack with 10 stacks. If you haven't finished the lvl 1 quest by the time you've reached level 16, then picking Seething Hatred talent instead of Manticore will help complete the quest. See build (a). Obviously, if you haven't finished the level 1 quest by level 16, this build has failed versus the enemy team's composition, or is not compatible with the player's playstyle.
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